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How to get noticed???? (5)

1 Name: Pikachu : 2014-11-15 12:55 ID:rw/DrhYB [Del]

I hate self promotion but somehoe I want to get noticed by the surrounding people!

2 Name: Aia : 2014-11-15 20:48 ID:H5NhH3Qk [Del]

Being noticed comes in two ways
1) you're noticed in a good way because of your sheer awesomeness
2)you get noticed in a bad way because people are so irritated of you

If you want to get noticed in the first way do things that you are good at in front of them effortlessly don't try so hard to get their attention they might think you have the ADHD syndrome wich may lead to number two option.

Well that's all I can say, I hope it helps. XD

3 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-05 09:41 ID:fgl1QvdJ [Del]

Get a Big card board and write free hugs go to the mall. See how this turns out. It might end up well hopefully.

My idea spreads good toughts and its fun. But remember don't chase just let them come if they whant to.

(Ain't self promotion but you will get notice) Otherwise participate in movements or join clubs!

4 Name: JNR$ : 2014-12-05 21:17 ID:Y55mnvok [Del]

what's wrong with adhd you just got alot of energy i had it as a kid an i was a straight A student most kids grow out of it like i did back to your question dress up in something nice or funny most important have fun doing whatever your doing i don't like seeing depressed peeps i gotta look away an try my best forgot that those peeps or i feel sad it like how i gotta change the channel ween the acpca talks about animal curlty i can't stand to seeing those animals looking so miserable

5 Name: Water The Toxic Savior : 2014-12-05 22:10 ID:FXV5G6in [Del]

Status is only defined by how your life effects others, nothing more and nothing less; Those who seek power should not be trusted with it, and fame is nothing more than the sacrifice of your own life in order for others to escape from their own with. This is what they call "selling your soul to the world".

All things disregarded, if you would love the acknowledgement you so desperately crave then you have to find truth within your own life before you can ever hope to satisfy anyone else's , and if you really want to know how to be strong, then learn how to fight alone because when you reach the top there's nothing to hold on to when everyone below you wants nothing more than to knock you down.