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Problems. (8)

1 Name: No one : 2014-11-13 20:09 ID:g8nrX5W2 [Del]

Okay, I have a bit of a problem. Well, big problem. At least to me. Anyway, so I'm at the age of seventeen and, well.. I'm scared. I'm scared of the real world. I'll graduate this year.. Also, usually, people around my age already had their first relationship or first kiss. I haven't. I'm not trying to rush into stuff like romance to soon, but people have made fun of me because of it. I'm scared of never having a relationship and such. I don't want to die alone and most people don't. Anyways, if I could get some advice about this or the growing up problem, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you for reading this, I really, really do appreciate it. ~ No one

2 Name: monstermagnet : 2014-11-14 00:45 ID:Zj/2mUg4 [Del]

I think that you should do what you want to with your life and try not to let what other people think bother you too much, I know that's kinda hard but it's the best I've got. Also you're not missing much with the relationship thing, I think you should be ready for a relationship in order for one to work. I hope this helps.

3 Name: Aia : 2014-11-14 06:41 ID:w9qmWpYi [Del]

Loosen up a bit, you're just seventeen you've still got a long way to go. Live your life the way you want it. There are people in their early twenties that are still single. Don't fret. Y(^_^)Y

4 Name: Edition !1sC7CjNPu2 : 2014-11-14 07:16 ID:nBPZv7p0 [Del]

Hey, some of us went through the same thing. I mean, I also was scared of graduating, it's a big step after all. But once you get to this stage (university and work) you'll loose most of those worries, you will find out that the most important thing is to enjoy the time you spent on it. XD on my first day i was so nervous i kept starring at my phone to avoid eye contact with the upper classmen.So like Aia said, loosen up a bit. Take it easy and remember that even if it's a big step, it is all within your reach ;)

5 Name: Cin : 2014-11-15 10:58 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

It's fine not to know where your going in life, you will never truly know because life is like a confusing maze. The real world is scary ill tell you, but it is also very beautiful. You will find someone all in good time.

6 Name: - - : 2014-11-15 17:43 ID:w27wFFuA [Del]

Life's a journey. There'll be great times, and there'll bad times. There's no need to have everything planned out, just work toward what you want and enjoy the ride. You'll find some of the most important things to you along the way (friends, love, etc.), so don't look so far ahead that you miss them when they show up. If I've learned anything, it's that life very rarely goes the way we planned it, so don't worry if you don't have everything figured out yet.

7 Name: ksai !qrEKylLXvY : 2014-11-15 20:27 ID:QlM37p8X [Del]

Don't worry your not alone. I'm graduating this year too and scared too. I always have questions like what if I don't get into college or what do i want to do in life. I've also never been in a relationship or kissed anyone yet either and I know how sometimes that can hurt when all your friends have boyfriends or girlfriends or crushes and you have no one. I can't really give you advice since I don't really know what to do either but I just wanted you to know you're not alone on this.

8 Name: Hana : 2014-11-16 08:21 ID:YguJLvTL [Del]

Honestly, I was really scared when I graduated because my college was far from my home and I knew nobody in my college. Now, I am 19 and I have already spent 2 years in my college. I am still single bit that's fine because every great relationship deserves a waiting to be built correctly and to last. If you're not ready, don't force yourself. Before, I was so scared of people that I didn't have any friends. Now I have friends : not that much, only two but they're like sisters to me. Next year, i will change my topic subject at the university and go to another college. Humans do some errors but that's fine. I haven't wasted time because I became stronger and I get along with people more than before. Don't be afraid of being alone because there are always people for you. And don't be afraid to live in this world because even it's scaring, it is also beautiful. ( sorry for my english.. I am french :/ )