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I have a bit of a problem. (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-10 17:44 ID:4R6/jIAN [Del]

I have recently discovered that I have often been much too lazy to do anything at all. And I mean anything. Too lazy to get on the internet, lazy. Which is bad. I've since been too lazy to eat or drink, and have often been getting very sick because of this. I haven't gone to any of my classes in weeks, and it's quite difficult to get up in the morning to go to work. I'm on the verge of being fired. I also seem to be very depressed, and suicidal, which is unfortunate. I'm not going to blame anyone for my depression, because it's really not anyone's fault, except for possibly mine. I just don't see the need to go on anymore, and it's affecting me quite severely. Consciously, I know that all of this is absurd, but I just cannot seem to shake it. I was wondering if anyone here might have gone through something similar, or if people seem to think I should go to a doctor or psychiatrist. Any comment is appreciated, unless you're just being a dick.

2 Name: [daj] : 2014-11-10 17:55 ID:7Nm8c6sB [Del]

This onset of depression may not even be your fault. Maybe you've grown tired of your everyday environment. If I was in your situation I would take a trip. Out of the country maybe. Some place in the world you find interesting. I would also suggest going to see a doctor and a psychiatrist A.S.A.P. If you don't see the need to go on anymore you should find something, anything to grasp onto, multiple things if you need to. Whatever you do, just don't go down suicide lane. In your last moments you'll have your regrets of suicide. You'll struggle, but by that time it would have already been too late. Maybe even find a passion. I will repeat though, go to a doctor and a psychiatrist. They'll tell you what to do from there.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-10 17:58 ID:y0tSSZGz [Del]

Going for walks on a park on a harbour usually cheers me up, feeling depressed depends on whether or no you let yourself get that way. Try picking up a small hobby to occupy some time, when you get bored you tend to over think everything, leading to being depressed.

4 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-10 20:26 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Usually when people become like this they don't tend to change until the very moment before they break; and then they some how start something new in there life to get back on there feet. But lets not wait for that because that road sucks. What you need is to start kicking your own ass to start doing things that matter, and that's never easy. I have a tenancy to use anger as a motivation to get shit done, when my work really piles up I get MAD and use it to push all the way through, lot of my co-workers think im nuts but it's worked many times and I can't argue with the results. You can also find a motivation, "doing it for yourself because you want to prove to yourself that your better than this" works HALF the time. Sometimes you need something high, like that new car you wanted, or for that vacation you wanted, or even better for the sake of someone you care about (in my opinion this is the best one). Basically when you believe in someone or something better than yourself then it drive you further to please that high hope you have (and that's why a lot of religions are successful) the trick is to find that thing with in you. You may have already done this but then that your thing! To find that beauty in your life you've been looking for and the will to not give up on it till you found it. What also works for me is a change of pace, like getting a different job, or talking to new people, a vacation, or getting back into something you loved back in the day. Trust me it's feels great to mix-it-up-a-bit!

5 Name: Baan : 2014-11-11 15:00 ID:BPZNeLkl [Del]

Sounds like you're just bored with your life and you're not wishing death. Simply put you're living a very boring life so what's needed is a type of spark you could say or an epiphany that makes you have fun now lets just see if you can find it

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Dummy : 2014-11-11 18:20 ID:62WBgqB6 [Del]

What this guy said.

Stop have a boring salad, stop having a boring life. You need to challenge yourself more. Try new things, do drugs, travel, etc. Routine is your downfall, as it is mine.

8 Name: kanra : 2014-11-11 23:00 ID:SU3O3hv/ [Del]

I really am a lazy person too
I dont move around a lot
I just want to stay at home and sleep or play video games or watch anime shows to entertain myself

Sometimes you might feel like you are sick of your life
That only the same thing happens
Like that same old thing again and again

When i feel like that i would go out of the house
Try something i do not usually do
Like make prank calls
Visit the mall
And stuffs

You see there's no need to be sad about this
There are a lot of things to try in this world
But pls dont do drugs

9 Name: Aia : 2014-11-11 23:04 ID:ih2uloGq [Del]

Hey, when you are feeling lazy remember your goals, what you were aiming for!
Well I am a really lazy person, but everytime I remember my mom and all the hardwork she does in order forvmeto go to school I would remember that I study hoping that I will be a doctor and repay all her hardwork.

10 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-11-13 10:46 ID:+XYt416J [Del]

What do you like? What do you want? Just come up with one thing at least to answer both of these questions.