Dollars BBS | Personal
















Well I'm running out of juice so why not make a post. (11)

1 Name: CraftMind : 2014-11-08 19:31 ID:hTcALMSv [Del]

Just got out of High school and I had to move to a different state with my parents. Ok, that's fine goodbye friends for now I have to start my life with college/work. Joke's on me! I can't go to college or school because of a legal issue that's still pending. I did everything right, best in my class, nailed a job the first month moving in. Perfecto! but turns out this road block isn't moving. Had my parents not put the problem off so long I wouldn't have been in this mess. Anyways. Now I'm here staying at home playing games, eating, sleeping and freaking repeating. I've got nothing to do with my life while my friends are off going to college together having fun. Sending me pictures while I sit here and waste away. I can't socialize, I don't want to. there aren't many people I like. I'd love to have SOMEONE here but hey there ain't nobody here. starting to get bored of playing games ALL DAY. seems like sleeping is better than being awake staring at the wall. I'd rather not go out and find a girlfriend seeing as how my stupid trusting self got catfished not to long ago. I have so much pent up anger and pain and frustration and stupid depression. I've got no energy to be productive and change all this, what a shame.
Anyways, I'm just posting this cuz' I'm dead tired of living like this, I know this post wont change it but oh well.
I'm freakin 19 and I can't get my life straight. What a waste of a brain.

2 Name: CraftMind : 2014-11-08 19:32 ID:hTcALMSv [Del]

Oh! It should go without saying I guess, I wouldn't mind some help. The only person I talk to is, well, me. Sorta gets annoying.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-09 02:24 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

don't worry, I'm 25 (in December) and I can't get my life straight either.
At least you have your parents and they care enough to take them with you.
Just keep trying.

Keep your head up and force yourself to go outside, if it's what you feel you want.
I have to force myself to do things that I end up enjoying.

4 Name: CraftMind !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-09 02:51 ID:hTcALMSv [Del]

Yeah, and I'm a pretty positive guy it's just that some days it gets to me. This was one of those days. When you catch a Snapchat of your friends hanging out and casually laughing about your situation. Sorta makes you fell much more lonely.
Anyways I was just ranting, sorry to bug.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-09 03:46 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

Rant away, it's what this Board is for.

Also, it does kind of blow, but good friends laugh at each other.
So don't take it too hard, pal. :)

6 Name: teabase : 2014-11-09 04:52 ID:XoBeXn1n [Del]

"I'm freakin 19 and I can't get my life straight. What a waste of a brain."

You make it sound like others have their lives sorted at 19.
What about those who are 55 and haven't got a clue?
Hint: the majority of people.

As for a waste of a brain, there's only so far external factors can influence that. Your brain will only waste if you let it.
What are you doing with your free time? Posting on BBS boards and complaining about life.
You could be learning programming or languages (I recommend C# for programming and Japanese for languages) or educating yourself on matters social, political and anthropological.

Suggested reading:

  • Alexander Berkman

  • Albert Camus

  • Franz Kafka

  • Friedrich Nietzsche

You could also turn your time to other, more worldly pursuits: Is there any way you can offer support or help to your family or wider community?

The main problem is that there are too many things to do and it can seem overwhelming, but you are the only person who can make what you want out of life.

If you need energy, drink energy drinks or coffee until you feel like you have to do something or your heart will explode.

(tip: a lack of motivational energy will help when reading some of the aforementioned authors' works. You'll be able to identify with a lot of the thought processes behind their writing.)

Good luck.

7 Name: Anonymous person. : 2014-11-09 12:31 ID:lWSs6qWh [Del]

Well, you could call this as a "Motivational depression", and i ( and frankly no one else ) should act as we are in your position. And even tho it is hard to get yourself up and trying to do something about it such as getting a part time job or therapist, it is the only option, many things in life are not done with many options, rather than doing what many cant, with sheer will. And action has to be done with now for you are at your turn point of life, for if this motivation stuff does not stop now, then when? Now we don't know about this situation u are in, and frankly u don't have to say it. Just look at the few reasonable options u have, and force yourself to do one, for if not, nothing will be accomplished. Now what im saying can just be more jibber jabbber that could just pass right through you, but just get yourself in some field of action, anything but nothing is always the right path.

8 Name: CraftMind !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-09 13:54 ID:hTcALMSv [Del]

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll really take them into consideration. To be honest I wasn't expecting any replies but here I sit with a handful, thanks a lot guys.
I know 19 isn't that old, the reason why I said what I said was because back in early high school I had my life together pretty darn well, and the fact that I've gone backwards from that point is disappointing. And about the reading, I actually love to read I would read a ton but ever since moving here and receding to this dark room I've lost motivation to read or do anything about it..
But anyways Teabase, would you happen to have a link to a good tutorial for C+?

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: teabase : 2014-11-09 22:43 ID:XoBeXn1n [Del]

11 Name: CraftMind !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-10 01:20 ID:hTcALMSv [Del]

Thanks man, and I'll look up those names you put.