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Family Fights (3)

1 Name: Nakajima : 2014-11-06 06:11 ID:yReiJVdb [Del]

I'm really uncomfortable with sharing this, and this is my first time sharing problems ever, so please i hope i dont come across as irritating...

I love my parents alot, and i try to create less problems. I love my sister too but she causes heartbreak to my father because of her really mean and ungrateful words. My father isn't the calm and understanding kind, he's almost a carbon copy of my siter when mad (its the genes). So my dad will bang his head on a door or something while my sister self harm. Usually i just hide im my room, but when it gets worse, i tell (well usually beg) for them to stop. And when the huge wave of chaos stops, my dad will vent his anger on my mother, blaming her and calling her stupid and useless. Dont get me wrong, he's a nice person when he's normal. Most of the time I get a scolding for nothing. Well i dont really like to say it, but these things comes with violence... you know? Things that leaves a scar or bruise on the body? And as years past by, fights are happening more frequently between my sister and dad. Its really bad and it scares me and i'm just tired of getting involved in such things when i just when everyone to be happy. My family don't even have meals together anymore and i dont like seeing my mother so upset.

Can i ask for advice? What should i do to get everyone happy? I'm so lost... I'd never ever thought i'd ask for advice from strangers but this is the least embarrassing way right? I'm scared to tell my dad face to face because we're asians and our respect standards are up there ya know. So please give me some advice to manage the situation.

2 Name: The actor : 2014-11-06 06:42 ID:QU3csyJh [Del]

I think that your father and your sister should both seek counseling, not in a rude way but I honestly think things might get better.

3 Name: ksai !Ey8cW1k13k : 2014-11-06 07:04 ID:bfmyXfiX [Del]

I understand. My sister and my dad fight a lot too, but not as extreme as your father and sister. When they start fighting, it seems like no one can talk to my dad and calm him down.
So instead I try talking with my sister and get her to calm down in anyway I can. I try to make her laugh or if that doesn't work sometimes just listening to her thoughts and feelings calms her down. Usually if my sister calms down and stops fighting then my dad will see no reason to fight anymore and calm down too.
I would also try to seperate them as far as possible from each other so they can't anger each other anymore. you can make them go to opposite ends of your house or even try to get one of them to go out for a walk and clear their mind would be good too.
I hope this helps a little.