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good ways to relieve stress (22)

1 Name: ksai !Ey8cW1k13k : 2014-11-03 08:22 ID:ALYtz8uj [Del]

I've been really stressed out with school lately. Anyone have any good methods of relieving stress?

2 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2014-11-03 09:12 ID:TYYy7Qfi [Del]

Reading. Reading a good book always helped me! Going for a jog while blasting music is always good. After 1hr of studying and/or doing homework spend 10 minutes doing yoga, the back to work! I say yoga for many reasons. Doing an activity like watching YouTube videos, reading a book, playing a game, etc. can get distracting and next thing you know you've been at it till bed time and didn't get everything done. Yoga on the other hand gets you up, moving around and the blood flowing. it's great for helping you not get tired, not so destracting that you won't go back to work, and in general a greatwayto releave stress.

3 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-03 14:24 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

>>2 I looove reading! :D I don't see why people hate on books. It's not gonna affect your precious, non-existent "swag" away.
Whoops! Off topic.
I like to listen to music~ I drive everyone around me crazy because I always have my headphones on, but would you rather see me bitchin'? I especially listen to melodic dupstep and some amazing vocaloid songs (covered or not) ^_^

4 Name: \m/VinnyOutCast\m/ : 2014-11-03 15:52 ID:2O7/EbQv [Del]

listen to some moivational music while you beat the shit out of a punching bag (just incase you are holding some anger to)and then reward your self with your fav snack

5 Name: ksai !qrEKylLXvY : 2014-11-03 17:14 ID:QlM37p8X [Del]

>>2 >>3 >>4 The yoga did help and so did listening to kickass music. I also read a little too. I feel way better now. Thank you!

6 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-04 20:03 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

>>5 Glad to see I could help! :D

7 Name: teabase : 2014-11-05 05:22 ID:JfII8ck2 [Del]

Blow up a load of balloons and then pop them angrily.

8 Name: Venundreb : 2014-11-05 06:05 ID:FIaqLV13 [Del]

playing videogames

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-11-07 15:17 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

Beating up a pillow always works for me

11 Name: ZAK : 2014-11-07 20:19 ID:3mOCstk9 [Del]

being creative with whatever you got. basically art created from stress, anger, and madness works for me. does't matter if you are creative or not, it's a good stress reliever to be creative. take minecraft for example, make things explode.

12 Name: Mizutoki : 2014-11-08 08:52 ID:HY8d6e7s [Del]

Try to take walks or jogs. I don't do that but my friend does and she says it works, I can't really suggest my way of relieving stress.

13 Name: the actor : 2014-11-08 15:12 ID:Njw31jI6 [Del]

just maybe ripping up scrap paper into tiny pieces

14 Name: Sora : 2014-11-08 18:32 ID:bqu68UqT [Del]

Exercise or gaming always does it for me!

15 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-11-08 20:10 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

Listening to music is a good way to relieve stress. Also, sleeping seems to be very effective, you just forget about stress once your eyes are shut.

16 Name: Trash : 2014-11-10 12:48 ID:H8F2za8b [Del]

singing out loud is the best

17 Name: SON GOKU : 2014-11-10 17:11 ID:Y55mnvok [Del]

food /hot baths/showers /a bad of fishing is better then a good day of work / weed .

18 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-11-10 17:22 ID:kBOFE55l [Del]

i use martial arts and metalworking to relieve stress. Music and video games too

19 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-10 22:56 ID:lDGK4vLU [Del]

dunno if my coping is good, but I bottle up my stress, try and imagine it concentrating in my legs, and let it burn it's self out while I do my daily workout runs. There's something satisfying about running faster than you normally do just burning off of fuel made from rage until all the bad feelings go away.

20 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-11-14 22:36 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

~le bump because of the flipping spam. This is the Personal board where we help each other, not where I wanna murder a bitch ^^

21 Name: Aia : 2014-11-15 06:34 ID:GCxw/CyO [Del]

Watching anime always relieves my stress.

22 Name: teawith_ink : 2014-11-17 03:57 ID:fCEr+mHw [Del]

Doing art can help de-stress (in the long term)

Personally when I used to do art (once in a while), because I was such a perfectionist it'd actually cause me more stress and wasn't fun. But after I did a 30-day art challenge and doing art became more of a daily habit (which has been going on for a year now) -- it actually is really helpful for calming my mind. Even got rid of the migraine headaches I used to get DAILY! (I even went to a migraine specialist about them bc they were so bad thought that proved fruitless!) So yeah, art... powerful stuff.