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Teenage drama? (8)

1 Name: Miyo Aiki : 2014-10-28 09:29 ID:cJ7Fpx9g [Del]

Teenage drama is something I never thought I'd get mixed into, but it seems life wont let me have that choice. It not the love drama, it more of a friend drama. And I could use some help with this problem.

It affects me so much in my daily life and whenever I try to have fun or do any kind of work. It's constantly on my mind.

So, basically this started first year of junior high school, ever since then it has only grown more serious.

This problem evolved quickly around my (former?)best friend and my other (new?) best friend.

(I will not use any real names.)
So, the first year of junior high school I got a new friend. Let's call her Jane, me and Jane share many interests, she's more talkative than my (former?) best friend and she doesn't complain about everything.

I started hanging more out with Jane, and soon my (former?) best friend- let's call her Anna, becomes jealous.

I mean, I get that, and I accepted that. Until- last year of junior high school. We were on a eight day school trip to Poland. And the whole class was constantly together 24 hours for 8 days. We were all really tired and everyone was pretty short tempered then.

The 2nd last night we had some more drama with a classmate nearly being stabbed by a guy in my class, and the others didn't do anything to help. And Jane's best friend refused to share room with us.

Therefore on the last night, when me and Anna were supposed to share room with two other girls from my class, suddenly Jane showed up with the girl who had been attacked the day before.

Anna, who believed she could finally have a break from Jane got really mad and screamed and yelled at her, declaring her hatred. Then she fled from the room.

Jane started crying, and now, I am also crying over this. Cause they are both great friends. And whenever I make them both come together I feel so guilty cause I know Anna hates Jane. And I just can't stand it.

I haven't told them how I feel about this situation, but still, I really feel like I'm a victim to this. But I also know it partly my fault.

I don't know what to do about this. I don't want to loose any of the two best friends I've ever had. I don't want to loose both or choose either. But it seems it impossible for them to be friends.

I've tried for 3 years! And I don't know what to do anymore!

2 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-28 12:45 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

I think you should tell them how you feel about this. And try to get them to be friends or to not argue with each other.

3 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-10-28 14:44 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

It might help to find out if there's any specific reason they don't get along.

4 Name: Miyo Aiki : 2014-10-29 10:40 ID:cJ7Fpx9g [Del]

I did ask Anna what she hates so much about Jane. But she just said there was no apparent reason, I have asked a few times after that ut she keeps telling me the same thing.

Also I don't feel like I can just gather them up and talk to them about it just like that, I mean it would be really awkward, not to mention what if anything goes wrong?

5 Name: fruitbase : 2014-10-29 11:53 ID:JfII8ck2 [Del]

It's a shame, but sometimes people just don't click!
Just divide up your time and spend it accordingly with each one; neither of them should expect or receive any more attention than you're willing to give, and vice versa.
Or, get along really well with one and let the other kind of fade away into the distance.
... Or, just maybe... Keep things as they are!

I won't say "you've all got the rest of your lives to do things, stop worrying for now" because I know how important friends are, but I honestly think you're better off with one or none than both and problems.

I think it would be useful to let Anna know just how important she is, and likewise with Jane! That way they might not expect to eat into eachother's time with you, perhaps.

Or we could take the visual novel GOOD ENDING and you could have a lover and a mistress who both look after you until you're old...
Or we could take the BAD ENDING and... Well, School Days.

6 Name: Miyo Aiki : 2014-10-30 08:31 ID:cJ7Fpx9g [Del]

Haha, I like how you compare this with anime.

Well, yeah, it's true some people don't click, but she managed to fool Jane for a whole 2 years, and when suddenly someone you thought was your friend turns at you and tell you they hate you. It's not very fun...exactly.

Anyway, I talked to my mom about it. And she says...kinda exactly the same thing you just did. Its just that its hard to divide my time equally. Cause when I talk to Jane we talk forever. And when I speak with Anna it ends in an argument.

I know that the reason for this, is very likely to be because she's jealous, but it's no fun like that. Sharing time equally with friends is impossible, cause friends are people and people are different.

I just wanted all of us to get along, cause it's no fun seeing one of us walk alone when I know we used to walk and laugh together.

7 Name: fruitbase : 2014-10-30 13:51 ID:JfII8ck2 [Del]

Hypnotise Anna! Or blackmail her!
Or... You know, something forceful!

8 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-10-30 14:18 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>6 Don't force your friends to get along. Just because you're friends with them doesn't mean they have to be friends with each other, and it's rude to act like they should. Tell Anna that you're staying friends with both of them but that you respect she's not a fan of Jane. Tell Jane that you have more than one friend and can't give her all of your time. If they don't like it, they can hang out with someone else.

It's also good policy to stick with the plans you make first. If Anna asks you to hang out with her and do a project one night and you agree, and then Jane asks you to go to the movies, her treat, on that same day, don't ditch Anna. Whoever you make plans with first is the one you stick with no matter how much more interesting the second offer is.

Good luck :o