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Twisted (6)

1 Name: Haruka : 2014-10-25 19:08 ID:X6+rdw0P [Del]

So, I've been living in a place for a while now and ive noticed that ive gotten twisted in some way. even though nothing bad ever happened to me while i was here, why am i so twisted?

2 Name: THuFK : 2014-10-25 22:49 ID:BU9iWCgB [Del]

can you explain better , beacause that is a weird felling , it could mean that you're uncomfortable in some way , and it could mean, that is other thing not you're house

3 Name: Haruka : 2014-10-26 07:44 ID:X6+rdw0P [Del]

Well, the best way I could that I'm Mikado who moved from Tokyo to ikebukuro. Slowly, I'm becoming an Izaya . There is shizuo, kids, anri and pretty much all the charecters here, including a different Mikado. So I'm just confused on why I'm becoming like Izaya

4 Name: Stranger : 2014-10-26 08:35 ID:KAsqzJ+5 [Del]

So basically your saying your personality has started to alter over time?
If this is the case, I can assure you that is something that is quite normal. People change over time due to different places, experiences and even people around them. The way you see things or react to things may have changed due to new things you have learned or even just new people you've been hanging out with. If you've been hanging out with particular people more then others, you may start to find yourself picking up some of their traits. This isn't a bad thing, it just means your learning and growing from the people you surround yourself with!
Be careful though, Keep an eye out for new bad habits if this is the case!

5 Name: Sadir : 2014-10-27 15:55 ID:U7qyxmUf [Del]

You are merely looking more clearly at the world, as the quote goes 'fight not with monsters lest ye become a monster and gaze long into the the abyss and the abyss gazes at you'. The more you notice other's cruelty and selfishness the more likely you are to become cruel and selfish yourself. Even if you do not think you have been exposed to such behaviour, it is the root of all human action...

6 Name: trylouu : 2014-10-28 19:13 ID:RuaiYB95 [Del]

Okay, everything thing above is some poser trying out their less than first Psych student bullshit. Basically, something did happen to make you like this, it just happened a few months or even years ago.

To solve this problem, just surround yourself with people, even if you feel conflicted about who they are to you. Kindness will come to you in all shapes and forms, make sure to notice it even if it's just a small thing.

Source - I went through something similar not long ago. The bad thing happened to me 5 years ago, 3 years ago I realized that I was becoming (in you words) 'Twisted', and at the beginning of this year, I started to come out of being twisted. I'm much better now compared to 3 years ago but I still have some trust issues with people, which caused the original problem 5 years ago.