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Hate (17)

1 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 07:16 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

Chi-chan HATE MOMMY. I hate my mother..I know it's wrong. But these days...these months, mother always pissed me off. She always blame others including me and my sis even though it's mother fault. My sister Ben complaining all the time about mother, and I'm the only one who calmed her down. Mother is a type of person that always think she's the best and always RIGHT.

I've been patience all this time, but today I feel like burst. Mother scold me...angry at me for nothing. Just because I haven't sign up a petition for my college. "But mother, I already sign everything". "That's your fault for not giving it to me". "But last time I already told-". Then my mother shouted and yelling at me, "YOU USELESS CHILD!! CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING BY YOURSELF!!!". My blood start boiling up, and I wanted to burst in tears...

I'm sorry for the long post...but I'm really upset and breaking down now...daddy is outside the town too...I miss my daddy...

I don't know what to do to hold it in anymore, Chi-chan is sad...

2 Name: Plus1Worlock : 2014-10-17 07:20 ID:VcwqR6YF [Del]

Maybe you should kill her.

3 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 07:32 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

I'm still self conscious of myself, no matter how miserable she is. She's still my mother...the problem is I just can't hold the pain inside my heart anymore. And mother never realize her mistake, even though she realize it...she always blame's painful

4 Name: Yuu : 2014-10-17 07:34 ID:FJ7/TEbD [Del]

A friend of mine has a similar mother. You should ignore her shit. Do the things you have to by yourself.
A person like her doesn't understand when she's wrong and she doesn't accept being corrected and takes it as personal attack. You can try but it will always end in drama.

5 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 07:52 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

But if I stay silent, mother will surely crush me someday. And if I fight back, it will only cause more conflicts...I don't get it, what should I do...? I hate home, tears start to hurts so much...

6 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 09:04 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

When I do things by myself, mother always watching me and it's very uncomfortable. And she always butted in and said, "Stupid, that's not how you do things. Watch your mother okay?". And she showed off...I'm not even ask for her help, then she added, "USELESS, CAN'T YOU STOP ACTING SPOILED. YOU'RE ALREADY 17, DO THINGS ON YOUR OWN". I'm not even asking for her help then she yelled at me like that, it's disturbing..

7 Name: S : 2014-10-17 11:13 ID:FJ7/TEbD [Del]

I know what you feel. My mother used to "watch me doing things" like, when I did something in the kitchen, she'd come and see what was I doing. I told her in a loud voice I'm sick her watching me, I will clean the kitchen after using it so gtfo and since then, she barely does it.....
She says you're spoiled but that's because she won't let you do things on your own.
Have you thought about staying at a friends place for a while?

8 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 17:50 ID:M/2m1rsF [Del]

>>7 I did, and there's no way my mother would let me. She will get mad at me and kick me out from the house, "SO NOW YOU LIKE YOUR FRIEND HOUSE RATHER THAN YOUR OWN!!". For some reason I had a feeling that my mother would say that... (._.)

9 Name: Kuki : 2014-10-19 20:29 ID:3HIrr9oo [Del]

Do you have any recent good memories with your mother? Is she only yeling at you or maybe sometimes you laugh together too? If that's the case then maybe your mother is just sad that you are almost adult and sometime soon you will leave home for collage or work. You don't have to do what she says but, don't react with agression every time she starts to nag you.

10 Name: Alexandrex : 2014-10-20 12:53 ID:CdRzB2MK [Del]

its ok i hate me mum to

11 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2014-10-20 18:14 ID:B9/n9Xcn [Del]

I don't think hating your mom is a good thing .-. I mean, I reeeeeeeeeally don't like mother, but I still love her. That's what being part of a family means. No matter what happens you always love each other. Why not take a moment to ask "why is my mom like this?" Maybe her parents beat her when she was young, maybe she was raped in high school but never told anyone so that pent up trama comes put on bad ways. Maybe she has a illness that she's trying to hide so you don't worry and she's lassing out in fear. Instead of crying about how you can't understand why your parents are so horrible, actually try to understand, and help them threw it.

12 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-21 06:00 ID:dkglJsr5 [Del]

>>9, >>11 Good memories? Hmm...I did have, it's just that my mothers sometimes makes the whole family fall apart, there's a time when he blamed others and almost make my aunt wanted to run away. You could say my mother is a temperamental type. She easily get mad and hot headed...she always force me to do things that I don't like and say that I'm useless, every time I reject her offer on something, my mom always complain that I'm too passive...I mean I don't like it so don't force me!

I even dump my dream job to become a psychologist for her, because all she think about is money...she let me become a game designer because she said the salary is higher...I hate it when it comes to money stuff.

"Rather than helping people, help yourself! Gain more money!!!", that what my mom said about my dream job as psychologist, I'm kinda hurt...

13 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2014-10-21 07:10 ID:ldt1/G5/ [Del]

Sounds like my mother. That's how I ended up in culinay. What you need to do is get a job and move out on your own and when she tries to make you do something or yells at you for something ignore her for a week. Don't call her. Don't text her. Nothing. She'll realize that if she wants to keep her daughter in her life she'll have to change her ways. It's what I had to do with my mom. Every time she started something I hung up on her after warning that I didn't wanna deal with it. Now she rarely starts shit.

14 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-21 08:02 ID:mWmU11bY [Del]

But if I do that...she will start blaming others...I just dunno how to deal with mother anymore...she wil start shouting and mad...uh, I give up

15 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2014-10-21 08:51 ID:B9/n9Xcn [Del]

That'll be her problem, and it is up to the other prople to stand up for themselves. You can't live your life in fear of upsetting others. You need to find your own happiness regardless of other opinons. Just think, later in life, will you be happy doing what she tells you to or doing what you want? Sounds like she's going to be upset either way. You can't make people like that happy, so do your best to make you happy.

16 Name: Shadow : 2014-10-21 15:42 ID:sOZrPr25 [Del]

It is the same story with both my Parents

17 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-21 17:35 ID:mWmU11bY [Del]

I've been thinking about how parents think...I dunno about other parents, but my parents seems to be an egoistic person, and always mention's kinda depressing, I know money is important but I don't feel like doing it for money...I want to help people though