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I Don't Know How. . . (9)

1 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-16 23:46 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

Remember the suicidal friend I have, well now it seems that the reason has come out. Well, all our friends have thought for a while that he was in the closet, then we stopped thinking that for a while. Now he tells me all about this boy he likes. Me. Only me. I'm the only one he tells. He won't let anyone else know, but my best friend (very nosy she is) suspects it's a boy, too. I don't think anyone would care if he was gay, but I don't know how to approach him about it. Do I ask him out of the blue while we're talking about his "boyfriend" if he's gay or what? It's kind of awkward for me. Apparently, he's still very suicidal, but since this boy came into his life he's become happier, but he told me that, "All he ever wanted to be was loved." I don't want to pop his bubble about this "love" by asking him this question either, that would be terrible of me! So anyone have some advice?

2 Name: Cryptic : 2014-10-18 16:23 ID:lg2UjptL [Del]

Since this is still quite fresh and no-one has posted, this it means that you're in a hard situation... I'm not the kind of person you should follow example from but I would personally wait and observe... You might find your answer that way.

3 Name: nightingale : 2014-10-19 16:26 ID:4g9jEIZ5 [Del]

I agree with the last if he's gay who cares right? Love is love no matter what form

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-29 22:35 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

Okay so I have more issues with this. My friend finally came out to me. We were talking about LGBT scholarships and he said, "I'd be great for that, because I'm gay." So I simply reply, "Yeah." There's always an awkward pause when we talk about it and it's simply because I don't know how to reply to it. I'm not homophobic or anything, it's simply that I'm afraid I'll say something insensitive (I say whatever comes to mind and not in a malicious way, but in a "i'm joking" way). How should I approach him when we're talking about it? I don't want to be awkward, because I'm secretly very flattered that I'm the only one he shared this with, but yeah I don't want to seem like a fricking weirdo either. Thank you for your help!~

5 Name: fruitbase : 2014-10-30 01:13 ID:JfII8ck2 [Del]

I think it would be best to just act as normal! Ignore that feeling of treating him different because he's gay: that's probably the last thing he wants.
Just push his sexuality out of your mind for a while.
First and foremost he's a friend, not 'a gay guy'.

6 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-30 01:34 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

>>5 yeah I know, but I have this feeling he wants me to acknowledge it and I really don't, but all these awkward pauses in our conversations are well awkward.

7 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-10-30 03:02 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>6 He's probably looking for assurance that you're not uncomfortable about it. If you don't make it clear that you're totally okay and accepting of his sexuality, he's gonna be afraid to be open with you and will think he has to censor himself about his sexuality. Friends don't just come out after their friend say they're gay and go, "Well, I don't really like hearing about it," so they assume that's what your awkward silence means.

The next time it comes up, I would suggest continuing the conversation in that direction :o Be casual about it. Maybe ask when he first noticed he was gay or what it's like? Be curious but not stiff about it. Joke about some hot guys in the school? Or if he's not taking it well, you could just bluntly apologize about being awkward before (tell him what you told us - that you were afraid you'd hurt his feelings if you said the wrong thing and froze up).

I went through this a similar phase with one of my friends, and I'm not even gay. Unbeknownst to me, he was very uncomfortable about discussing homosexuality, and whenever the topic came up about including it one of our stories, the air just kind of went stagnant around us. After years, I finally managed to drag it out of him that he's just didn't like talking about it. Your friend may be afraid of being in my shoes - accidentally being too pushy about a sensitive topic.

8 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-30 23:56 ID:DMwdhjqK [Del]

>>7 Thank you so much. That helped a bunch especially since right now some kids are making fun of him and I really want to help him through it. :)

9 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-11-02 11:17 ID:M5RYM0cZ [Del]

This thread restored my faith in humanity a little... And it made me feel warm and fuzzy to see people being accepting and loving (if a little awkward~ XD) I will say now as a bisexual bipedal (I just had to it felt right~) that he will definitely understand if you do as >>7 says :)