Dollars BBS | Personal
















Meeeeeeeh... (4)

1 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-10-14 17:48 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

Okay so, me and my friends all decided to join the Gay Straight Alliance at my school. All we pretty much do is have fun and spread awareness of many other aspects, not just the sexuality aspect. We also learn about what sexuality and genders really are. The officers there are upperclassmen and they're so nice, and funny, and you can tell that they're geniunely interested in helping you out with your troubles. And that whatever is said in the club, stays in the club. It really seems like my kind of club, because it's not just helping out your community, but I really feel comfortable since these are all chill, and understanding people who have been there; much like the Dollars.
But, when I get home and tell my parents, that's where the trouble is... You see, my dad is old... in general and is stubborn, can only ever slowly process something and well, you know where that's going. And my mom is REALLY active in church, and follows the guidelines of the Bible. So already-long-story-but-a-bit-shorter, I was able to convince them that this isn't a bad club (somehow), but I feel like they didn't understand it quite enough. Like they're misinterpeting something. Anyways, I'm probably just too anxious about it, but I already really like this club. And throughout the entire time I was listening to them lecturing me (before I got to convince them), the song "Beginner" by AKB48 was playing in my head. Yes, yes, the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, but this is the 21st century- Lesbihonest (GSA sexuality pun ;D), is it truely a sin to accept somethibg you were just BORN with?

2 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-10-14 17:49 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

I am SO sorry, I just realised how much I typed XD

3 Name: Spitz : 2014-10-14 18:27 ID:HthJmOlX [Del]

I'm jealous. I wouldn't be able to tell my parents that I'm in the GSA, LGBTQ and the gender equality club. They're accepting of gay people, but I'm bi/asexual. I feel like they wouldn't be cool with that. You seem to have very accepting parents despite your description of them.

To answer your question, no it's not wrong or a sin. By the way, sin is just a human made concept to prompt religion. Plus, if we don't sin, then Jesus would've died for nothing.

4 Name: Konohanasakuya : 2014-10-15 08:37 ID:kzDfHauP [Del]

** This'll be a teeny tiny bit lengthy. Grab a seat (> u <) **

Alrighty, so I shall try to respond to this with a Christian's perspective, topped with a small bit of science

So... First, let me say something about the "being born with it" part. I've done some research about it, and... Yeah. Although it MIGHT be possible, there's currently no facts about the existence of a clear, direct link to sexual orientation and genetics. (sources: and

Okay, now to my answer xD

For the "accepting" part, no I don't think so. Science says that what determines your sexual orientation is the hormones in your brain, but you definitely aren't born with it. Also, I believe that it is the concept of "homosexuality" that is the sin. But, the thing is, what will be your course of action after "accepting" that fact?

Okay, I can go on and on about this, but I might unintentionally offend people, so I will stop here ^^; But if you would like to know my whole perspective of things... Just see the last section of this article ^_^