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I feel bad... (27)

1 Name: Katie : 2014-10-14 11:02 ID:/X8k9WpR [Del]

So first of all in school my good friend is not beautiful but has how can I say... Skinny and blond who doesnt have a.... Good face? And Im an ugly fat fuck who has a "cute face".

Anyway, we had a tennis match today against each other and two assholes were cheering for her like "GO BLONDIE!" when she couldnt hit the ball they were like IT WAS SO CLOSE!
But when I hit it they were like DANG IT or when I couldnt hit it they said DOES YOUR RACKET HAVE A HOLE? YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME. LOSER!
I was about to win but because of them my motivatian was so bad and i lost.

And because of that my other guy friend said "look they are assholes dont mind them last year they made a lot of people feel fucked up and since you are a freshman they are picking on you. Not your friend because... Lets face it uhm.... I dont want to make you feel bad but uuhm.... Well she is blond and has a nice body so guys are like that you know..."
And that statement made me feel WORSE. Okay I get it Im a fat fuck thats why im trying to loose weight but seriously I am really emotional and easy to break...
Because of these stuff I dont have the thing called Self Confidence... I am afraid to do any social activities because of those types of people. I gave up on everything I even want to change my club (MUN). I just hate it... Why are people so mean? Its not THAT hard to be nice.
Okay I get it puberty guys etc etc but thats just mean...

What can I do to feel better?
(Sorry for my english Im half Japanese and english is my third language)

2 Name: Haiiro : 2014-10-14 13:39 ID:s1aqtcnu [Del]

Be more egoist:You have to achieve things for yourself without caring about other people too much.Don't be an A-hole or anything but think about what you might like to do for yourself.
Furthermore,the problem comes from those particular fucktards so ignore them and enjoy playing tennis with your friend.

3 Name: Aggie-tan : 2014-10-14 18:00 ID:/B2UxbY6 [Del]

>>2 I concur! Think of what you DO have, and treasure those! I know that I'm not the best at *ahem* lot of things, but I know that if I keep trying I'm sure to get better at them! Think Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, is what I would say! She went through A LOT, but she still smiled and rreasured what she has and what she gained! I know from experience that it's hard as fuck to think optimistic, but what I do is just keep calm and drink tea, and listen to this playlist where I just mashed together a whole bunch of songs that just give ne thise fuzzy and confident feelings to continue on with my day ^^ Personally, I think what you surround yourself with will really effect your mood, who you are, and how you perseve the world. This is why I try to find that perfect equalibrium between optimism and pessimism.
Good luck! And hey, freshmen can suffer together, no? XD

4 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-14 18:38 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

Hmm...I don't know about you, but if I were you. I would ignore their mocking. Humans do love stepping in others and insult others, so they could become what they called 'king' and to hide their powerlessness. They wanted to become the top and recognized by others, so they insult other people so people will acknowledge him/her...

Chi-chan already used being mocked and all~
Don't worry, don't be sad. All you've gotta do is stay strong

5 Name: Katie : 2014-10-15 00:13 ID:rmi4ffRE [Del]

Thank you so much guys... You made my mood lighten ^-^
Thanks a lot. I just love the fact that people in Dollars will help me no matter what I complain about. Thanks a lot ♥

6 Name: Haiiro : 2014-10-15 13:57 ID:s1aqtcnu [Del]


7 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-10-16 14:14 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

People are stupid. People are even more stupid when they're around this age (not you, I mean). It can be hard to not let insults get to you, but that's what the situation calls for. If you don't want people to have an impact on you life, don't let. Remember, you are always in control of your own life.

8 Name: Plus1Worlock : 2014-10-16 14:23 ID:MYqdcyMJ [Del]

Maybe you should kill yourself.

9 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-16 16:20 ID:hKVxA5O4 [Del]

>>8 That's not a very helpful thing to say.

10 Name: hinata : 2014-10-16 17:10 ID:GvL8HzTn [Del]

that is some fucked up shit to say, why would u tell someone who u dont even know to kill herself, that is just a dick move. Katie dont listen to idiots like these, they have no life and they r just looking to hurt people. I am sure that you are beautiful, i am sure that you are gorgeous, but u know what, looks dont matter, what matters is personality,as long as your heart is beautiful you will always be beautiful honey, so dont let theses jerk bring you down. Keep moving forward and never let some idiot put u down. Smile and laugh and live your life as if it were your last. honey, life is to short to be sad, si smile :)

11 Name: BlackRose : 2014-10-16 17:15 ID:GvL8HzTn [Del]

>>8 First off, someone like you should not be on this website at all, it is not okay to tell someone who is feeling bad about themselves to kill themselves. You need to learn some manners, although I hate to give people like you attention, I must stand up for others, I know people who have been bullied like this and constantly told to kill themselves and one day she had to much and actually did it. Words are truly powerful and they should be used for good not bad. I could easily call you worthless trash, but that won't solve anything, so instead let me tell you that A) it's basic human moral to respect and treat others the way you want to be treated and B) whether or not you were bullied so now you want to bully others, gives you no right to be an ass and C) not everyone can be as strong as others, like perhaps yourself.

12 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-10-16 17:28 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>10 >>11 Please don't taint the argument by pretending to be different people.

13 Name: Plus1Worlock : 2014-10-17 07:37 ID:VcwqR6YF [Del]

You guys call me an ass for telling this pussy to kill herself but you all are doing the same,you just mask your posts with fake encouragement and compliments. Did you ever truly think about her psychology? Her post on this site is a testament to how she feels about her appearance,she truly feels like a pig and all of you bleeding heart fucks are just giving her false hope that will cause her depression to spring forth and make her to something cutting the pretty people's faces off. I just skipped to the end (where she most certainly will end up) and told her to kill herself. Fuck all you guys I'm out.

14 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-17 09:41 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

Ara" how rude, it's true what >>10 said. Her appearance might not be the best like other girls, but at least she's trying her best. Your words more likely, is rude and might offend her. It's not like we fake our encouragement and compliment, but we're giving her advice to make her strong to face it.

Psychology are use to learn people emotions and find a way to fix whatever the client had suffered, not use to harm other people or to find weakness. It's should be used properly for helping each other, Plus1Worlock-chan^^

15 Name: Hinata : 2014-10-17 16:33 ID:GvL8HzTn [Del]

>>13 you are an ass for saying shit like that, look, i hate insulting ppl, but u are an ass, look dude, telling someone to kill themselves is some low shit, how dare u say shit like that, if u were depressed n feeling bad, would u want someone to tell you to kill your self!!!!!!!! im not covering anything up,i ment what i said and in my personal belief, i believe everyone is beautiful, im not skinny, im not perfect, but i am human, and humans are all beautiful in their own way, so quit telling ppl to kill themselves!!!!! im not trying to be nice to her, im trying to say what i think and believe!!!

16 Name: BarabiSama : 2014-10-17 16:49 ID:FAzHbsOj [Del]

Those guys are wrong! Your beautiful the way you are, I'll never say awful thing to my fellow dollars! So just please stay true to yourself, inside and out

17 Name: BarabiSama : 2014-10-17 16:53 ID:FAzHbsOj [Del]

I'd be devastated if you committed suicide please your my friend,my senpia!

18 Name: Plus1Worlock : 2014-10-17 17:11 ID:yKANuXYI [Del]

This is absolutely fantastic.

19 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2014-10-17 17:14 ID:AZrcQL70 [Del]

>>13 The future-sight is not real.
Actuarial science may not be your strong suit.

20 Name: BlackRose : 2014-10-17 19:15 ID:uBO9URLl [Del]

>>12 we are not the same people. Had I actually been both comments, I would have used the same name it's pointless to use two different ones, though we do know each other. (not trying to be rude, sorry if that's what is seems like)

>>13 Look telling someone to kill themselves is not okay in any situation. It's not 'false hope.' I may not know her personally, but I do know that no human being is worthless and the ONLY thing that makes someone 'ugly' is their personality. NO ONE deserves to be treated badly for their appearance, no matter what. All we are doing is we are simply trying to lift her spirits and help her realize that the only opinion that matters is what you think of yourself. Don't go around acting all high and mighty, trying to decide people's worth. Katie, sweetheart please don't listen to these people, they are the only 'ugly' people here, their personality is rotten and don't deserve the attention, ignore them the best you can and keep your head held high, I personally know what you are going through, I too am 'chunkier' than my friends as well and I use to get made fun of all the time, though I never showed them, I cried a lot, it wasn't till middle school when I finally just tried to stop caring, showing them their words didn't faze me and I am no longer made fun of. Depending on the way you present yourself, you will be treated that way, so just try to keep high spirits :) Body nor image do not define how beautiful and amazing is, character does. If you ever want to speak with me, just use my kik: Lucky.Green

21 Name: Annie : 2014-10-18 06:18 ID:ptbtBwz1 [Del]

well i have been bullied a lot in my days so i understand how you feel.
and thanks to you guys i finally got strong enough to take it and for once understand the bullies and the only reason they bully you is because they are completely miserable and need somebody to pick on just to take all their emotions out.
and don´t take what they say seriously. because they want to see you
cry and
get angry and
run away.
because they can´t do it themselves.
they are all into ´playing cool´
and thats actually a bit sad i´m not saying that you should feel sorry for them ore anything but think about it.
what makes them do that to you?
and one more thing i´ve recently learned is that the most scary thing bullies can face is confidence. believe me the reaktion on their faces when you don´t give a shit and keeps on smiling like nothing happened is hilarious^^
my bullies just stood there choked and did not make any effort to stop me when i walked away calmly after i have spoken logically to them you should try it out!
after all does logic always play the melody of truth^^

22 Name: 火水 : 2014-10-19 18:07 ID:JfII8ck2 [Del]

Lightly parrying their comments with a slight laugh (even if fake) and "maybe I should use a different racket!" could be a good direction to take it.
As long as someone reduces the importance of the comments, they cease being important. If that person isn't them, then it should be you.
There's no quick and easy cure for self-confidence problems, unfortunately. The best thing to do is to (somehow) find some small comfort and occasionally wander outside the comfort zone, step by step. Eventually you might find yourself in a better position.

If you're worried about weight, you could try contacting a dietitian or fitness trainer to help with that, then take things from there. Changing your diet and exercising where people either can't see or won't judge shouldn't be too difficult.

Practising tennis with people who don't mind if you're bad could also help, if you're worried about your skill in tennis.

The problem could be caused by various factors:
1. They are ignorant of other people's emotional states.
2. They don't take themselves seriously, and don't expect anyone else to take them seriously.
3. They are genuinely emotionally sadistic and should probably seek help, or be referred to people who can help.
4. You are taking them too seriously, or letting it have too much of an effect on you.

There are many ways to attempt to remedy these situations, but I think the easiest thing to do is to find an area with a smaller concentration of rude people. It's not wrong for a minority to move away from a majority if they don't get on well.

23 Name: Katie : 2014-10-20 00:40 ID:eV1Lv9Br [Del]

Guys its over now. (Im in school my id may be different)
First of all, i love life. I will never kill myself.
Actually... Plus1Worlock I both agree and disagree on your opinion.
1) the part i disagree is to kill myself. Im not THAT ugly. And thats just weird.
2) you are right. Its better than receiving fake compliments without any of you seeing me. You dont know my appereance. So the compliments are...fake.
You cant say my personality is great because none of you know me.
But compliments are better than just saying GO DIE.
I dont want any compliments guys I just asked for what to do. Calm down. Problem is solved

24 Name: Deki : 2014-10-20 06:17 ID:ntdA+9Hc [Del]

For some people it is hard to be nice, but don't ever give up. Just remember, you always have us to talk to. It is going to be hard, but you need to push through. I am a christian, and if you are to, you already know what to do. Just ask the Lord, and he will answer you as fast as he can. He will help you, that I can promise. Also, if you put your faith in Him, he will give you a huge confidence boost. But even if you are out of school and everything, still take my advice into the real, working world.

25 Name: ShinAttha : 2014-10-20 17:28 ID:pRlT9+2f [Del]

I would like to state my opinnion, which I want to do despite your problem already being solved.
I can not really imagine how people become fat enough for it to affect themselves in a negative way that drives you to frustration without having some kind of depression or disease. For me, eating less and healthy while doing sports does not seem to be a hard task, so I think anyone can do it as long as they will so. I do think that it is okay to be overwheight, though only if it makes you feel comfortable.
However, something that really irritates me is that you gave a fuck about those guys badmouthing you. I realise it can be hard, but you already know that you are not physically appealing (a "cute face" does not sound too bad though) so their insults should mean nothing to you. Who cares what people like that think about you? They are incredibly weak because they hurt others to make themselves feel better, which I consider to be much more miserable than relying on people you do not even know. Furthermore, your friend seems to be reliable, as long as he is honest with you he is dependable, and even if his words hurt you, at least you have someone caring about you. His kindness should mean much more to you than others bullying you.
I know it is hard but fight for your goals, even if the world is doing everything to prevent you from reaching them, because that is what I consider to be everyone's top priority. Be not swayed by the words of people who are not close to you and keep on thinking about the future you may have ahead of you if you just try hard enough.
Well if your faith is strong enough you can always rely on religion I guess, though I personally do not think that you should have a stronger dedication than rational sense. Also, depending on a higher entity can easily betray your expectations...

26 Name: dark151 : 2014-10-21 14:42 ID:/rcPkpcy [Del]

Every one in the world is beautiful even if there fat, skinny,tall,short. it dosent matter you are who you are be proud strive to be everything they said you can't be and be thankfull that you are beutiful

And FYI: you not fat its just the awesomeness growing inside u my fellow doller member!

27 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-21 17:33 ID:mWmU11bY [Del]

Chi-chan only saying, you shouldn't be that upset...even though you look fat or whatever people called you, it's what the inside that counts :D