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feeling down... (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-13 23:40 ID:+3z4ST4Z [Del]

i feel a little weird about this, but i just kinda wanted to talk about it...

i'm in my first semester at a new school. most of my friends go elsewhere, and i'm having a hard time making new friends. i've talked with some people here and there, but there aren't that many people my age that i can talk to, and everyone already has their own social loops it seems...i've been trying to join some clubs and stuff, but so far it's not doing a whole lot. and schoolwork is piling on top of everything, so a lot of my days feel like i'm doing schoolwork and then twiddling my thumbs by myself. not to mention that i keep on being haunted by an ex and that's making things difficult as well.

i guess all in all things really aren't that bad, but it's all weighing on my mind tonight, and it's bringing me down...

does anyone have any advice, or can relate, or...?

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-14 00:38 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

At my school, everyone is piled with homework so we're all fairly nice to each other. When I'm alone, I usually stand by myself, but sometimes I think that the best thing to do is go sit at a table with someone who's by themselves as well. I did this once, and I made a new friend, she's a bit shy but she likes anime so we talk occasionally. It's very easy.
Your friends probably planned on ditching you once they got to your new school. :( If not, I don't know why they would try to hurt you by going off without you. I don't know what to do about that one (neither do I know about what to do about your ex situation.)

3 Name: s !d7bMXbKy6Q : 2014-10-14 01:15 ID:SQCF+RKK [Del]

don't stress too much, it just takes a bit for people to find other people. my first year in high school was similar to what your describing, but i found friends who share the similar thoughts and others who don't. dont worry to much of how old or young they are just find people who are easy to talk to, they're out there. and as for your ex, well tell your ex to leave you alone and if that hasn't worked just ignore them. ignoring people usually works. so, cheer up, and smile (:

4 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-14 03:04 ID:rxCmn/uU [Del]

I guess it is hard to adapt in a new environment. I also experienced the same thing as you :).
I also join an association and clubs...but no one seems to care and all. All you have to do is relax and try to talk with someone. Talking someone with the same hobby as you would be the best starter.
And also, if you want to befriend with have to know, what they like and what they's the essence of friendship. As for your friends, keep on contacting them and all...if they really 'are' your friends, they will make an effort to contact you back, if they're not...well, you know.

Sorry for the long advice~

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-14 07:33 ID:+3z4ST4Z [Del]

>>2>>3>>4 thank you all for the advice. :) yeah, my old friends are still friends, but the problem is distance, and things happen over there and over here that the other wasn't a part of and it creates a rift (i guess i didn't explain that well, sorry. :( )

but thank you guys so soooo much for this. :D