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Need Advice (5)

1 Name: ecco : 2014-10-13 08:03 ID:nil8s/lN [Del]

(Need an advice, especially if you had a relationship or dated with someone for a period time.)

So I have a little problem. There is this guy and we are going to the same school but we only see each other once in a week. We know each other only as classmates for almost 3 years now. We only talked if we needed something from each other. But since this year before summer we talked much more and began to write in WhatsApp.
Before summer started he also asked me if I wanted to hang out with him, but I sometimes said that I couldn't or I was busy, I actually was a bit unsure, because he is a skater kind of a guy and I'm the nerdy-gamer girl and I'm kind of shy too. I do like skaters in generel. But I was just so unsure about it. Especially Skater parties.
And then in the summer there was no communication between us.
Because of work and vocations and so on.

When school started he began to write me again and we kind of flirtet at some point.
Suddenly he asked me again if he wants to hang out and so I went to the meeting place and we began to talk and get to know each other. We did make out and I kinda liked it. When I told him that it was my first kiss, he was totally shocked, happy. At some point I asked him why he wants to hang out with me and such. He answered with "I like you and you're cute and awesome...etc." So I guess I was kind of getting the happy feelings since it was kind of nice in a while to get a message like this.
I met him again and we did some stuff together and afterwards went to his home. We did...had sex, since I wanted to do it and well after that we went to a b-day of his friend, that he almost forgot. I actually had a great time with him, I never was so playful with a guy like this in my life.

We also made some plans that we will fly to london and see a concerts and stuff. And in some weeks he said that his parents are gone and could come to his place like we living "together" or so. He said about like having our own place.

We also haven't been talking in a while now, actually it's some days now. Ever since that day I went to his place.
I wrote to him "Hi" and "how are you?" but didn't got a response since then(it was last week).

I didn't wrote back since I couldn't tell if he just talked to me because he wanted to have sex with me. Maybe he is busy, since he is also working and is always on his way taking shootings. just bothering him and thinks I'm annoying.
Maybe he did see my message and forgot to reply?

I don't want to make myself look needy or so...and it sometimes awkward for my in school when I see him. I want to talk with him and such but our friends and other classmates are there. And we already talk about it having a relationship is kind too soon.

But should I still try to hang out with him?
I do want to hang out with him more. There is just something that kind of draws me to him, I guess I have a baby crush for him? But I'm not so sure, if he likes me that way too so I'm trying to find it out. Just because he said it like that, I shouldn't believe it,...right?. And is it better to ask him in person? Should I still stick to the plan with flying london with him?

P.S. My post might be a bit messy, so I will try to explain as good as I can if someone gets confused. English is not my native language haha ^^

Btw. I never had a relationship exept long-distance one. But never dated a guy in my area, so it's kind of new for me.

Thx for reading!

2 Name: Latin : 2014-10-13 14:03 ID:NmAtDuRV [Del]

Well it sounds like you guys are already in a relationship. Do you consider it one? You guys got real intimate, so...But if he hasn't responded in a week then you should probably just go talk to him. Maybe something is wrong with his phone and he thinks that you're avoiding him. It happens. But anyways, just go talk to him. Don't be afraid. Find out what's going on and solve your problem.

3 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-10-13 14:45 ID:dFjsy0k/ [Del]

I think you should see if you could get some time with him, and just ask him how he feels about you. If it's difficult to speak with him, you could also call him and ask him over phone. The phone rings for 25 seconds, unless the phone is off, or he's talking to someone else, in which you'll get redirected to voicemail immediately. If you hear one or two rings, but he doesn't answer, he's pressed the 'don't answer' button, which probably means he doesn't want to talk with you..

4 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-10-13 14:45 ID:dFjsy0k/ [Del]

>>3 tl;dr Ask him how he feels about you.

5 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-13 15:38 ID:WL5nti28 [Del]


Unsure, then gave him your first kiss AND your virginity (I'm assuming you were a virgin since you claim that was your first time making out with a boy). Damn girl, you move quick. After all that, you start to develop this slight crush on him..?

Boys and their pretty little words. Here's my cynical take on it. Boy meets shy girl, boy sets ulterior motive, boy intervenes in her life, tells her what she wants to hear, gets in her pants, moves on to the next. That is how it usually works in this world. Basically, I'm calling you naive. But this is my point of view.

Otherwise, then yes, his phone has problems; malfunctioning; dog ate it; dropped it in the toilet. Shit happens. Or he's dealing with personal problems he doesn't want to tell you about. A lot situations could factor in why he's not talking to you. Nonetheless, you should go straight up to him, and ask him "what the fuck, bruh?" Well, just ask him what's going on, tell him you're not just some girl you can share this intimacy with, and then throw to the side.

If y'all discussed that this wasn't gonna be a relationship, then it was a fling/friends with benefits/superlative relationship, whatever you want to call it. And flying to London? You got the money? I'm sure skater boy don't. People, in general, can make all these plans they set for the future. Most of the time, they'll never own up to it. All it is, is just faint words to place upon this hope; this illusion making you think there will be a happy ever after. Here's the the thing about relationships, it ends in 2 ways; y'all marry, y'all break up. The end.

If it doesn't turn how you want it to, move on. Please, save yourself from a whole lot of hurt, you know, if you're fragile. When it comes to early dating, don't screw every horn-dog out there. Don't make it a habit. Men tend to think once get it in, they've got the upper hand; advantage. Which is idiotic, but still, give 'em a challenge. Make them work for it. Make the boys intimidated to go out with you, and the men to respect you.

Keep 'em intrigued.