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Help... (5)

1 Name: manapri : 2014-10-12 12:11 ID:2F4aHjM7 [Del]

Well this is going to be long...
I met a guy in maths class last year and we became really good friends, and we used to talk alot over facebook/skype. He wasnt good looking or anything like that but I realized slowly I was falling for him (cheesy..I know...).
I told a few people and a few of them told me "He's horrible to everyone except a few people" so I thought "ooh I'm special!".
In July we started fighting alot and that was pretty bad, and then a friend decided to tell him that I liked him, which completely ruined everything. He told me he knew in early August, but told me he didn't like me back, but we should still stay friends. Story should end there shouldn't it?
Oh no...
I went on holiday around this time with no wifi, and he knew this but when I got back and I sent him something like "hey im back" I got no reply, and this went on for about three weeks; I'd try talking to him but he didn't even care. Soon I'd had enough and I sent a rather long message telling him he was horrible and I didn't want to hear from him again. About a week later he popped up spurting apologies and I told him I forgave him but I didn't think we should talk anymore.
Despite the fact I told him that we still ended up talking through group chats - we'd even have fights on the group chats. Eventually he popped up again telling me "I want to keep talking to you, and I want to be as close as we were before and if not, closer." and that "if you don't like it, you can block me." I rather foolishly didn't block him then...
You know the stickers you get on facebook to send in chats? You know the moving white bunny with slits for eyes? He loves that sticker so much that if I sent it to him he'd ignore me for a day or so. Eventually he sent it to me and I was in a bad mood that day and I called it ugly and then he said my face was ugly. Not a big deal but I'm kinda conscious of my appearance, and my weight especially. Which was why when I tried to counter by saying "I have beautiful eyes" (My eyes are amber/gold js) he sent me a link to a video where a comedian talks about girls nicknames and how the fat girl's always "Angel Eyes".
I got really offended then, because as I just said I'm unhappy with my weight; so I pretty much just shut facebook and went to sleep.
A mutual friend later told me he's sorry, and that he didn't mean to call me fat. I responded with "he meant to call me ugly and he doesn't even have the balls to apologize himself"
Do you think I'll get an apology from him? This was a week ago and last time he took nearly a month to apologize...

I think at this point I just want closure...

2 Name: Kawaii : 2014-10-12 12:20 ID:wLiTEApV [Del]

Damn, u should juts block him! Take it from me, those guys r the WORST! I know it's hard but over time u will forget him and maybe when that happens u can be friends again. "The world isn't as bad as you make it out to be" - Celty Struluson

3 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-12 12:21 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

Don't wait for an apology, erase this weird relationship you have with him. He is playing with you and keeps hurting you. He can call you names in a second but needs more than a month to apologize? He is not worth your time. Cut ties with him before it becomes worse.

4 Name: manapri : 2014-10-12 12:25 ID:2F4aHjM7 [Del]

I know I should, and I think I will tbh, its getting out of hand

5 Name: kanra : 2014-10-12 16:20 ID:3VlD4uj9 [Del]

Dont give him a third chance, two were already enough, but i can understand how hard it is to just stop being friends with someone, im going through that too, good luck