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Mean People (4)

1 Name: White Horse : 2014-10-10 20:52 ID:dIH7GzJm [Del]

Ok, so there's this one dumb guy at my school who is really a jerk to me. He's always insulting me and if he's not he's talking to me in a condescending manner. He's friends with my friends so I can't just ignore him and now he is trying to separate me from my friends by telling them not to talk to me. He says I annoy him, and I'm really sorry that I do, but I'm just the way I am and I like it and my friends like it. I'm not going to change it just for him. What do I do to just stop this whole situation? I don't want to fight, but I'm not going to let him ruin my life. Oh and he also makes fun of me because I'm bad at sports and he's apparently great at them in his mind. It's hard to be someone with no hand-eye coordination in a private school full of snotty jocks.

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-10-10 21:30 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I suggest you learn to defend yourself and start doing so immediately. Take time at home to think about the things he says to you and what you could say back, then what he'd respond with, etc. Form those conversations in your head and learn to defend yourself against what he has to say. Then start talking back to him. Make it clear that he can't talk down to you like that.

And remember to stay calm when you stand your ground - no screaming or bawling (well you can cry if it's to a teacher to explain yourself). If you feel like you're gonna cry during the debate though, cut the conversation off and walk away.

You should also explain to your friends (before you consider doing the above) that you're offended by this kid. Remind them that you're their friends too and how wrong it is that their acquaintance is treating you this way.

I've been in your shoes before. Ignoring him will only make it worse. The only alternative if your friends won't do anything about it is to go to your teachers and explain that he's been bullying you. That will hopefully get some adult intervention (which may seem embarrassing but will fuck up his reputation more than yours). Good luck :o

3 Name: Agretgundam !q.lknCpOu. : 2014-10-11 05:16 ID:YhvdjNtk [Del]

Yep, what Barabi said. You have to stand up for yourself, otherwise he is just going to continue shoving the abuse your way till you explode; and I'm quite sure you don't want that.

4 Name: White Horse : 2014-10-11 12:58 ID:dIH7GzJm [Del]

Thank you guys so much. You're right. It's just hard to feel like the only reason he doesn't like me is because he doesn't like the way I am. I even asked him why he was being like this and he admitted that I had done nothing to him, he just doesn't like me. :(