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Lonely...or not? (3)

1 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-10-10 16:06 ID:W3hbnJxV [Del]

Lately,I've been feeling and acting...weird.I'm usually a really active and sociable person that can't stand staying inside and doing nothing,but in these last 2 months or so I'm really apathic.I'd say my mood is basically "meh".I'm bored with everything I do and I lost any motivation for doing the stuff I used to love to do (like playing the guitar,for example).

Another big change is the fact that I feel really lonely.Yes,I have plenty of people that I can consider friends and that I can talk to and hang out with whenever I want,but the problem is that,lately,when I'm not face to face with them I won't talk to them unless they contact me first.I sometimes even refuse to hang out with them and prefer to stay inside and literally lose my time.Hell,I'd rather chat for hours with random people on darasu or drrrchat than contacting people I actually know in real life.

However,I don't feel as bad as it might sound.I feel actually pretty good with myself,but the fact that I acknowledge this change and because I can't understand it worries me.

I had a huge argument with my best friend a few months ago and kind of lost contact with her.This is the only possible reason that comes into my mind for me to have such a strange behaviour,uet it's still not really believable even for me.

To say it short,I have a constant "meh" attitude,I'm bored with everything and everyone around me and I feel really lonely,even if I'm surrounded by plenty of nice people.However,I don't feel really sad about it.I kind of adopted a "not too close,not too far" attitude with everyone I know since that incident with my ex-bestfriend (lol this sounds so lame),but I feel like I might have distanced myself too much from the people I care about.
Did any of you went through something similar to this or do you have any idea wtf is happening with me?
I'm really confused and I'd greatly appreciate any advice and opinion.

Btw,sorry if I was unclear at some parts or made grammatical mistakes.English isn't my native language and I barely convinced myself to write all this.

2 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-10-10 20:01 ID:EkUhvj9t [Del]

There are two kinds of depression, a clinical condition that needs to be treated with drugs and therapy, and the "normal" depression, the feeling that we get when we lose some one or something, when we fell a little down or apathetic. Such condition is perfectly normal in our life.

Having that said, it is very possible that you are feeling like that due to a sense of lost, of losing your friend. If that is the case how about trying to get some closure over the issue. You had an argument and stopped talking, but that is not an END, it's a standstill. Is the friendship lost, can things be repaired? Try to get things clear, with her and yourself.

Hope this helps... good luck.

3 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-10-11 07:11 ID:hlDakxIr [Del]

The problem is that both me and my friend are really proud people and neither of us would admit that we were wrong and make the first move to apologize.I've been trying to lose this stupid pride,but I can't really let it go,even though I know it'll probably turn things around for the good.I also talked with a mutual friend and she told me that my bestfriend is also struggling with this issue.However,I don't really want to show weakness and let my bestfriend or anyone else see that this fight actually affected me.

Thank you for your advice,I'll do my best to follow it and thank you for reading my long ass post haha.