Dollars BBS | Personal
















How has your day been? (28)

1 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-09 10:11 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Since all I have seen on here lately are a bunch of crush problems and shit, I want to know- How has your day been? Anything new? Did you get any mail that you were waiting for? Did you get mail that you WEREN'T waiting for? Did you do anything new? How's life?

2 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-09 11:25 ID:WL5nti28 [Del]


RIGHT?! Such fresh and untainted lust. Gotta love 'em. The days have been busy, my friend. Tons of work-hours. And I did receive mail I've expected. You clever, you. Just got my favorite cologne; Brit Rhythm. A scrumptious aroma. Oh, and some bills, which no one is ever waiting for.

You know, I could use some new in my life. Maybe go jump off a cliff or something. By that, I mean base-jumping. ☺ In the nearby years, I believe I'll be planning an adventure; fascinate myself with the wonders this world has to offer. Do the craziest, quite dangerous activities/stunts. Things I'd like to experience before this temporary aspect we call life, ends.

Anyways, enough about me. How about yourself? How are things going with you? New? Old? Epiphanies? Life-changing encounters? There something special you're waiting for? Someone? Nonetheless, I hope your day goes swell, along with the ones upcoming.


3 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-09 12:25 ID:rPrdzMok [Del]

XD You're pretty adventurous, huh? I am sort of just waiting for anything cool to happen. I don't have any plans or anything, aside from living. I hope your days go well, too. Don't stop fighting for adventure!!!

4 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-09 13:08 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

Fine and all.

5 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-09 17:27 ID:Vv4bUSlt [Del]

There's a thread like this in Random.
We should decide which to keep.

My day was pretty bland.

6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-10-09 17:36 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>5 Can I say neither?

7 Name: mikasa : 2014-10-09 19:03 ID:Qf33GNqi [Del]

today was ok if you have a block schedule at school like i do than you will understand how long those classes feel but sometimes it's good because you have an awesome class that day

8 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-09 20:28 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>5 You can get rid of mine, no one uses it anyways.

9 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-09 21:56 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I wanted people to get their minds off of the trending topic of crushes and relationships. And frankly, I wanted to talk. If you didn't want to talk then you didn't have to comment.

>>4 Only fine? Not fantastic?

>>5 My apologies, I don't venture there often. I feel you, though. My day was pretty normal, no excitement.... I just wanted work to be done so I could be done being bored so I could GO HOME AND BE BORED. Ya know??? xD

>>7 My art school used to do that. We had one class for two and a half hours. Is that what you mean?

>>8 Again, my apologies!! I just wanted the personal board to have something a little different than what happened to be the trending problem. I'm sorry if I offended you!

10 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-09 22:05 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>9 LOL, no you didn't offend me. :) Either way I didn't want to keep bumping my own thread, and also great minds think alike XD.

My day went pretty good today. I had a lot of fun at school today, despite Physical Education sucking as always, it was nice. It was calm.

11 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-09 22:13 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>10 I never understood why PE was required. It seems like a waste of time. I mean, I could be sitting around drawing!!

I figured this was a good place to post about our days, given that posting had sort of died down while people become uninterested in the topics already given to them. Ya know?

12 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-09 22:45 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>11 I agree, I'd much rather do anything but Physical Education, but you need 20 credits (4 semesters) to pass high school. *sigh*
Also, I love this thread, I'm sure it'll go well. :)

13 Name: Kurooooo !zcCpnseF8w : 2014-10-09 23:08 ID:Dg3sau9S [Del]

Haha, well I have some of that crush bs you mentioned. I think I like someone, which is weird cause when I like someone it kind of gradually comes. This time I was smacked in the face that I like 'em. Maybe, its been developing since freshman year, but has been dormant?

14 Name: Roxanne : 2014-10-11 21:28 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I was thinking about doing this lol. Well my day was pretty calm as usually I watch funny youtube vids then I help my parent with chores and groceries. (We argue here and there) then we had a nice dinner and I sent food to my aunt house since she doesn't have much money. My cousin came back in town from college but he never came over anyways. Then I was anime creating my friends, it was fun sent it to them on facebook they loved it then I talked with a bunch or them. I have a small crush honestly on this one friend he's very sweet but I won't be dating anyone he's just someone I get an eye for here and there and he already told me he liked me too but idk. Then I have my evil so called sister but she was my roommate and currently great friend. We had so much fun together and still do, never forgotten might go to the Holloween party with her and hopefully see her in a concert in the city. I'm not looking forward to seeing this one dude bc he had a crush on me but wouldn't back off when I was dating and just did such terrible things I cut him off and I'm just hoping he doesn't do those questioning things. Just so he can get away from me I act gay with my roommate and let his fantasy go wild and he got pissed. I told him to mind his business but oh god he wants to watch me. He even question my friend G(I'm not gonna say names) Why is he alone with me, what were we doing? Wtf I'm not dating P plus my friend G was talking about family problems bc he knows I don't gossip. That kid not looking forward to seeing I hate him. Then my friend Michael he's funny but he doesn't have a strong heart for himself and I felt sad and wanted to cheer him up but idk it got awkward for awhile. He seemed so confused but I just stopped and apologies telling him goodnight. Then I came here to see what's up. My laptop was sick but I got it up again. I would go extremely emo sad for my laptop if it stopped working my 1# entertainment. I mean I would make a coffin and bury it with a handmade tombstone with flowers. This is the only laptop my parent would ever get me so I would be that depressed. I'm joking? HA! Ppl wish but I can be a bit crazy when I'm sad, I mean pretty pitiful but I hate that too but honestly my sadness can be stupid. I get a nervous breakdown want to fight god lord just bc if my laptop broke...I usually get like this often under pressure can't handle it. I meditate though to cool down focus and stuff and drink tea it feels great. Anyways that's pretty much all, hope you have fun reading this. Was very happy to share and ty.

15 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-12 00:55 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>12 Augh, lucky. I needed 32.

>>14 Well, at least your day wasn't boring? It sounds to me like you have a lot going on. I would not converse with a male that needed to know that much about my personal life... But I would also refrain from making him upset. You shouldn't have to pretend to be a lesbian, just tell him to get lost. It really isn't his concern. Meditating seems cool if you have the attention span for it, does it really work?

So, I have something to share and, honestly, it is okay to just ignore this. I need to get it off my chest.
My hands have been hurting really bad on and off for the last two years. It has gotten to the point where it is hard to work with them. I try babying them until the pain goes away, and that usually works, but this time it is so much worse. I went to the doctor and he told me that my hands were just TIRED. I pointed out that I hadn't been working when the pain started and he still told me that my hands were only tired. Well, pain that used to come around for MAYBE three days has now been with me for about a week. Typing is NOT very painful. I mean, moving the wrong way is, but not typing. But the scary thing for me is knowing that if this is something serious, and how can it not be given the extreme pain and similarities to tendinitis, I could lose the ability to use the affected fingers. I am so very scared of not being about to draw anymore. Drawing is the only thing I have ever felt truly proud of myself for. I went to an art school solely based on my dream of becoming a successful visual artist and that could all be taken away from me if not by the excruciating pain then by the after math of a poorly taken care of (condition?) You can take away my voice, or the internet, or every possession in this room right now. But I would be totally lost and alone without my ability to draw.
For anyone who took the time to read that, thank you. I just had to get it out there for...some reason or another.

16 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-12 00:57 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

I had a nice day today. Still haven't done my homework need to get to that but I was reading "Joker: Death of the Family" which is fricking awesome, so it was nice. Also, I got some red nail polish that I'll be using for my Harley Quinn costume on Halloween. :D I wish there were more dress up holidays.

17 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-10-12 01:02 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>16 Homework is always hard for people to motivate themselves to do... But cosplay usually isn't. Curious, huh? Ha ha... Good luck with your cosplay!

18 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-12 01:23 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>17 Thanks!!!! I've got to start that homework like right now!!! Thank goodness my easy homework is due next class.

19 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-12 18:37 ID:FF27zJ+o [Del]

My parents forced me to go to my grandma house, because they said it was too dangerous being alone at home...this is stinks, I'm already 17. How illogical for them to get worry over nothing

20 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-12 19:21 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>19 I feel your pain. I'm 14 but I think that my mom needs to start letting me be independent. I have a lot of work to do and going out somewhere and wasting my time doing nothing is not the way to finish that work.
They need to test it out at least once. It becomes annoying after a while being treated like a little kid D:<

21 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-12 22:30 ID:rxCmn/uU [Del]

You're absolutely right Lovely :(
My parents could be overprotective sometimes, and it's annoying. Cause all of my friends...they're free while, they always order me to do things and friends always mocked me that my parents are being too hard on me, and it's kinda creepy

22 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-12 22:52 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>21 yeah my friends make fun of me too for that, at least my mom's sort of letting loose, but she really isn't. The weekends is when I really want to just do my work, but she says I have to go because someone might "Rob the house" or "Kidnap me". If she keeps putting those ideas in my brain I'm going to explode from paranoia. D:

23 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-13 02:06 ID:9Mjs4ZR4 [Del]

Man I wish I could live on my own someday...
But well, parents are parents...I know that they try to do their best for their children, but sometimes they're too overreacting about many stuff, especially my mom. My parents also shattered my dream too...I wanted to become a psychologist but they didn't agree cause psychologist salary is small...that's what they said, so I decide to become a Game Designer instead despite of my hobby watching people....

Yeah, Lovely...I guess we had the same problem here. D:

24 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-13 22:02 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>23 Wow, I can't believe they made you give up your dream (it's my dream to to be a psychologist, if the music doesn't work out for me). Well, soon you can live on your own. You just need to make enough money and once you turn 18 you can get a little house to yourself, the best thing about it is that it'll be all yours. :) You're really cool, so even if life gets hard, you just need to overcome it.

25 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-14 00:35 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

My day sucked only due to the fact that I fell down and it still hurts like hell.

26 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-14 01:32 ID:wnXffLod [Del]

Pretty painful. I spent 3 hours on a CS problem troubleshooting an issue that required changing a '(list' to '(cons' and a ''.

That and other dumb things led me to spend 7 hours solving 1/3 of the total assignment.

27 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-10-14 02:54 ID:rxCmn/uU [Del]

Yessh~, Chi-chan is tough afterall \(^~^)/. That's what I've been telling myself or so...

Eh, you fell down? Are you okay?? (0_0)

28 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-15 15:54 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

>>27 I'm okay now, but it still hurts. Thanks for asking and sorry for the late response (of a day).

My day was cool today, I'm getting dinner today at El Torito. I'm the only person I know who goes to a Mexican restaurant and orders chicken strips XD