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So mean... (4)

1 Name: Sally : 2014-10-05 12:19 ID:MGcG6Sdu [Del]

I don't want to hurt anyone els,That's why I always keep quiet and ignore all the swearing about me...I want to be a kind person,but I can't stand that they never stop to bully me//Then I got mad,I use so many incisive words to hurt their heart and self-respect...Actually I knew my aggressivity about my word violence,I already promise to mom that i'll never use my word violence ability to harm anyone,anything.But I still did....I didn't feel any regret though,I trust all my choice are correct....Why I still feel sad>>>

2 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-05 12:52 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

You feel sad because even though you have no regrets about what you did, you were still forced to do it. And it's understandable that you would feel sad since you don't want to hurt anyone else.

3 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-10-05 14:51 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

You are helping no one by accepting bulling. Those people will keep growing as jerks. But simply hurting them wont solve things, it will only grow resentment.
What is needed is to break the cycle. Make them understand why it is wrong, even if you have to hurt them a little, in the end you must try to make things clear, mature yourself and others who try to hurt you. Are you strong enough for that?
Good luck

4 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-05 14:54 ID:WL5nti28 [Del]


I wouldn't use the word, sad. More of, perhaps, guilt? It just means you're human. That's all. No one actually feels good about themselves after putting other people down, unless you know, they're sadistic and such. But hey, no one is gonna blame you for sticking up for yourself. The trick is to not provoke any unnecessary arguments or w/e. Also, pick your words carefully; don't subject yourself to swear words. Taking those out of your vocabulary allows you obtain more respect..kind of. Think about it, 2 fella's going at it, verbally, one just rambles, calling them indecent names, etc. The other just calmly explains what bothers him, straight to the point. When those who just constantly lash out at others, exclaiming, "Fuck you, you dumb cunt. Go eat shit. Learn how to fucking ______!" It really makes them seem rather, uneducated; having that narrow range of word choice.

It won't change their thought of you. Although, in the end, this time you can feel slightly better about yourself in a more, proper manner. Being the bigger person, or so they say.