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Life Story (4)

1 Name: SokaSora : 2014-10-05 03:16 ID:PFhr3AEB [Del]

I felt like I should put my life story here so if people read it and any part they relate to they'll realize they're not alone because no one os
Life is hell I'm not going to lie, but we all have someone there for ks.
Anyways life story

My dad abandoned me and my mother with no money on 9/11
He wasn't on a plane or anything that's just the day he left. 9/11 2001 I was a mere 3 and I remember my mothers crying as I asked where daddy was. I can't call him my dad. I call him /that/. We ended up homeless and moved in with my great grandparents who are to say the least, not the nicest people ever. And we stayed for years. I was 6 Eben we moved back out and then that year I was in the newspaper because my moms new apartment had caught fire. So I went to my grandparents for a week or so because of my asthma.

there we go
kindergarten and I was already getting bullied. Never stopped still am bullied. I get told to die and once my teacher said indirectly for me tk slit my wrists. My 5-6th grade teacher called me creepy but I was having problems with my unknown about epilepsy at the time. Now k.know I could die if I don't take medicine.

My mom uses guilt to get her way
She'll call me useless and gross and stupid.

my great grandparents are abusive
they'll throw stuff
insult you
and if they knew I was a lesbian they'd disown me as a family member

My depression started in 4th grade
an idle thought about death grew in the back of my mind. I was curious what it was like. Was there life after? I don't know. I was curious. I also wanted to get away and I knew if I died I'd go somewhere else where I could be me without being ridiculed.
I didn't know what I was doing at all so eventually I gave up. A year passed and I was in 5th grade. My mom decided to tell me every detail of her attemps how she self harmed. Everything . I asked why she did it and she said, "it helped me feel better. But I regret it now." I always blocks the last part out of my mind.
7th grade
I began to grow an addictive personality. I became addicted to self harm, oxycontin and I drank more than a 12 year old should even think about.
I gave up
I got in so many fights. 4 years later and the jock still remembers
e and is scared. Although to be fair I do still pick fights sometimes. Anyway, I gave up on everything.
the next year my self harm addiction worsened
8TH grade
attempted 2 times and failed
9th grade
the bullying got worse
attempted 3 times and failed
self harm got worse
10th grade last year was hell
Self harm was scary
I almost thought I'd have to get stitches
attempted 4 times and failed.
Ended the school year in a mental institution.
This year I'm trying my hardest to stay clean
I have a wonderful girlfriend
My goal in life is to be a preschool teacher in.Sweden
Jag älskar sverige. And nothing will take my girlfriend of near 10.months and my dream away.

No matter how crap life seems.

Someone is there.

2 Name: SokaSora : 2014-10-05 03:17 ID:PFhr3AEB [Del]

so many typos. Please ignore them I was crying and I'm on my phone.

3 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-10-05 11:39 ID:jgr98Kgx [Del]

Sorry for saying the most cliched thing ever, but it'll get better. I sound like an idiot for saying this, but it's true. No one's life can stay completely shitty forever. It sounds like things are just starting to look better for you anyway. You've got a great life ahead of you, so don't throw it away. School is crap because all the people are assholes and it's the worst (you know what I mean, anyway); it's the worst time of your ife (or at least I think so), so it can't get much worst after that, right? Anyway, I know that it's gonna get better from here (or I guess it already has started). Good luck for the future

4 Name: SokaSora !FLGoOnpyGQ : 2014-10-05 15:43 ID:PFhr3AEB [Del]

>>3 It is getting better, and thank you for understanding. I know that's the most cliched thing but it's true, things DO get better. Assholes are everywhere so we gotta ignore the shit they spew (sorry but haha)