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Confession (7)

1 Name: Kanra : 2014-10-04 08:53 ID:1kl3ILWN [Del]

To all the male dollars! What would you do if a not so pretty girl confessed to you???

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-04 12:26 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

(okay, so I'm a girl)
The same thing happened to me, but with a not so handsome boy and he was my friend. The only way to let her down is by saying, "I'm really not trying to be in a relationship right now." It's simple and easy and her feelings won't get hurt.

3 Name: Venundreb : 2014-10-04 12:42 ID:2EFQLrvO [Del]

I don´t cares is she´s not so pretty. If I like her I go out with her if I don´t like her I don´t go out with her. That´s how easy it is.

4 Name: Ice : 2014-10-04 16:33 ID:oxwliZXC [Del]

hmmm. It would have to depend on whether I liked them or not. Either way I would like to remain friends.

5 Name: ACE : 2014-10-04 17:26 ID:W7f00WXD [Del]

I think honesty is the most important thing here, along with respect and politeness. If a female friend I'm not attracted to would confess to me, I would honestly tell her why I'm not interested in having a intimate relationship with her. It is ok to reject someone because of their looks, but do it with respect. None of us would date someone we're not attracted to physically. Don't lie to her, show her that you respect and care for her.

6 Name: Kanra : 2014-10-04 19:15 ID:7v2to36S [Del]

Would it be surprising if I told you that im a girl and I was thinking of confessing so I wanted to find out how he would react at least a little

7 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-04 20:55 ID:2BN+OE2R [Del]


Please don't doubt yourself. Every person has an image of their ideal partner. And the person they end up with is most likely dissimilar. Let's take Jennifer Lawrence for an example, some may say she's a beauty and all that. To me, she's a bit roundish facially, and the chin's "meh." But I love the person she is, she's real, down-to-earth, amusing, successful, and much more. And that is makes her so damn attractive. See, attraction is never just about physical features. Sure, it may nice to have a model-like figure as a significant other to SHOW OFF. But if they're rude, have bad manners, talk about celebrity gossip half of the day; rest of it is spent on the phone, cares more about their appearance rather than their actual well-being; what they consume or don't consume, show a lack of sympathy for the sick and poor, incapable of standing up for themselves when they're pushed down. Is that pleasing to you? Does that turn you on? If you're thinking, "who cares? If he/she's hot, that kind of stuff is irrelevant." Well then, good fucking luck to you, sir/mam. I hope you are satisfied with w/e the future holds for you.

You want to confess, go right ahead. If you know everything about him, great. If you know not a single thing about him, great. Best friends or strangers. There is something extraordinary for both entities. If this is a question of if you should or shouldn't, ask yourself, "what if?" I'd like you to be confident in yourself to make your stand when you're in front of him. Yes, personally, physically in front of him. Also, be prepared for worst case scenarios, but don't over-think it, don't make this one small confession the center of your life. That's one mistake we always tend to do, you know? Once it disappears, we're destroyed, we fall into that dark hole, sucking the life out of us. It's horrifying, really.

Now for myself in the early early teens, I've rejected everyone but confessed to every person I "crushed" on. More recently up to now, I don't exactly accept them, and hop into this romantic companionship. That being said, it's quite flattering, it's not everyday someone comes up to you and starts throwing something so personal out there (well..). Acquaintances; close; not so close are usually the common ones. And it's nice, to explore more of one another; seeing the side you never knew about them, thoughts to experience what this connection may be. But the strangers, one's I don't know; never really met are the most intriguing. I'm a very curious little creature. I'll always ask in my head, "why? How do you know me? How long? Where did you first see me? When? Are you a stalker? Do you think it was fate 'cause of that one time, where that one thing happened?" I'm probably more interested in their thoughts rather than the person itself. I don't think I'll ever say no, nor do I think I'll ever say yes, at first, of course. One thing I do, whether acquaintance or stranger before I come to a conclusion, is to always take them out, doesn't matter where; far; close; dinner; movie; festival; hiking; swimming; someplace new; someplace old. There, I'll extract all the things "we" don't know about them. I mean, they can just go on and on about who they are, what they do, etc. But it's not exactly interactive, is it? You want them to discover something they never knew about themselves, and then, and only then it becomes a whole new experience for both parties. That's how I determine if a second 'date' should be or should not be.

But that is just me. I'm weird. Shut up. >.>