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I like a girl... (13)

1 Name: >.< : 2014-10-04 07:03 ID:tNCOgecW [Del]

so, I like a tomboy girl, she's rather ignorant. I met her everday and I often texted her. But her friend told me that she (my crush) annoyed by me. Maybe because I texted her too often. What should I do to fix this problem ? Should I ignore her or should I talk as needed ? My tactic is to make her care to me, then I can confess to her...

2 Name: ACE : 2014-10-04 17:44 ID:W7f00WXD [Del]

This problem will fix itself if you listen to her friend. Your crush doesn't seem to care about you, and if she does, she will react when you stop texting her. But tell her friend that you would have prefered that (your crush) had come and talked to you herself. That will hint that you are disappointed in (your crush), showing that even though you like her, you won't stand for disrespect. But you should send (your crush) an apology through her friend(NOT by texting her), showing that you respect her at least. Am I helping?

3 Name: Psycha : 2014-10-04 17:47 ID:P0AyxLvR [Del]

Bad tactic. Give it to her straight, and see what happens.

4 Name: >.< : 2014-10-05 02:29 ID:MtFzMQS+ [Del]

but if I confess to her and she rejects me, we'll never be friends and I don't know how to act in front of her...

5 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-05 04:25 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

Be careful, one-sided love hurts.

6 Name: >.< : 2014-10-05 04:43 ID:MtFzMQS+ [Del]

Yeah, so I decided not to confess it to her & I will act cool & calm

7 Name: Akagami : 2014-10-05 07:30 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

How is she ignorant?

8 Name: Fulgura : 2014-10-05 13:00 ID:N3pvtJ+m [Del]

It sounds to me like you're trying too hard... You can't make anyone care for you; they either will or they won't. Just relax, be yourself around her, don't push it too much, and let things develop naturally.

9 Name: >.< : 2014-10-05 17:22 ID:2zD3r3xW [Del]

She also said to her friend that she is annoyed when she saw my face (maybe this is because we met everyday >.<)

10 Name: dankmaster420 : 2014-10-05 18:59 ID:X0jQcv4+ [Del]

Make a roofie coolatta and take her home, kid.

11 Name: Fulgura !f/erZayvns : 2014-10-05 20:07 ID:N3pvtJ+m [Del]

That statement could be taken in any number of ways, and it's impossible to know which one it is. Honestly, don't worry about it, relax, and be yourself around her. And if she's really judging you on your face (which I'm sure is quite handsome), then she's not someone you want to be close with.

12 Name: >.< : 2014-10-06 00:40 ID:4tZd0Nec [Del]

Hm... thanks guys for your advices, I think I will be my self & not text her too often. If I do this, she'll not think me as an annoying person, right ?

13 Name: ? : 2014-10-06 09:14 ID:+e7wMCVX [Del]

I also have this problem, just be urself bro. If she still doesn't like you, just move on (like I did). There are lots of better girls out there ^_^/.