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I like a person.... And I don't know.... (20)

1 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-01 13:32 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

I don't know how to tell them that I like them...... I need some advice please and thanks

2 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-01 13:39 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

I ment him. We've known each other for 3-4 years and close friends is all. I don't know how to tell him or so

3 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-01 13:43 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

Try to give him a hint. Try to act in a way that would show him you want to become more than just a friend. Usually, he would immediately notice if you start acting differently than you usually do.

4 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-01 13:58 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

Kay thanks I'll try it.

5 Name: Yso : 2014-10-01 16:33 ID:DIr7ddGR [Del]

I would not suggest "giving hints". He may get the wrong idea and also you can end up frustrated and in an awkward position if it doesn't work out. Just be straight forward with him is what I say, that way you won't have to worry with things like trying to impress and such.

6 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-01 17:54 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

You should think first about whether or not he'll get freaked out if you give him hints or tell him something as serious as you liking him. You could flirt I guess, that's light-hearted and he might think it's cute.

7 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-01 18:21 ID:cO+g2GcT [Del]

ok we kind of do that. he dose flirt back and i can guess he likes me to but I'm not so sure. i noticed though he was staring at me most of the time in one of my classes. well I'll see about that tomorrow. thanks for any advice!

8 Name: Rorrun : 2014-10-02 11:06 ID:YVuBWe42 [Del]

I would suggest an all out attack. An all or nothing, this is a barrier that you have to overcome, break it in one hit.
But before that, you have to find a good time when you two are alone and not likely to be interrupted. A good time would be when you are both talking seriously about something, because suddenly jumping from some funny topic to that would shock him I think. Well, I will leave it to you and good luck.

9 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-02 15:17 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

i did try to tell him but I.... i am more of a shy person at heart around people. meaning when i bump into them i squeak and say I'm sorry. how can i overcome it? also I... I will try though. thanks Rorrun

10 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-03 08:05 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

he only likes me.... as a friend

11 Name: Vino : 2014-10-03 09:15 ID:ERpW0PH8 [Del]

Thats a shame :/ but all you can do now is be his friend or not. regardless of whichever choice you make, try not to be feel really sad or bad about myself and make sure to let go. A friend of mine kept feeling that way after she said she liked him as a friend. It didnt end well :/

12 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-03 11:47 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

I'll try thanks of advice

13 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-03 12:04 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

Be strong and don't let yourself down~:3

14 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-03 12:40 ID:i88X71DI [Del]

kay i won't but things today where king of awkward between us but we're still friends

15 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-10-03 12:50 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

Of course things would be awkward. But you need to keep doing what you usually did, the awkwardness will disappear soon enough~ :3

16 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-03 15:09 ID:WL5nti28 [Del]


Crushes, don't you just love 'em, so pure and refreshing, or so to speak. I assume you are stuck on confessing; thoughts on how the outcome will be, his thoughts, your insecurities, and more importantly your friendship. I honestly believe it depends on the person. How patient, are you? Are you willing to jeopardize your friendship over a crush? Will you factor in all the pro's and con's of having this intimate relationship? How complex are you? Or are you simple-minded; brave; whereas you're the type who will go all-in first before someone else does. Having that very confidence in your game-play. You lose, you won't worry about it. You win, and you won't worry about it.

You seem to claim he likes you too. In that case, the hell you waiting for?! Go get'em, tiger. Screw status quo, it ain't 2008 no more, women have power, women have leadership; they've got that unf. And if you got that unf, you better start using it and make your stand like a motha'effer.

Most people tend to wait to see the reactions of their crush; target, to whatever transparent hints you put into play. You see, if he/she don't know what they're suppose to be looking for, it's probably safe to assume they don't get the damn picture. We're not that observant, and quite frankly we're stupid. As humans, we ain't the brightest species ever created.

That being said, it is all up to you, how you want to approach the dilemma. If he decides to just stay friends, then it is also your choice to break it off and make everything awkward or accept and see what happens in the near future. Just as long as you play your cards right. Destiny's a bit overrated. Place your faith among your fate.


17 Name: AnnaMay : 2014-10-04 06:57 ID:ORKbqA5A [Del]

I may be called a legal blond time to time but... I can be brave sometimes. Thought I am more of a patient person. This time I just told him. I'll stay strong and keep going on.... I have one question though. What does complex mean? And lll keep being me around him. Thanks

18 Name: Psycha : 2014-10-04 17:49 ID:P0AyxLvR [Del]

Confess to them straight up. It's a good strategy, unless you're a stranger to them (a random person confessing to you would be creepy).
And remember: everyone's looking to date someone else. The key is to persuade them to date you.

19 Name: YITMAS™ : 2014-10-04 19:15 ID:2BN+OE2R [Del]

Ah, right. Didn't read that. W/e the case, if he's not avoiding you or he's nonchalant about the situation. Don't take it as a sign or a green light to go. He may be trying to preserve the bond you two have; pushing your confession to the side. Which refers to your question of being complex; one who put's more into their thought process than others. Kind of sums it up. Complexity vs. simplicity; mind vs. heart; logic vs emotion; 2nd guesses vs instinct. Maybe not exactly like that. But people have tend to be on one side or the other, and perhaps the goal is to be both. Who knows?

You want him, and you won't stop until have him in your grasp. Great, but it'll give off the impression, you're obsessive. Depending how you interpret what others think of you (Insecurity vs No fucks given). Or you want him, but you think patience is a virtue, although, once someone else swoops him up, you're angry, you're filled with regret, etc. etc. And that's what people call being indecisive. In the end, it's about who you are. Your identity. What makes you, you? Will the you change overtime to meet the needs of someone else? Will this 'not you' satisfy you? If you are you, through and through, but he doesn't accept you. Is that okay with you?

Best of luck.


20 Name: AsbestosX : 2014-10-04 20:28 ID:M5RYM0cZ [Del]

>>19 while I agree I want to add in- how are you using the word complex. As in "He/she is complex." OR "He/she HAS a complex." because context in this situation matters.