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I hope someone sees... (6)

1 Name: kuro-chan : 2014-09-30 00:58 ID:ZWodvCsl [Del]

so here's the thing, i'm currently studying engineering. i'm doing great with all the subjects, but then my parents always say that my grades are not enough even though i passed and that i should transfer to another course or school because it looks like i'm having a hard time. The truth is im actually having fun with this course and i enjoy staying up late at night to study (and of course watch anime). sometimes i just cry in the bath and think of hurting myself (but i dont do that XD).. i dont know how to face this clearly..i was thinking of getting another scholarship cause maybe that is the problem, but turns out its not :/.. .i appreciate your help :)

2 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-09-30 01:32 ID:yIFeyXvF [Del]

You need to be more confident. Explain clearly to your parents why you are studying engineering, find several arguments and write them on a piece of paper to not forget them. Then find several arguments about why studying something would NOT help. As you said, "it looks like you're having a hard time", so do your best to improve your grades. You are studying in an area where people usually take the best, so they are certainly worried that you end up jobless or that you give on your studies if it becomes harder in the future. It sounds like what they want is to see a proof that you are able to work hard until the end. Show them you can do a great job and they might leave you alone (° u °)b

3 Name: Sid : 2014-09-30 01:41 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Best advice I can give is find others to study with. I am really good at math and whatnot so people usually came to me for help. In doing so I did more work to help them and I understood the subjects a lot better. Also it helped my grade go up due to me doing all of the homework. Having others help let us see the problems from multiple points of view as well. It is also great motivation to do more than just the assigned problems too if you study a little bit with others.

I originally went into engineering due to my parents wanting me to be rich. After taking some courses I decided to go into math instead. My parents were a little ticked but it is what I want to do.

Do what you want to do and if you enjoy the courses why change? It is better to do something you like rather than something else. You are your own person and you should stick with what you want to do, not what others want you to do.

4 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-30 18:51 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I agree with those advices. I want to go into medical but my mom wants me to go into a job involving art. Yes I love art but I want to help ppl with my knowledge with science in medical. I'm really good at art I'll probably share it after my medical goal but you shouldn't let no one stop you from doing what you want. Set goals for yourself, if it doesn't work out always have a back up plan in getting it. Don't get discourage.

5 Name: kuro-chan : 2014-09-30 21:01 ID:hSShx+yY [Del]

Thanks for the advice :D they talked to me after i posted this and turns out it's a financial problem and they want me to transfer schools, but i really liked my school now and its one of the bests in my country (really). And i guess i'll study really hard to have another scholarship :/ I also told them that i really like my course... I guess it isnt working, well wish me luck ^_^

6 Name: Chip : 2014-09-30 23:44 ID:IRXW6wtN [Del]

Keep on trucking man it'll all work out in the end even if it doesn't seem like it now.. I really liked the area I studied in although I kinda wish I DID transfer to another school that was cheaper (I'm nearly 30 grand in debt and which means I'll probably pay this off by the time I'm like 40 =_=)
My advice to you, and something I wish I was told back then, is to keep an open mind and open communication with your parents. They're not always out to get you, to be the fun police :) They care about you and don't want you to suffer a 30 grand debt like me xD It's tough and harsh but parents are good reality checks since they have so much experience :)