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Why do ppl... (12)

1 Name: Kaminari : 2014-09-28 04:55 ID:RCEkMbzX (Image: 500x483 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

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Why is it tht ppl stare at me when i walk it because my hair looks weird? Im a guy and im not whether i'm that good looking or not.. what i do know is that i can feel thier eyes piercing through my comfort i wanted to know if this happens to other ppl too and how they cope with it...ive tried changing myself but they still stare complete strangers...i feel like punching them sometimes but sometimes they make me question myself, whether i really fit in,that was till i saw anime like 'welcome to the NHK' when i realized that there may be other people who feel the same way...also i felt like posting a picture of doge so dont think of it as a completly serious..i think it might brighten the atmosphere of the thread

2 Name: Shxt : 2014-09-28 05:51 ID:Hpx+eOza [Del]

Hm, I have a habit at looking at people on the streets. Reason being is because I tend to look deeply at people who stand out in the crowd, judging them as they walk past. Not bad judging though, it might be either, " Their fashion is hella top " " Strong eyebrow game " " Not sure if those pants go well with that top " " That person looks grumpy as hell, wonder what happened to him.." " SHE/HE IS SOO DAMN HOT " etc etc. I think people tend to judge other people just because they stand out in the crowd, it's not necessarily a bad thing it just means you're F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S! BWHAHA! Think positive about it. Besides, being weird is way better than being normal xx

3 Name: Butts :D !4ZeKtProWU : 2014-09-28 10:16 ID:ZUA0YFen [Del]

this actually happens to me quite a lot.

the stares. i do say that it is weird, but there's really not a thing you can do about it. unless they come up to you and start something, i'd say just leave it be. don't worry about it.

4 Name: KaAnrA : 2014-09-28 11:56 ID:OcQR/xDK [Del]

People judge others because they don't want to judge themselves.

5 Name: Lovely : 2014-09-28 13:36 ID:FdCtyv68 [Del]

I agree with >>4 People randomly stare at me and then I get all self-conscious, so I just try not to notice them anymore.

6 Name: Shandri : 2014-09-28 15:36 ID:ukxCQwPY [Del]

Its just what happens. If someone sees something move its their automatic response to see what it is. Dont feel targeted, thats probably what it is.

7 Name: Chip : 2014-09-28 18:01 ID:Xjx85gFt [Del]

Think of it this way... You're judging them as much as they're judging you if you think all "social" people are all about "yolo" and "swag". And that's fine because everyone judges that's how humans assess things. Don't let it bother you and if it makes you feel any better, it's all in your head that you think people notice you that much. At the end of the day if that person who DID judge you at that moment, they won't even remember you. Just move on and don't think the world keeps paying attention to every detail you do.

8 Name: ns : 2014-09-28 18:08 ID:DfpUZGPt [Del]

I feel the same way and I guess the way I cope is by trying to ignore them and then I go on my phone(I read on there to blend in but also be happier reading) which also helps with escaping that feeling of every one judging me.

9 Name: Chaos : 2014-09-28 20:50 ID:+0KPbyns (Image: 260x194 jpg, 38 kb) [Del]

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I know that I judge others, but when I can tell people judge me, I ignore it. My personal opinion is that other people's thoughts about me are useless. I do not care if someone sees me running and thinks "wow, what a pale, swaying stomach. He should not run shirtless." (I am rather pale for running shirtless every day...and my stomach does dangle, I think...) Rather, I go about my day living how I want to live, and if anyone has a problem with that, then I couldn't care less...

Hopefully this made some sense? In short, don't worry about other people's opinions on you, just be yourself and be proud of it...

10 Name: Rorrun : 2014-09-29 01:28 ID:YVuBWe42 [Del]

Can't say I am not the same, I have to deal with this feeling stuck in my head as well, but I think that everybody has it somewhere in the corner of their minds.
The power of ignore is the answer. Just don't care, either stare at them back and give them a backass look or just don't look and ignore their presence. I always say to myself that I am not going to have anything with them anyways, so why should I care and even if they judge me by my look, it's not like it will change my life in any way. Those people (strangers) are meaningless to me.

11 Name: Kaminari : 2014-09-29 17:20 ID:C3fc/DjQ [Del]

This helped...Thank you

12 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-30 19:20 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I had stupid ppl that treated me bad b/c they were racist and I'm Spanish quarter black wasn't accepted by neither race. I kicked their asses to show who they shouldn't be fucking with then ppl started to kiss my ass buddy buddy but obviously of course I don't like that sudden friendly bs but I used them for my own benefits, it was worth it. Their fear made ppl not want to talk to me. I didn't exactly want to be alone but alone enough for someone to know what would happen if they mess with me. I learned how to fight for awhile, it came into play just fine. I tolerated it for a long time honestly sick of it and I don't mean staring at me, who gives a shit. I mean actual confrontation to make me hate myself for looking white and not being accepted, not even my mom so it hurt a lot. I'm still the same person probably change for the better by a little. If anything still be yourself don't let small staring eyes bother you. You sound like you got anger issues meditate and drink some tea. Do something you like to calm your nerves. Its not worth losing.