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My parents are homophobic and im bi... (14)

1 Name: Haruka : 2014-09-22 20:52 ID:azFneMAd [Del]

I recently asked out a girl that I've known for a long time and she said yes, well, now my brother found it while he stole my phone... He's a little brat and a snitch so I know he'll tell my parents.... My dad and mom are homophobic and when I asked my dad a question containing 'other than straight' sexuality content he hit me, he'll beat me more if he knows I'm dating her. I don't know what I can do, if my brother tells them I'll be alienated from my parents if they don't beat me too much. I've gone to my closest friends for help already and we can't really come up with something that could really be effective in all reality. Please help me, I don't want my girlfriend to see me beat or really upset about this and she already knows of my trouble...

2 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2014-09-22 21:16 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Lie. Delete the text messages, and convince them you're brother is lying.

3 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-22 21:22 ID:KwjcoXgj [Del]

If the chance of your brother rating you is so high, then talking to him is imperative. Tell him the true, that if he speacs your parents will beat you, hate you, dispise you. "Help me, please, I'm beging you, don't betray me." This is the first logical step.
There are so many things wrong with the advice that I just gave you that its hard to keep count. To be a parent is to love, even if you don't agree, even if you don't understand. As homophobia was not bad enough, homophobic parents... You are in a rough ride. Sooner or latter you will have to face them, and with that, drastic consequences will unfold. But remeber this, domestic violence is a crime, even if it comes from a parent. If they dare to beat you enough to leave marks, you have to make a decision, suck it up, or go to a hospital and report for child abuse.
In any case, make your heart strong, your are going to need it.

Ps.: Damn girl, falling in love with another girl... what a waste for us guys... hope she is cute, hope she makes you happy.

4 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-09-23 14:43 ID:Q7CXGKLY [Del]

It can`t hurt to get help from someone, especially if there`s violence involved.

5 Name: Saika : 2014-09-23 19:45 ID:2gQuQCg9 [Del]

Do you feel safe at home? If not you can either learn to be smarter to survive or resort to authority that is higher than your parents.
If your brother cares about you and you can show him this is important to you he won't tell your parents. If he's going to tell your parents regardless, you can't go down without a fight. He should really be siding with you to survive together if your parents are abusive.
Homophobic parents are tough marks, some have just never gotten to understood that homosexuality is real and not a funny disgusting thing people do. Some might change their views after their kids are shown to be gay. I don't know about your parents.
Last thing. Is this girl worth fighting your parents and being beaten for? Many things in life are precious, but not all things are worth the danger you put yourself in. Sometimes it's better to put your head down and abide with authority until you can leave home. Then you can be whoever you want to be. Maybe it doesn't sound 'right' but it's smart.

6 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-23 20:43 ID:T7uLbOnF [Del]

>>5 It's not about the girl being worthy or not, I think. Even if she was a passing fling, it doesn't change the face that haruka is bisexual. Laying low, waiting until she is 18 and can get a job is an option... but is she forbidden to fall in love until then? Want to try and do that trick? Not falling in love, you may try but some times is stronger then you, swallowing it up may hurt her even more then her parents can.

Haruka, every choice you have is hard and will probably hurt you, there is no escaping that. Find the option that you can make peace with. Good luck, stay strong, be happy.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Saika : 2014-09-24 01:04 ID:2gQuQCg9 [Del]

I see your point. I think I came across as insensitive. I'm not telling OP to stop falling in love. Feelings are feelings, and feelings are amplified at OPs age. She might do rash things or make extravagant decisions.
It's up to her to decide whether the choices she makes and the actions she takes are worth the pain they will bring. That's not saying that the pain or negative consequences she might face are deserved or right. But if she doesn't like the pain or think it's worth it, and she can't stop it from happening to her or remove herself from the pain (currently) then it could be more beneficial to take a more passive path in the future.

9 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-09-24 19:52 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

Dragonhand speaks truly. I tried to harden my heart against falling love, and it didn't work. I fell hard for a girl and i was too afraid to act on it. IF you try to resist falling in love, you'll probably regret it.

10 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-09-24 19:54 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

Haruka, stay strong. If it is the physical pain that you are afraid of, and you absolutely have to endure it, focus yourself on why you're enduring it, on what makes it all worth it. God knows I'd have died if I hadn't done that

11 Name: ^_^ BE HAPPY ^_^ : 2014-09-30 11:43 ID:CdRzB2MK [Del]

Haruka, i am also bi, my parents didnt know and neither did my friends. physical pain is something you can recover from. emotional pain on the other hand is something that is very hard to overcome. after i told them i did lose some friends BUT my parents where very understanding about it. it will be hard as everyone else said, and like they said you have to make a choice. to stand up and face them or to sit on the side and keep your head down. i belive you will make a good decision and i wish you the best of luck and you have my full support on this.....and as always (do what make you happy) ;D

12 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-30 18:25 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Take in the pain and don't regret it. You have a very strong love, its ok. Love is worth fighting for don't forget as a person it shows that you're not a bad person. This is worth fighting for. I fought for the same thing that no one will never forget.

13 Name: Chibi-chan : 2014-10-01 07:55 ID:lZ8RNif/ [Del]

Haruka, if your father tries to hit you again, don't let him to. Defend yourself, fight back. Or go to a police station and tell them that he's been abusing you. What if he goes too far? Love is beautiful, and important, that I understand, but life is important, too. There are times that people can go too far, and your father isn't an exception.
And I agree with what everyone said about emotional pain being worse than physical pain. (I'm asexual, and some people laugh at me because they think it's not possible for a person to be asexual, my parents haven't tried to understand it either, but they're generally indifferent to what me and my siblings do)

14 Name: belial : 2014-10-01 10:06 ID:S1MWg5N7 [Del]

It's kind of sad the mental state the older generation has nowadays. Like how hard is it to look past traditional values? Guess it's too complicated for them to handle, much less process. Just know you're not alone. And if you definitely uphold what you believe in, it's tough. I know, with ignorant, stubborn and potentially abusive parent(s). But in the end, you have to stand up to what you believe in, what you live for. It'll be scary and tough as fuck, but if your parents land a hand on you, go to the police. But eventually you're going to either have to change their mind or leave. Sucks, but there's really no other option. Either they'll stand up and act like real parents; accept and support your decisions or live their life in ignorance and deny you, losing something they know is precious. No parent should ever shun away their child. Though if you're worrying about it this much, you should prepare for what happens. Prep yourself to come out, cause in the end you can't deny who you are, nor be around people who do. It's going to be rough path but again, you aren't alone.