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change hating and attachments (3)

1 Name: kanra : 2014-09-22 17:53 ID:dVdFUTOs [Del]

Okay so I have two problems. The first one is, I hate change. Small or bigm it doesnt matter I hate it. I hate it when we get a new tv cuz the living room looks different, I hate it when I get a new phone cuz im used to the old one, but I want a new phone, I hate it when a friend moves because we wont go home the same way we used to. So just imagine me starting high school and everything changing. It was awful. New people, new school, new classroom, new teachers, different desks, different break time, different shop where I buy food, different road to school, going to school with different people and so on. It isnt so bad 3 weeks later but I still want the old life back. It doesnt matter if I never see these new people again, I just want the old times back!!! And yeah, pretty impossible, so what im asking for is either a way to time travek or a way to get over this change hating thing
and the second problem is that I get REALLY attached to objects. So I have this little thing where I keep all my pencils and pens and erasers in and I just want to kill anyone that touches is. And whenever someone takes a pencil fro me I keep on reminding them to give it back later because im just soo attached to the thing. And there is also this bracelet that I got a week ago. I got so attached to it that when I almost lost it yesterday I got really hysterical and started crying. My sister broke it today and im still not talking to her. These are just examples. I have tons of other things im attached to. How do I get over this???

2 Name: Dragonhand : 2014-09-22 20:42 ID:KwjcoXgj [Del]

Say "fuck it". Sorry for the harsh language but it should be taken literelaly and for that reason I had to use it.
Things will keep changing over and over from here on, even when you think they not, after paying a though you will notice that little things change at a fast rate.
So say "fuck it" don't fight it, embrace it, the frustration and sadness that comes with it, the curiosity, the happyness and the sorrow. Every feeling that you get will help to build you as a person, embrace them, allow yourself to feel them and grow up with them.
The only thing that does not change is the past, and that is already inside your heart, the memories and the feelings. Things change, but at the same time they don't, becouse once they happen, they are already history, a memory.
There is nothing wrong with the way you are, as there is also nothing wrong with changing yourself as well, little by little, understanding that nothing is truly lost becouse both good and bad memories, expiriences and changes, were the bricks used to build the persona that is you. Embrace the past, live the present and hope for the future.

3 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-09-23 14:53 ID:Q7CXGKLY [Del]

I used to hate change a lot, too. It usually helps to find similarities in the things that changed. Also, instead of thinking of all the reasons why change is bad, think of the good things; even if it`s kind of hard to focus on the good parts, still try.

(Sorry for not having advice for being attached to objects, I`m not quite sure how to deal with that either.)