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Needing Advice/Motivation Issues (4)

1 Name: Biggerbox : 2014-09-19 00:55 ID:GPKxamwV [Del]

I cant get motivated because i don't feel the stress towards the opposite result of an issue...
if..that makes sense
essentially i'm a school drop out trying to get my GED in a couple weeks but know there's a chance i wont be able to but don't care, because i feel ill be able to fake a smile wherever i end up in life
but even if that is the case, i know it'l cause issues with my best friend who really wants me to get said GED so i can go to a community college with him in Florida for fine arts
learning to animate and what not.
y'know so we can work together cause that's what best friends normally strive towards.

but i don't feel the pressure of letting him down like a normal human being would.. so im really just asking what do you guys normally use as a form of motivation?

2 Name: Triat : 2014-09-20 22:27 ID:r0u7jC9H [Del]

I just listen to some high beat or happy music and kinda have like a serious talk with myself. It works for me

3 Name: Amefurashi : 2014-09-20 23:46 ID:kzDfHauP [Del]

Idk if this is even motivational, but... optimism always helps
(U u U) As the user above me said, having a serious talk with yourself might also help. Also, just stay calm. Think happy thoughts, and use those feelings to motivate yourself (U u U)
... At least, that's what I do >_>

4 Name: Yso : 2014-09-20 23:52 ID:Wynt5gBh [Del]

Here's how I got my motivation:

I found something I really wanted, and then went after it.

Simple as that. You probably still don't know what you want, and judging from your post, fine arts probably ain't it either. A lot of people stop and conform with the reality they live in, many people have plans but get involved in work, relationships, etc. and don't really move on in life from there.

What I suggest is to take some time off, turn off the music or put it on some ambient music, and just stop and think about where you are right now and where you want to see yourself in the near future. See what you truly desire in your life, what you wish to accomplish.

Once you have that figured out, it's only a matter of working towards it.