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A Huge Rant. (49)

1 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 19:24 ID:5++X/1xr (Image: 1031x563 jpg, 236 kb) [Del]

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Hello everybody maybe you have talked to me on the chat of seen me around, you will see usually i am on a bad and bitter mood, well to be honest this is true before you continue to read this know it might come across as rude and whatever, well i don't care this is for ranting right? well having cleared that aside i will start.

I honestly am starting to hate women, yes hate women now don't get me wrong i am not gay or anything of the sort i just can't stand the way these sexist human beings are ruining society and people lives, i can't stand when a annoying -insert insult here- goes around and tell you how much she love you only to end up backstabbing you when you less expect it. i can't stand their sense of double moral "you are innocent until your discovered" hell is so annoying. granted we guys are like that too. but nowaday i have seen a huge increase on women even though i try to be kind and gentle to them, i try to show them really nice things and i try to share the best i can i try, i really try, aparently i just come in front of -insert insult here- who doesn't value a thing about good guys and about good people.

So here is the deal. i would like to hear from you women what the hell is wrong with you? are you happy living on this shitty society with shitty relationships and shitty values? i am tired, seriously, feed up, i wish i could kill all of you. (bad women and men) make the world a better place unfortunally i cannot. and thats fine, but whatever this is part of my ranting anyway. where are the people who valued romance and have values? is there anyone out there still alive? is there anyone that would say your cool and don't trash you the next day when your having a problem? because honestly i see this type of trash people all the time

if you have something to say to me i would be more than glad to hear to you, whatever good or bad long as you keep the respect i guess that much can have yeah? anyway all i wanted was meet someone in here who had some pretty good values and create a truly strong and lasting friendship i am about to give up on my desire, so far everyone i have meet here is just trash. i take that back, not everybody but a huge % of you that is. there are good people out there, i am looking forward to ranting to them hopefully i will get a new bond created and some understanding.

I forgot to add another thing to my rant! the whole "creep, and stalker thingie" oh my dear god i hate this so much, seriously people what the hell with you. if you come on chats it is safe to assume you wanna make friends or at least get to know people, i don't cared if your bored and just wanna spend 5 mins on here but thats how it is for most people worldwide except you paranoid americans. if you don't want share about you thats fine with me not like i care about the info of a paranoid brat, but please please keep your insults for yourself no one cares to know what your paranoid self think about security and privacity concerns, seriously, if you wanna be all "annonymous" then be my guest just don't catalogue and insult people just because you are stupid about making friends thank you very much.

thank you for reading this long rant i guess

if you wanna know more about the image where it belongs etc contact me i love this game :3

Skype: Shiziru Hiroka

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 20:19 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Awww! Look guys - another Nice Guy got his heart broken </3

Man, oh man, those dastardly women have done it again! They're all sexist tramps without morals who make terrible friends and only fuck mean, evil bullies!

What has the world come to!? D':

3 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 21:02 ID:5++X/1xr (Image: 1027x568 jpg, 149 kb) [Del]

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lol yeah, what has the world come to!?!? and sorry about some mistakes on my ranting i know is "care" and not cared, i don't know why i put a d on the first place -_- this need a edit function anyway glad someone took the trouble and read it! hope people contact me though is better to talk about it live i guess lol

4 Name: Neko : 2014-09-16 21:05 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

>>2 Omg I started laughing so hard I cried a bit! XD

5 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-16 21:21 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I don't even need to finish this to say that I'm an extremely loyal female. And you, frankly, are an ass. With no love at all, from Slacker. PS...Get hit by a train. </3

6 Name: Yso : 2014-09-16 21:24 ID:Wynt5gBh [Del]

Hm I didn't read everything but I did read most of it and got the main idea of what you're saying...

What I would say first off is to be more selective with who you choose to cherish. You can't just find any girl and expect them to be an angel, especially if you only pick the attractive ones. Really, the world is full of messed up people, and there are some people that are less messed up which are those who we consider "good" people.

Getting to know people is part of the process of finding good friends. Usually you can tell from the first few conversations whether or not a person would be a potential friend, while sometimes it may take a long time and long investment. Anyways, just... be more selective dude, especially when it comes to dating.

7 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 21:27 ID:5++X/1xr (Image: 1023x570 jpg, 163 kb) [Del]

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@ Neko, i don't see whats so funny, really.

@Slacker. the fact that you don't read it all, and you offend people for no reason whatsoever prove that you are one sexist bitch but then again, like i said this site is filled of them. ya know nothing of me yet you judge me lol. truly ignorant people everywhere. -facepalm-

8 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-16 21:30 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>7 Oh ho ho, I'm sexist? I didn't make the remark that all men or women were bitches. I don't need to read any further than "Women, what's wrong with you?" <-- THAT is sexist. Don't post bull shit like this and expect anything less than anger. You're being an ass, I don't need to know you to know that much. YOu think you're going to get a decent woman talking like THAT?

9 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 21:37 ID:5++X/1xr [Del]

hoho yes you are a sexist, i didn't make the remark and said -EVERY- men and woman out there were bitches, thats your own mind creation dumb ass "women whats wrong with you"? is not being sexist, is asking a question, after having whitnesed so much crap i also acknowledged the fault of guys. the fact that you can't control yourself proves that you ARE SEXIST and you CAN'T TAKE CRITISCM i am not being a ass, read the whole thing use your brain and you might find i didn't insulted anyone, opposed to you. of course you need to know, otherwise how can you judge uh? truly. you are a ignorant brat, how old are you? 14? 12? truly, if you can't take words from someone on a rant section then don't come in here and be offended silly person, i treat women much more better than what they deserve and i am actually paid with shit, so don't assume a thing about me. further comments of you are pointless so please stop making a fool of yourself, truly.

10 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-16 21:38 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

PLEASE do not breed. For the sake of humanity.

11 Name: Sid : 2014-09-16 21:39 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

It is not women that are messed up it is society. Look around at what the masses are told to be like. Just try having a better outlook on life.

Also if it is just relationship values you speak of most of that is something everyone learns along the way. Quoting Oregaiuru, "Ideals are just ideals." There is no such thing as a perfect type relationship they all have ups and downs and it really depends how well two people get along with one another to make it last. Friendships are no different, just less feelings are involved.

Why only blame the women when the men are at fault. A lot of guys will just use someone for sex. That is way worse in my opinion. Just putting on a feint and using someone who has feelings for you. Some women might do it, but I have encountered less females who do.

>>4 Also did the same exact thing

12 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 21:48 ID:5++X/1xr [Del]

@ slacker please shoot yourself, i have a son a beautifull child i take care and i am going to raise to be a decent man opposed to people who insult just for the fun of it -cough cough, you.-

@ Sid. hmn true is the masses as a whole i never implied it was women only fault although i still think the same way modern women beliefs have affected greatly negative today society i see a lot of guys nowaday who like romance and cuteness, and i see lots of women that are just plain heartless and love to play with good guys hearts. then again i am also aware of the bastard guys, but since i am a guy i won't go around complaining about how guys are unfaithfull and stuff since i don't go in relationships with them nope, thats the job of girls. and sure i can try talk some sense into some girls surely they will be willing to listen and see not all of us are bad, opposed to women like slacker that just tend to offend people at first glance without taking the time lols

13 Name: Sid : 2014-09-16 21:49 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Also your whole rant was quite sexist. How is pointing a finger and asking a question not? Also your whole rant was leaning towards badmouthing females. I'm a guy and that is what I got out of it.

14 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-16 21:51 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

How unfortunate.

15 Name: Crik Crik : 2014-09-16 21:56 ID:82dAzxmx [Del]

Coming from a girl, though it may sound sexist and demeaning we girls can go a little overboard at times. I don't blame him at all for his rant and his opinion is valid. We're insane at times and we just get a little out of control with our emotions and feelings because we can't seem to calm our hormones down. It's hard to live with us strange "creatures" but there's also a flipside. He can say all these things about feelings but I'm sure he knows that males have there downsides too u.u SO don't hate on Bitter :) Humans are Humans, some are crazier than others. I can testify XD

Have a nice day :>

16 Name: emiri : 2014-09-16 21:56 ID:fFr49bFq [Del]

Take it from a women we are for lack of a better weird MESSED UP!! Yes we can be huge bitches, a large portion of us r based on my experience I'm not saying all of them just alot that people may generalize. I'm not offended by his question at all cause I want to know wats wrong with us too

17 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 21:57 ID:5++X/1xr [Del]

lol, i laught at your people beliefs, get a diccionary or something, sexism is the belief that one gender is superior to another and i have no such a thing in fact if anyone respect women thats me. but one thing is respecting a lady. and another entirely different is respecting a female, thats something you earn. i won't respect anybody that don't deserve that. if your people are delicated and can't take a rant then get out of here really. i am feed up with people who don't even understand the whole concept of sexism. i put the blame where it belongs. from my point of view it belong to women is what i have seen. and therefore is my reality. don't like it? then stop frequenting this post truly. simple as that-

since when asking questions is sexist? lol, pathetic...truly pathetic.

18 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 22:00 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>15 Did you even read his post? You just called yourself an unfaithful, backstabbing bitch who's controlled by her hormones, doesn't care about men, and has no morals. Not only that, but you lumped the rest of us in with you. Please don't white knight when you can't even understand what was said.

>>14 We're too late :c

But maybe, just maybe, his son will grow up to be gay and save our future daughters the hassle. If not, we'll just have to uh... give the boy a nudge in the right direction...

The butt direction.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-16 22:02 ID:vCsbTQrn [Del]

Troll detected.

20 Name: Sid : 2014-09-16 22:02 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

I have seen both male and female held an ideal romantic type view, but they have all been hurt and learned from it. Just not to fall for the same thing next time. Hell I have never been with someone who didn't end up getting with someone else. But I view that as me falling for the wrong people.

Since were on the note of society I understand some things are seen as feminist and the absence of violence could be considered as well. But if there was more of a Male influence there would be too much violence. I don't think a mutual point could be made. Fear is the main driving force in my opinion, since I do think some feminist movements are mainly done so in fear. Like the absence of violence, or toy guns. It isn't the feministic view that makes it grow it is the fear of another tragedy.

Yet one of Robin Williams stand ups he mentioned how men would just want to kill everything, or use violence, as a means to deal with a problem. Women will just make you feel bad.

I don't see much of a difference in going overboard in males, just in a less physical way. Men tend to go overboard and beat the shit out of something. Women however end up using words. It is just how one deals with their problems. That is something we must all do along the way. Some get it right while others don't.

21 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 22:03 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>19 I really hope it's just gr8b8m8, but the animu Skype and email have me doubting that.

22 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 22:07 ID:5++X/1xr [Del]

sigh your people are pathethic, with a few exceptions. you talk about freedom, yet you can't take criticsm you talk about respect, yet you are the first to lack respect and insult. @Slacker, BarabiSama,

on a side note the only people with a brain in here seem to be Sid Yso and the other 2 girls, to which i will tell this much. we all have different mindsets. you think just because you think something is right we all should avoid by it? well guess what. nope.

barabi luckily for me in my country we aren't liberalists like americans so i am quite confident that won't happen.

23 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 22:16 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>22 Saying I can't take criticism or am disrespectful implies I was talking to you at any point in time - which I wasn't.

Do you see one post directed at you before this one?


I don't waste my time talking to people who don't capitalize their I's, sorry ♥ But feel free to continue the debait with everyone else.

24 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-16 22:38 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>23 I was wrong about you. Perhaps together we can stop the wrong people from populating the Earth. :D

25 Name: BitterSomeone : 2014-09-16 22:45 ID:5++X/1xr [Del]

Barabi you obviously can't take critiscm and you are disrespectfull ~ your first post was a mocking to my thoughs, thats disrespectfull and later you talked about my son don't act like your innocent now.

and aren't you a elitist? i can see that you are one. instead of being a idiot about your knowledge of english how about you help me fix my mistake on a decent way? that would imply you are a good person, which i can see you aren't. but it doesn't matter to me english is not my native language and i am fine with having mistakes.

@slacker. "the wrong people from populating the earth"? apparently according to you, you are among the right ones aren't you? such a ego. but let me tell you something. you who judge others without knowing them are no ideal at all. you who wish ill to others aren't a ideal person at all. so why i might not be a ideal person either you have no right at all to say that.

-sigh- couple of stupid people we got in here...

26 Name: 琳達 : 2014-09-16 22:48 ID:B13fy2dr [Del]

Let me say just this: We women are naturally bitches. But for the most part, I do not agree with this BS (<no seriously your initial reference is too tempting NOT to point out).

Posting this will literally lure almost anyone with self-respect into an argument (frankly, another dumb move on your part, BS). Sid has a point with the feminist movement, making things a bit better for worse- with some points of demeaning aggression- but also the provocative notion of rallying up you men, thus fueling a raging never-ending battle.

I'm mentioning this with not the intent of fighting- but you're instigating something with each reply. In all bluntness with no ill-intent, you don't have to take back or apologize or whatever , but lord, your replies are frankly embarrassing and childish. Rant all you want, take the hate, but the more you feed/address the objectors, the more pathetic you look (again, I'm just being honest). Just go feed your kids and not worry about your love-life dilemma, at least push it back for a while so they won't have such narrow-minded views on humanity in general. It'll just prove that the influence (that might've been unknowingly passed on from you) could be detrimental to them in the future.

27 Name: Sid : 2014-09-16 23:07 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Hahaha I'm going to stop here, but I will point out that you did come across as sexist. Just thinking that one is superior doesn't cause it to be sexist. You were singling out a gender. You did tie in both, but it was leaning towards females at fault. Any type of prejudice doesn't always involve superiority. Only the extrema are like that. For example racism. In the definition superiority is involved, however most racism I've seen involve stereotypes. Just remarks about one person fitting a stereotype is racism. You have done just that by trying to categorize and stereotype a female, or feminism, in a way.

People will get pissed when you have an intro which is biased against a specific group of people. If it is biased from the get go people will not read any further unless they tend to agree with that. That applies to everything, not just prejudices. Everyone judges, makes assumptions, etc. Just based on appearances we judge what one is like depending on how they dress, look, etc. You have even done so, for I have never met a single person that hasn't.

Man I almost got into what I learned in my English class for a persuasive paper. Good thing I'm stopping here. But it was a good laugh.

28 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-16 23:11 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>24 I'm up for it ;D What should we call ourselves though? ono

29 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-17 10:07 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

>>28 I'm not sure. xD I feel like it has to be sexist, though. God, I am one SEXIST BITCH.

30 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-17 10:24 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>29 So am I! Man, I HATE those fucking nice men so much. How DARE they!! I just want to ruin their damn lives >D !!!!! So our name has to reflect that? ♥ hm....

What about The Cunts of Castration? We can call ourselves the CC \o\ Or maybe the Cock Cops? Terrorists Against Testosterone? The Dick Hunting Dominatrices? I'm thinking it should have some alliteration to it.

31 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-17 11:43 ID:tnxnEZSv [Del]

>>30 I'm liking Cock Cops. XD

32 Name: 一十也ん : 2014-09-17 12:26 ID:/XlTI84C [Del]

I've to say I completely understand you,I also hate those type of people,with no values and who think on betrayal as something normal,I'm a woman and I didn't like the way you talk about the women,but I think you're not wrong at all,I think you are part right,indeed most of the women are exactly the way you said,so you are right on this,but I also think that's not just the women,but the men too.
And it looks like you have your heart broken recently,I can be not right,and you don't have to talk about it to me if you don't want,but if that's the case I have to say,don't mind it so much,it will pass. Unfortunately we live in that shitty society where this type of behavior is considered as normal,but as you said out there are some people like us,who don't consider those things as normal and who also suffer because of these other people.
I'm someone who already suffer with this things and who don't like it and who don't want to live like this,that's one of the reasons why I hate people,but I am of these people,and there's nothing I can do,just keep going avoiding become more likely with those people that I hate.

33 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-17 13:40 ID:zeXoCxu5 [Del]

People are stupid and this thread is a good example.
"I know everyone is an asshole man and woman but I´ll write my rant in a way I people think I´m a sexist anyway. Afterwards I will complain about them being stupid."
"This guy made a rant about why he doesn´t like a lot of womans behaviour. I´d better say equal stupid shit about man and insult him instead of helping him so he might change his attitude."
Everyone calm the fuck down. What people on the internet say doesn´t equal their true opinion, sometimes they are just a bit angry what they write gets misunderstod. And fucking watch what you say on the internet. Everyone will misunderstand you so don´t be an idiot and imagine the view other people will have, they won´t see your thoughts, they will only see the shitty litte piece of text you write and thing you are sexist, stupid, racist, do have shit taste in music and are an idiot because of that (people are stupid) and so on. #prejudices
(I didn´t read the whole thread lol)

34 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-17 18:42 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>31 Cock Cops it is, then ;D

>>33 What is there to help him with? It's not our responsibility to change his attitude. He just had a hissy fit after a breakup and got bitched off for it; it's not some big deal worth giving a legitimate response to. He'll move on when he's done and understand the reactions in due time.

35 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-17 23:22 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I understand what you're getting at. I hope to meet a nice guy soon but most woman are like that b/c they either like sex or mean b/c they're sick of bs. So far as I had female roommates I see how they work bc I was like an outsider. You got the person that likes sex and a follower that's just convince into it as well. Then you have the commit one and the other one wasn't exactly committing to guys until she met one she really liked. In my case I'm the one that's tired of bs and is the mean type to actually be convinced eventually if I feel comfortable. Those are the different types at least b/c the matter of choices ppl have in dating. Whatever works out best for them they don't care as long they feel good or happy.

36 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-18 06:35 ID:5nk04CxT [Del]

>>34 We can´t really judge if it´s a big deal or not. Maybe he won´t move on and understand the reactions, have you thought about that possibility?
Sure you don´t have to help him but why be an asshole and make fun of him? Where´s the point? You think it´s funny to insult and bully people?

37 Name: Sid : 2014-09-18 08:11 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

>>36 you do realize the op was the first to insult another. They just returned the favor.

In my opinion I think enough advice was offered on the matter as well.

38 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-18 10:14 ID:5nk04CxT [Del]

>>37 it goes like this:
1 rages about woman
2 makes fun of him
3 /op wants an edit function and people to talk to
4 haha 2 is funny
5 you asshole, get hit by a train <not op

Dude just read this stupid thread before you assume op started.

39 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-18 10:22 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>36 If he doesn't move on, then someone in the REAL WORLD will have to set him straight. Not us.

It's not about bullying. It's about seeing these misguided ravings on every single site I go on by guys who think they're owed good girls for being nice and judge the entire populace of women about their relationship experiences. They pop up at least once a week, and that excludes the days I'm browsing Reddit where it's more like once every ten minutes.

I have TRIED to change their points of view and help them along. I have tried to explain it. Plenty of people here could probably testify to me debating in threads like these prior to try and help OP get over himself.

There comes to a point when you realize they are not going to change because of what people on the internet say to them. I'm not going to waste my time babysitting little boys online who might start hating women because they got cheated on. If you want to help him so much, help him yourself.

40 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-18 10:43 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

One more thing.

>>38 OP absolutely did start the negativity all on his own. If you walk up to someone and go, "What the hell is wrong with you!? Because that guy across the street was mean to mean, I don't think you have any morals either, so now I just want to kill you!" do you think they're going to calmly debate with you about your experiences?

No. They're either going to argue, fight, or ignore you (and probably talk about you to their friends around the corner just as I did). OP was rude and disrespectful and insulted enough members to get told off in the replies. That's how life works. If you want help, don't be an asshole.

41 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-18 11:11 ID:5nk04CxT [Del]

>>39 you are right there are a lot of people like him on the internet and it´s unlikly that any advice the< get from others will really help them. Trying to help them is probably unnecessary, yes.
Making fun of them with others isn´t a solution though.
Sure this guy hates woman and whines about it on the internet and that´s a good reason to not like him but if guys like him annoy you why make fun of them and participate in/start an argument. I just don´t see the point.
I wouldn´t know how to help him. lol
I would probably (If this whole argument hadn´t been there) say something like: Calm down, don´t hate woman because you had some bad experiences.
Sure this wouldn´t change his life and I don´t have to do this but it´s meant as a nice gesture.

42 Name: Sid : 2014-09-18 11:26 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

>>41 First off I offered advice when I thought it was needed. Secondly enough advice is here for his vague problem. Most of this rant was just complaining and pointing fingers. He clearly crosses the line by insulting women in the original post. People get defensive and pissed when they are criticized and he responded in a accusatory way when one didn't agree with his views.

If he wanted more help he should describe his problem in more detail. From this rant I cant discern a specific problem that one can help with. One thing he did get across is his sexism, and people got pissed off due to that.

I offered help since I don't get pissed off a lot.

He has stopped replying so I am assuming he has moved on. If not he should post something that describes a specific problem, not just complaining.

43 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-18 11:38 ID:5nk04CxT [Del]

>>40 Yes he was disrespectful and an asshole in his original post. But the first person to directly insulted someone on this thread was >>5 . You could argue that op insulted all woman though lol
In the end I want to say that I do not think op is right in what he is saying in his rant. I´m just mad at people and want to tell them how to behave because I´m cool.

44 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-18 11:48 ID:5nk04CxT [Del]

>>42 yes, YOU offered advice but you can´t say that about slacker/ >>5

45 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-18 14:09 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>41 Nah, I think it's a great solution.

But let's stop bumping this thread now that OP has buzzed off.

46 Name: Island Sun : 2014-09-18 15:27 ID:aZ+VQkSP [Del]

Wow, OP really needs to get over themselves. Gender can hardily make someone morally corrupt. You can't just blame other people or groups completely for your own problems. Everything is related, and I bet the best solution to op's newfound hatred of women is to look inward and really see what's causing it beyond these vague, shitty superficial reasons.

Also >>20
"But if there was more of a Male influence there would be too much violence." That's pretty much just a stereotype. Especially if you're referring to domestic violence, in which case studies have pretty much found that men and women do that in equal amounts.
And honestly, I think we can all learn a thing or two from Durarara!! here. Love can very easily be a corrupting force. And when corrupt love is exposed for what it really is, and some hearts get broken, we have to learn not to blame the other person completely. And certainly not their entire gender!

47 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-09-18 16:47 ID:Q7CXGKLY [Del]

First of all, I hope you know that not all women are terrible people. A lot of them are, and so are a lot of men. But yeah, I get what you're saying. I guess some people are too stupid (lack of a better word) to completely understand what values actually mean to people. It's a good thing not everyone is like that.

48 Name: Neko : 2014-09-18 18:29 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

>>7 Omg stop making me laugh!!! It's even funnier to see that you don't get the joke.... Oh good times....

49 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-19 09:58 ID:i6ag/u0o [Del]

Unfortunately, no matter how nice you are to people-and when I say people, I mean guys, girls, the world in general, plus the local feline overlord over here- there is no guarantee that they will be nice back to you. There is no law that they have to be nice back to you. People each live by their own set of rules, and are out there striving to find their own happiness and sense of fulfillment. Odds are, your needs and wants are usually going to be second to theirs, just as theirs would be second to yours. It's a common misconception that if you just give enough, you'll get back, and it's one that can lead to a lot of misery and confused despair when things inevitably go awry. Trust me, it's probably better to break that cycle of thinking as early as you can. It just gets more soul-crushing and identity-shaking the more you put it off.