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Liar? (3)

1 Name: coffeelove : 2014-09-13 15:42 ID:vaYHIN/V [Del]

I guess you could say this is a relationship problem, but i just need to know the best way to confront this issue.

Okay, well, I've been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year. He has tendencies to tell these ridiculous stories (which I will never hear beforehand) to my friends. He does this especially to new people. I'm not sure if he feels insecure so he overcompensates with these ridiculous stories or what.

At first, I didn't pay mind to this because he knew most of my friends and family, so it wasn't that often. Now, we're in college, and I have new friends who don't know him. His stories seem to be more often.. and it's irritating at times.

We're in a very serious relationship, and we're honest with one other. I just don't want to hurt him.
What's the best way to confront this issue?

Thank you for reading. I just needed to get this off my chest.

2 Name: Somniare : 2014-09-13 17:21 ID:7MzLbaG6 [Del]

Just ask him why he tells these stories. Tell him that he should stop lying and just be truthful. Sure an epic tale will get him attention, but he's probably just doing it to impress your friends and family and make himself look good and make you look good for having a cool bf. Just tell him to stop and be truthful from now on. He'll probably try to change the subject or divert the attention away from him, but it's worth a try.

3 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-14 02:07 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I know someone that always seemed like they were telling these outlandish tales. One day, I made a joke and said something like, "Oh, as real as so-and-so's stories?" And they got really upset. It sort of sucked, because they had some trust problems with me after that. But, if you're sure these are blatantly fake stories, then just tell them that it makes you uncomfortable that they tell stories like that. Ask if they're real, or why you haven't heard them, etc. Just don't be really pushy or anything and you should be fine.