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Freaking Out (4)

1 Name: Kanra : 2014-09-12 16:35 ID:U049AeN7 [Del]

okay so, a while back i made a thread about how scared i was since starting high school and how i wanted to change schools. since then it has been good/bad all the time, and today was the worst mood changes i've had about this... first everything was awesome! then i wanted to change classes and go to the one where i actually already made friends, but I would have to study french a lot because I don't know ANYTHING and some of the classes are in french... I told friend A i wanted to change and he said i shouldn't do it. when i asked friend B why friend A would say that she told me that he told her that he doesn't WANT me in his class because I wouldn't make any friends and I would stick with him, and he would be stuck with me because he loves me and can't tell me to go away... i don't know if i am actually going to do that cuz i already have some friends from that class but because I found out he thought like that I didn't want to be a bother to him so I left that idea behind... but then, a few hours ago a plot twist happened... another friend of ours, C, told us how friend D made friends in their class and friend C was left alone... so i turned to the friend that's in the same class as me, E, and i was like 'if you leave me I'm really going to die cuz i'm scared' and she said 'well you never talk to anyone and sit alone...' and that hit me, it wasn't supposed to, but it did, so now I want to change classes again and start anew... but I still have the friend A problem so maybe i should change schools, well anyways to do any of these things... i have to tell my mom. And i can't do it! the last time i even mentioned this she yelled at me for hours! I want to tell her and I want her to understand me but she would just yell at me! Not one person in my family understands me! I have no one to turn to that can help me talk to my mom! Help! I can't stay there anymore! But I also can't tell my mom I want to change!

2 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-12 21:24 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Don't try to satisfy your friends so much. You're in school for your education not for distraction of such like that. I don't know what's the big deal with your friends but you should try talking to them you're kind of getting distant with them and should calm down a bit. If you're not good in French or haven't even took a small class of that yet don't take it you're just messing yourself up. Its a lot more easier to make friends too when you know someone because then you're able to conversate with similar interest. Don't be so awkward we're all human and can share the experience anyways.

3 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-12 23:21 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

Lol, I just recently graduated high school. Some classes you may not say a single word, that's fine, it's not like you're supposed to be talking to friends in class anyway. If friend A doesn't want you around for a class length of time a day, you may want to consider whether they're really a friend or not, or just let him go with the friends he wants to be with cus why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? Also, everything Roxanne, especially the calming down part. Only change classes for educational reasons, like if a class is too hard or easy for you. (I dropped a class my senior year because the teacher got on my nerves. He always assumed I lied and cheated on tests, even after the 4th time he changed my seat to a table alone in the back of the class.)

4 Name: Venundreb : 2014-09-13 08:03 ID:5ST05PsP [Del]

Just calm down and don´t make a drama out of it.
Tell friend C to come along with friend D and his new friends or to find new friends.
You should accept your situation. Changing school or class won´t simply change everything for the better, there will always be problems and thing that bother you. Life is like that.