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shit (19)

1 Name: ???? : 2014-09-12 00:18 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

I'm in love again,fuckin shit,how many times I have to fuck me up to learn? I'm a damn human,stupid human,did u ever thought that love is just a waste of time? Or it's just me,the only one,who thinks this?

2 Name: Sid : 2014-09-12 01:26 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Nope, I am in the same boat. I loved someone who made me believe they had feelings for me. But they went back to the person they said they were over, and it was quite clear the last time I saw her. But yeah, it is up to you how to deal with the heartache. You can use this to strengthen yourself and learn from your mistakes. I ended up closing off my heart, since I have been burnt one too many times without any reciprocation. So instead of worrying about finding another I just make the best of what I have.

The better way would be to learn from the people you loved and move on. You probably learned a little bit more about yourself along the way too. Just try to focus on the positive things that you ended up taking away from it. Just try not to relive those mistakes too. Sorry I can't give much more advice, but I know I don't deal with heartache the right way at all.

3 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-12 03:01 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

As long as you're living, you're not wasting time. That's how I see it anyways. We're all lost, not like there's a manual on how to live life. We're all confused, there's inconsistencies all around us. For example, if the pen is mightier than the sword, why do actions speak louder than words? It always seems like there should be a correct decision in any situation, but there never really is, because who can say what is correct or not?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, just go with what ever you go with. If I were in your situation, I'd tell myself to stop being afraid of unrequited love. (Like Shinra in Durarara!!)

4 Name: ???? : 2014-09-12 11:29 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

I've to say that I ended up closing off my heart too,I feel my last "experience" in a relationship was kinda really traumatic,so I ended up this way,I decide to live the rest of my life alone and I don't want to go back in my decision,that way seems can I,comfortable,less painful and laborious,yep I think that's it. So I really don't want to love again,but it seems like impossible,when I think I'm going ok,not liking anyone,not wanting nothing,then someone totally...random appears and without any good reason,you're smiling like an idiot just cuz that random one looked to you.
So if there's something I can say I learned with that my traumatic relationship is that is better not stay in one.
I'm really trying to learn with my mistakes,I know I messed up a lot,and I don't really want to do it again,so I think that's an other good reason to stay alone for the rest of my life.

I think the same way,no one can say what is correct and what is wrong,each one choose what seems better for yourself.
And I think the better for me and for others too,is don't stay in love,and those things.
About the unrequited love,I've to say I dunno if it's unrequited,cuz I don't confessed,and I don't plan to do it. I think its better just let this feeling die with the time. (I really wanted to have the courage of Shinra (≧◇≦)!!!)

5 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-12 13:25 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

Takes a lot of will power to not act on an emotion as powerful as love. I hope you find the feelings you're searching for in this world. =) Good luck.

6 Name: ???? : 2014-09-12 14:01 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

Thanks SmileyFaceShoes (: I'll keep trying 👊

7 Name: Sid : 2014-09-12 14:36 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

Yup it does take a lot of will power not to do so, but I overpower the feelings with logic in the end. I am content with being alone for the rest of my life, but it would be better with another. However due to me falling for the wrong people it is just that much harder for me to open up to someone new.

Easier said than done, but do what you think is best. Would you regret letting a chance slip away, or would you rather try? But one thing that makes sense to me is a good relationship is somewhat easy. No true relationship is easy, but if you both like each other, and have similar interests then it should be easier to get along.

8 Name: ???? : 2014-09-12 15:59 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

Well spoken,easier said than done,it's always this way.
well,actually I dunno about his feelings about me,and I think I'm afraid to discover it,I should just try to talk about it with him,but I'm afraid that,if I do it,maybe he can also like me,and if he wants something...well I'll end in a dilemma,I mean,after all I decide to live alone for the rest of my life,and if I accept something with him,I'll be leaving my goals,and providing me to suffer again. It doesn't make sense,right?
So I'm totally confused,and I think I'm confusing u too,sorry for this --'

9 Name: Kyōya : 2014-09-12 17:49 ID:Wok1UQ/E [Del]

Why would you want to live alone for ever ?
Or why do you want it ? DId something happened ?
I myself am in a weird situation since I know my feelings are not reciprocal, I know it and still I can't take him off my head. Well, in a kind of way… I think I understand what you mean up this. Well, as for myself, I don't do anything. I'm staled.
If you find a solution, go ahead, tell me.

10 Name: ???? : 2014-09-12 19:23 ID:r4L8IgAF [Del]

As I already said stay alone seems more secure,comfortable,less painful and laborious. Actually,yep,happened,I think my last relationship was really traumatic,so now I think it's better I stay alone,not just for me but for the others too.
I'm doing nothing too,and I don't want to do,I just want that feelings disappear with time. I think that's all I can do,cuz I want to live alone,and if I do something I'll probably leaving my goals,so nothing is the best choice.

11 Name: Roxanne : 2014-09-12 21:08 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I understand how you feel but you got feeling to express too and shouldn't keep it in. I know its scary I'm actually in a position myself feeling kinda something for someone but I don't want to try. I'm kinda saying what I feel though to the person b/c he knows about me very well but being together can be such a different thing. He kinda always liked me or had an eye for me but I guess you can say maybe in time you have to see what will turn up. When someone cares a lot about you I'm guessing they want to be by your side. I went missing for a week and in person I was gonna ask him how he felt when no one knew where I was at. I was gone in college and I travelled back to the city for this lover I had. It was less than half worth though, because I'm not with that person anymore but I'm being respected as an adult now and it wasn't worth everyone worries. This person caused so much trouble to just make a difference of me but its not worth being with someone like that. That boy who still by my side still worries for me and I possibly gave him a big scared. He was someone that was trying to find me himself and he just knows what went wrong with me and willing to just to see me again. I feel maybe it shouldn't be all bad to consider a person if they care so much but it is scary at the same time. My x pulled me into so much things and that's b/c I was a stupid blinding lover just following this person to keep her by my side but it wasn't worth it to fight and change myself. So I just hope you get what I'm saying it depends on what you feel to make that decision but more or least maybe you should wait within time just to be with them.

12 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-12 23:26 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

For the short length of time we're alive, we have to try and get the most out of it. Take away religious beliefs, and life just becomes about enjoying it while it lasts, having a life worth living. And if you are religious, I'd recommend advice from your beliefs.

If you keep your heart walled off, you'll be separated from all the joy the world has to offer... So, if you want to be happy, you gotta take risks of unwanted emotions coming around too. Kind of like gambling, lol.

13 Name: ???? : 2014-09-13 00:10 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

Well actually I don't have so much time to decide if I'm gonna do something cuz I'll probably don't see this person more starting the next year. I'm really on an dilemma,I want to try,but I'm so afraid for this,and if I do it,it will really mess up all my life.

14 Name: ???? : 2014-09-13 00:16 ID:oS44UXxS [Del]

SmileyFaceShoes I know I'm probably doing the wrong choice,but I'm really scared that I can suffer again. So I prefer to don't have that happiness again than suffer to have it. And why you're talking about religious beliefs? Relax,I don't have this things.

15 Name: Sid : 2014-09-13 01:27 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

I understand you completely. But living alone is a bad choice. I did it for about a year in a way. I had a roommate and we never saw each other and I just locked myself in my room all the time. I just got bored a lot more and didn't have as much fun as I am now. I live with a good friend now and we always go out to bars and whatnot. He is just like a brother to me.

I'm content with being alone for the rest of my life due to not needing to depend on another and I can enjoy life as is. Of course it would be a lot better if I find a significant other. Just due to not ever finding someone who truly liked me when I liked them caused me to close off my heart. Each person I fell for ended up being with another after getting my hopes up. So I just got used to expecting that now and if someone comes along it will be harder for me to open up to them.

But again do what you think would be best for you. Weigh the pros and cons of letting them go or trying to be with them. What would be the benefits of both, along with the downsides. You can also try to not act upon your feelings until you think could. If you can you could still interact with this other person if you think you can not act upon your feelings. You could get to know them better and vice versa. You might end up not being able to put up with their flaws to the extent you don't want to pursue them. Also it could be the opposite and find out you want to act upon those feelings more so. But you could always cut it short whenever you want.

Also don't think you are making a wrong choice either way, for each will have wrongs in them. I know I go about these things in a bad way, but that way is the best suited for me as well. I tried other ways too and I am just sticking with what worked best for me in the long run.

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17 Name: SmileyFaceShoes : 2014-09-13 08:45 ID:YlLV8HhS [Del]

Lol, sorry bout the religious stuff, didn't want to overstep boundaries. I see it as you can't get the good in life without the bad. The better your life is, the higher chance of bad things happening, but when it happens on a good day it's like the bad is just drowning under the good. If all you do is see the bad, then the same effect happens the other way around, the good is swallowed in by the bad.. Sorry if I worded this in a way that's hard to understand.

18 Name: ???? : 2014-09-14 17:33 ID:/XlTI84C [Del]

Sid,thanks for your support I will start think a little bit more about the pros and cons and then decide,what
seems better to me.
And u hope u can find the happiness in any way u choose,the same way as I want it to me (^_-)-☆

19 Name: ???? : 2014-09-14 17:39 ID:/XlTI84C [Del]

SmileyFaceShoes thanks for your support too, your words remembered me about something important I was forgetting.
We can't have the good things without the bad things,and if we just look to the bad things they will look bigger than the good ones.
So really thanks for this and I'll continue trying to make the best choice for me.
Oh and don't mind about the religious stuff. ('ω')ノ