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Help? (8)

1 Name: Shiro : 2014-09-04 18:03 ID:ZxlQfiZ1 [Del]

okay so lately ive been feeling super depressed i just feel empty and worthless my friends in school are starting to notice to,so can anyone give me advice a d im not very confident either any thanks for the help if you can!

2 Name: ralph waldo emmerson : 2014-09-04 18:57 ID:Tk1WRMe9 (Image: 500x332 jpg, 29 kb) [Del]

src/1409875036203.jpg: 500x332, 29 kb
ur bootiful

3 Name: ralph waldo emmerson : 2014-09-04 18:58 ID:Tk1WRMe9 [Del]

but seriously dont get sad its ok people do are for u

4 Name: Richie (Scrublord) : 2014-09-04 19:02 ID:rw2IZjZr [Del]

I used to feel depressed all the time, but then I realized the only reason you can feel so sad is because there were happy moments, and then I became thankful for the happy moments in my life and forgot to be depressed.

5 Name: Shiro !e46DaAkk9o!!VS9XuPhv : 2014-09-05 16:00 ID:ZxlQfiZ1 [Del]

thankyou so much guys

6 Name: Little POOTIS : 2014-09-05 18:13 ID:Lef2ABkw (Image: 240x200 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1409958837308.jpg: 240x200, 12 kb
I hope you feel a little bit better by now!
Do you have any idea what makes you feel this way?
Well, you must know that you are not worthless! Nobody is!

7 Name: Rin-sama : 2014-09-06 14:11 ID:NXMrElYM [Del]

I was depressed for the last year and a half, and still a little bit now. Just try to enjoy the fun parts of life, even though you'll feel like there aren't any. if you have a hobby, just use that as an escape. No matter what, do NOT turn to self-harm. I did, and I can't stop. It is very addicting, so just stay away from that. Spend more time with friends and people that make you feel better. I'm not going to tell you to get help, because that is your choice.

8 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2014-09-07 04:21 ID:mk6HibF9 [Del]

Hey, why not start a Fight Club? That might spruce things up.

But in all seriousness, this kind of thing is a regular occurrence in my life. Kind of feels like there's a black hole inside you and you have no way of telling why it's there or how to get rid of it? Yeah. Kind of a regular thing. The best way to deal with it is to just go out there and do things. It doesn't even matter what. (Of course, make sure these actions are of a legal sense) Go bowling, hang out with your family, friends, pets (?), even people you don't know. Study a religion, practice a form of sport. Get your mind thinking about different things besides the seething amount of sadness eating away at your heart. It may take time, but eventually you'll get past that phase, and everything will hopefully be normal again.

The human mind is a terrifying and confusing place, and can often times trick itself into thinking it's worthless or pointless or any other rude things. So it's extremely important to just take some time AWAY from your mind and focus on the fun of life, rather than all the bull-honkey, ya know?

Anyway. Good luck, dude.