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So sophomore year just started for me... (4)

1 Name: Julia Knight !Sb4OTdxlgk : 2014-09-04 14:51 ID:oQln4eR8 [Del]

And I hate it already. I know I should give it more time but I don't see how I'm going to make new friends here. I barely see any of my former classmates while I'm walking to my next class and it just feels like nothing compared to last year. And I prayed every night for the past few weeks that my sophomore year would be a good year for me. But I don't see how it's going to let up. I know I have to be patient with this but it's just... not as lit as I thought it would. I hear that my chem teacher isn't all that good (he seemed kinda loopy to me), my trig teacher's kinda strict, and everyone else is just completely boring. Except for my AP Euro teacher, she's chill LOL but the course seems really tough, and I just took it to make my transcript look good but now I'm kinda thinking the opposite. It's only my first day and I'm already on a tantrum... or maybe it's just because I didn't sleep last night.

This is just me letting off steam but if you guys want to give me some advice then feel free to do so.

Actually, don't hesitate in giving me advice, I might need it for later. lol

2 Name: You will never know : 2014-09-05 03:33 ID:eSHUSGXo [Del]

Hey don't let that stuff drag you down man just keep an open mind and the rest is just child's play

3 Name: Ness : 2014-12-01 16:04 ID:0/lpTQyC [Del]

You will never know has a point plus you can always make friends here I'll be your friend =3. Plus I'm a sophomore too and i hate my Biology teacher she is passive aggressive plus she always has this look on her face "I hate every single one of you because my family is stressful". Plus my civics and economics teacher is former wrestler Otto Schwanz you would think having a former wrestler as a teacher would be fun but no he's so boring. But anyway... just try to make the best of it and try to make new friends again I'll be your friend =3. Plus there are some awesome people on here.

4 Name: Seby : 2014-12-02 17:38 ID:zUbSJ8Nf [Del]

I just stared my freshman year of high school and my friend has the same problem your having, she got fed up with everything and decided to transfer to a different school that's a little out of the way even before second quarter. The school is nice but she ended up hating it there even more than the previous one and now wants to come back but her mom wont let her on account of all the paper work to transfer yet again, so she's stuck with her bad decision. I cant offer much advise since I'm only a freshman but just keep in mind that maybe it's not so bad? I mean, it really could be worse. :)