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1 Name: osine : 2014-08-31 10:14 ID:7wY+ZJPU [Del]

Do your friends know if you're an otaku? When I started high school the first thing on my "Class Introductions" list was that I loved anime. No one knew what it was... So they googled it and low and behold now I am the school's resident "PERVERTED HENTAI FREAK".
AS IF PEOPLE WATCH STEINS;GATE FOR RUKA DAMMIT! It's all about the freaking story and the development! Why is it that foolish fools always think of SHORT SKIRTS AND TENTACLES when anime is brought up?
And the worst thing is that when AoT was airing the whole school was watching it, and then I overheard someone talking about it, so I asked if they were watching it. The conversation went from "Oh isn't it so edgy" to "OH BTW DID YOU KNOW THAT ____ IS THE BIG RED ONE!?"
So many dumbasses thinking that they are being cool by SPOILING THE FUCKLING PLOT for the rest of us.
Here is my warning to all the people who are still closet fans... NEVER LEAVE THE CLOSET! You will face a barrage of insults about fucking tentacle hentai and how you're wasting your time. AS IF THEY COULD EVER COMPREHEND LAIN OR UNDERSTAND FATE/ZERO! Trust me, internet dwellers who have yet to release their pent up anime overdrives on the real world, DON'T DO IT! It's not worth it....
*sobs morosely*

2 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-31 11:02 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 okay, with a lot of hobbies there will be some hate and misunderstanding involved. When you come out honest about your hobbies, especially unique ones, you have to be prepared for that. And with extremely popular fandoms there will always be spoilers, if you want to avoid AoT spoilers I suggest reading the manga. However, if you're prepared for the negatives of telling others your hobby, then by all means tell people, it makes it easier to make friends who are interested in the same thing :3

3 Name: Jacky : 2014-08-31 14:59 ID:7KwBGZv8 [Del]

In my school nearly everyone know that I'm Otaku. That's how I made friends. I have the luck, that a lot of them have the same interests than I have. Ok, there are people too, that think Anime is something for little children, but I'm not the only one telling them that they're wrong.
You shouldn't make fun of others interests. And you shouldn't take it like that when they're making fun of you.
People were making fun of me everytime. But I've learned to be strong.
I let them make fun of me, because when they stop making fun of me, they would start making fun of other ones that can't take it. It's easier to me when they're making fun of me.
By the way, I kinda find it funny when they're making fun of me, because they say crazy things that aren't true. It's just like in a comedy film.
And I can take this, because I know, there are lots of things in the world that were more bad than these.
And not all peole are the same. When you are really an Otaku, you should really be an Otaku. Let the others think what they want! Every Otaku is nice, I think, and it would be easier to make friends with other Otakus when they know that you're one of them, too.

4 Name: Sao : 2014-08-31 15:43 ID:HlHBmkl4 [Del]


Let me explain:
I wasn't a popular child. until I turned 11 life were....difficult. I won't get into details because that would be long and pointless, so just go with me here - Things were kinda shit.

At 11 I went to my first anime convention. The moment I stepped in the door I felt like I found home. People there were like me, more than that - people there were okay with me sometimes not being like them. I met Shuki, who introduced me to my first and later only anime forum, on which I met one of the most important people of my life. I found people who were so much more then friends. I had positive self esteem fir the first time. None of the shit at school matted anymore. My people weren't always with me, since all of us lived in different cities - but I wasn't alone anymore.

We,fans,role-players,geeks,whovians and Tolkin-people and all of us are much more than people who happen to like similar stuff. We are a community, we have our own culture, our own identity and our own place. We are together. We are 'a people' Never underestimate the power of community. A person can watch anime without being one of us, true, but you *are* one of us, and we are not letting you fall.

5 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-08-31 16:37 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

So in my school I was a tipical witch in the class, so they called me, because I was always in elegant poses and in mostly black clothes, plus I have long hair, they're already at the butt. Of course everyone knew I'm an otaku, and I was making more of my classmates otakus. Then a new girl appeared, Maria, the others were trying to keep me away from her because I was an otaku, but it was a failure. Because we both got had a crush on a popular boy, we became good friends, and after like 2 weeks she wasn't interested in him, so I started dating him, by his wish. He made me popular too, and I became more popular than him, then we broke up, after 3 months dating, I broke up with him. I meet guys with 3 classes older than me that are otakus too, I was happy around them, and there was a girl and a boy twins, the girl loves yaoi xD She was my best friend, we were skipping class together and having fun. So I was popular and many people knew I'm an otaku, they started calling me Yuki (because my real name means snowy, and yuki also means snow) and other were calling me Cordelia (because it's my favourite anime character and I had a page on a social site with her) and those were awesome times, that best friend girl and her twin brother were like brother and sister to me too, and not only they. We together were like 6 brothers and sisters together, and I was their little lovely perverted sister.
((Guys remember there are many otakus, they can be the cool and popular people, but they just don't talk about it without being asked))
But this summer I moved in another country, and nobody except in my class is an otaku. I'm now in a high class school (no not for nerds, just NOT for idiots) and compared to my old country you can't be arrogant or bad girl here, they'll start shitting about you if they don't like you, being false and friendly is destroing me. Plus no otaku around is destroing me too T.T But I start building popularity here just like I did in the old school, starting with older boys, and I'm not doing anything properly... Now when in school I hear those older guys screaming "Hey sexy long hair!". I suppose they don't know my name, oh well, anyways it'll be hard for them to spell it. And I don't know their names too ._.
And otakus, don't expect anything and the best will happen. Well... Not if you are an ugly potato... But I think everyone is beautiful, you just have to get knowing them better, and even if their face isn't the strong point, their interests and words may be it. Or some people are just very dumb, but they are seen rarely :D Be proud that you're an otaku :D
Btw I've seen on a tennis board some aninme drawings so I hope to find the artists

6 Name: kanra : 2014-08-31 17:35 ID:+MWrTv+w [Del]

i tell people they dont care

7 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-08-31 17:54 ID:xWm4So5k [Del]

I guess i'm lucky, but my school actually has lots of otaku, even the people you'd least expect. Sometimes I'll just be drawing in class and the last person I'd expect to be an otaku will be all "Is that from FMA!? Ilove that show!" or something like that

8 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-31 22:51 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I hate spoilers too so I yell at them for a very long time on purpose to make them not do it again. I even tell them if they spoil it for me I'm going to shove something in their mouths and make them choke on it. In high school and college there was a lot of anime fans. Even if they made fun of it I say "Oh yeah I'm the freak that's how I like it." *Wink wink* Idk maybe I'm just too sarcastic half of the time but sometimes I mean it. *Shrugs* Have to know when though.

9 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2014-08-31 23:03 ID:zy5MITPu [Del]

lol. Well that sucks, I know how it is but damn dude or girl just relax a littal. People did the samething to me till I showed them how cool I can actualy be when they give me the chance. Put yourself out there more, dont be odd and you be alright.

10 Name: God : 2014-09-01 00:18 ID:kkXAKvqj [Del]

All I seen from reading this is you causing the problem. You really should of invested in something called friend also I doubt anyone called you a he tai since they didn't know what anime was or probably knew what that word even mean.

11 Name: P.K. : 2014-09-01 00:38 ID:T5lg0lh6 [Del]

I didn't really "come out" It was more casual. List anime as one of your many interests. It's not a big deal. You like what you like. I don't act ashamed of it, so no one treats me badly because they don't think it will have an effect on me.

12 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-09-01 06:09 ID:IQuw7bzw [Del]

People should really understand that the word otaku a negative term, and not call them self's one.

13 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2014-09-01 08:35 ID:xZmbKibZ [Del]

>>12 I don't mind people calling themselves otakus so what if it's supposed to be a negative term and obviously it doesn't offend people if they're calling themselves one.

14 Name: Hiyocchi !RGzM4aiVGs : 2014-09-01 08:53 ID:kM6y2FxE [Del]

>>12 it's negative term in Japan, outside otaku is just a person that likes anime and manga, not really offensive

15 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-01 09:02 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>14 So, you mean, in the country where the language comes from it means one thing but another outside of the country?


16 Name: Hiyocchi !RGzM4aiVGs : 2014-09-01 09:29 ID:kM6y2FxE [Del]

>>15 I know how it sounds but that's how it is. It became negative in Japan because of some murder case involving so called 'The Otaku Murdered', you can read about it on wikipedia

17 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-01 10:08 ID:SuhWVBwA [Del]

>>16 that's not the only reason it's negative

18 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2014-09-01 10:49 ID:xZmbKibZ [Del]

>>17 Otaku does have several different meanings that are negative precisely the definition is otaku is extremely negative in meaning as it is used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time and doesn't have a life (no social life, no love life, etc)

19 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-01 11:41 ID:g3k+yupp [Del]

It's like calling yourself a nerd. In the same way the term nerd is being reclaimed as something good, the term otaku is now being claimed by that community as a descriptor for someone who watches and enjoys anime and manga.

I don't identify with 'otaku', but I do identify with 'nerd', so I can understand the legitimacy of otaku as a non-insult.

20 Name: Hyosung : 2014-09-01 13:02 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

Its never been a negative term in japan except when the otaku murders happened and just like everywhere on earth they have to have a scapegoat to blame. people who are screwed up already and watching something that has something violent or sexual will trigger your mind to think its real I can do just like they can and be cool and never get made fun of or bullied. also theyre is a whole area in japan devoted to otaku culture.

21 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-02 05:26 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>19 I identify with nerd.
I play D&D, I'm good at math and science, and I am socailly awks some times.
But, I won't lie, some of these things are negative and that's okay.

>>20 No, that's not the only time it's been used nagativly in Japan.
You figure all you hardcore "otakus" would fucking know a bit more about the country you have such a boner for. :^))

22 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-02 05:35 ID:x4/yxYJS [Del]

Funnily enough I have a friend who openly admits she watches hentai to anyone who asks her, and she's still the last one to cop any slack about it. Meanwhile I'm the person who dropped in an opinion on Naruto one day, and now the rest of my friends love to giggle behind their hands whenever the words 'porn', 'tentacles', or 'anime' gets brought up around me. The world can be a righteous bastard, sometimes.

23 Name: hyosung : 2014-09-02 15:07 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

>>21 when did I ever say I like japan or ever said I was hardcore otaku. also I was just pointing out one of the times I wasn't meaning it as the one and only. and yeah I would expect people who liked japan so much to know a lot about its history but to be fair I don't care. I some what like anime and I know very little about history I only know about my own country history

24 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-02 16:50 ID:SuhWVBwA [Del]

>I was just pointing out one of the times I wasn't meaning it as the one
But that's exactly what you said

>Its never been a negative term in japan except when the otaku murders happened

25 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-02 18:14 ID:JWF1MSAg [Del]

>>21 So, what's the difference between nerd and otaku as far as legitimate identity goes? I've rarely heard someone get called out for calling themselves and nerd, but I hear it all the time about otaku.

26 Name: Neko : 2014-09-02 22:59 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

Thankfully my friend one day brought up anime and I was like, "Hold up, you watch anime?" And then 10 months later my school has an anime club with 12+ members. I found like 3 anime fans in my math class too. I guess I'm lucky, but I'm still getting bullied for liking anime, it sucks and I think we should do something about it.

27 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-03 00:34 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>25 One is Japanese.
These things aren't legitimate identity though.
Also, I'm in full agreement that my nerd qualities are or can be negative.
I don't prance around calling myself a nerd because using that as an identity crutch is dumb, just like calling yourself much of anyting.

28 Name: hyosung : 2014-09-03 07:45 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

>>27 im going to ask you to stop drinking that haterade.
>>24 I know what I said anyway why are you getting all butt hurt about a little term like nerd,otaku , etc etc etc. I was just pointing out that its the same thing with doom. something for Entertainment is getting pissed on just because john and jane sonofabitch. wants to play kill people or rape or what ever and when the cops pull up and look through there house what do they find anime manga video games comics etc etc etc and that's when they think wait this is full of hurting people and lets stop it because a piece of paper data or whatever told this boy or girl to do this horrible crime. No they were already broken and this influenced it and they thought well it turns out great here I can do the same thing and not get in trouble. ever time something bad happens to someone or a group of people they want to blame a cause like media. all those killers and crazy people were harmed by theyre environment and family friends or lack there of.

29 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-09-03 07:53 ID:IQ6Ar/RX [Del]

I've always found that self-identified 'otaku' are more obnoxious than self-identified nerds, if it's worth saying. Maybe it just comes with the territory.

30 Name: RollyPolly !!VbnYl8oi : 2014-09-03 20:12 ID:iFk+JS8Y [Del]

>>29 That I can agree with, at least based on my experiences. I guess they've just earned that reputation as a whole.

31 Name: tsuki : 2014-09-03 22:20 ID:LyHPD6BB [Del]

your country is retarded.. the people in there is stupid.. i live in a country where people think that OTAKUs are cool.. we have respect here.. migrate here people..

32 Name: Baka-san : 2014-09-04 08:27 ID:M60QSsCH [Del]

I'm open about my love for anime. Our school has this anime club where we can draw anime and discuss them to our heart's content, plus there are people who love anime in my class. Sure the whole "hentai" thing is still there but we're much more accepted in my place I guess.
>>31 What country are you in? :D

33 Name: Glasz Flame !EM20TOQlNo : 2014-09-04 08:51 ID:BshKqcef [Del]

In middle school I was a closet-fan of everything because at that time, things like anime and pokemon and video games were considered "uncool". However, I was fortunate enough to have three best friends who loved anime and really got me into it more than I already was, and taught me how to draw it as well as read manga.

By the time I got into high school, I thought it would be even worse but that was about the time that nerdy stuff started to get cool, and when people found out I liked anime or played video games, they'd get super excited and want to ask me all the things. I became very open about everything I liked, since I was no longer getting judged for it, and now I'm basically an open book.

It definitely gets easier as you get older. But you also shouldn't be ashamed of what you like. Everyone loves something, and the people that make fun of you for watching anime? They have a passion, too. Maybe it's volleyball or hiking, but they also have something that they love as much as you love your anime. So my suggestion is, change the conversation. Ask them what they like to do, what they're passionate about. Find some form of common ground, and maybe even use that to build a connection. Do they like basketball or swimming? You could casually mention that there are some pretty cool anime series about sports teams. Do they like horror movies? You could recommend some of the horror-genre anime you like.

But focus on whatever else you have in common. Do you like to people-watch? Go see Disney movies? Do silly things in Walmart? If you look outside your main interests, I'm sure you can find something in common with pretty much anyone you meet. And if not, ask them about it - ask them about what they enjoy and you can learn about a whole new world. Then one day, someone will ask you about anime, and you can explain it to them and watch their eyes light up with new information. People love connecting to others, so be sure to keep your pathways open! :)

34 Name: October : 2014-11-03 17:02 ID:kpvGaI/X [Del]

Hentai is always the first thing they mention haha. But I could always say that i'm not into such anime and sometimes even make fun about the fact that they know about hentai๐Ÿ˜. Well mostly they just don't know what i'm talking about. Why do i live in a small village at the country side.๐Ÿ˜”
(Hmmm. I do go to school in a (quite small) city and there's actually a durarara painting on the wall. I wonder who made it ๐Ÿ˜• )

35 Name: Nam : 2014-11-09 12:04 ID:D4zGvJ/6 [Del]

I don't let people know I like anime because the japanese students will probably dislike me and think I'm ' Otaku ' hahaha. Anime/Manga is more of a thing I only let my best friend who also likes it a lot know about because she's in a different school anyway lol.

36 Name: Flan : 2014-11-09 12:54 ID:LoDdcCA5 [Del]

It's kinda Ironic in my case, well not that I call myself an Otaku.
Instead it's my friends that call me an Otaku. Which is alright with me. I mean the folks that call me otaku are my friends so yeah.

Anyways it's ironic well... because...
Every single one of the other folks in'ere are calling themselves Otaku unceasingly!! Like they breathe it iiin. Or something. It gets so annoying really, to the point where a friend of mine who is an actual Otaku, enjoys screaming around saying "Anime sucks." and making the crowda go wild at his statement.

The former situation above is pretty much the reason why I don't want to call myself an Otaku. Besides in the Japanese environment being called one is supposed to be an insult... right?
And I don't think I don't watch anime that much to be called one. :))

37 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-09 21:39 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Why wouldn't I call myself an otaku? Thats who I am and it helps give people an idea of what I like. I called myself and otaku in many places in Japan and they are more surprised than they are disgusted of me. I just be myself, and I found out that by being myself that I made the best of friends that I ever had in my life, I wish I could have done that much earlier in my life! But I also learned that it's not always good to be that way, like when I go clubing, you think im going to tell a girl about my otaku nature, hell no im just trying to smash. It may sound terrible of me but trust me it's all about haveing fun, I have a simple rule about myself; "I am allowed to not be myself as long as the situation is short term, nothing serious, and only for the intent of having fun". In this way I maximize my ability to have some epic nights. Im proud to be an otaku, I tell all my friends of my hobbies, and it's a way of life that makes me happy. But I don't only rely on that way to have fun, I experiment with different things and make it work as I go, as long as im haveing fun why the fuck do I care? After all if it dose not work out I still got my anime and manga to entertain me for life. I thinks it's because of those things that I never settle for one thing, I just live as much as I can just cause it's more fun that way.

38 Name: Butts :D !4ZeKtProWU : 2014-11-09 21:53 ID:ZUA0YFen [Del]

do any of you realize what an otaku actually is or...?

39 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-18 23:30 ID:GCOVk3Fr [Del]

I was trying to search if a thread about your proudest accomplishment existed, but I found this instead.

40 Name: The Crowing !POMN4bNBZs : 2015-01-18 23:36 ID:0ThTHtXR [Del]

>>38 I do and it makes me cringe a little when people call themselves it without realising they're saying they have an unhealthy obsession. And everyone knows I love anime, I just don't give a shit about what they think, because quite frankly, if they think it's all tentacle porn then they can think that as much as they like, at the end of the day their opinion doesn't matter.

41 Name: Kannon !27.ovhs8qk : 2015-01-19 00:47 ID:rhd0Lbvl [Del]