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Not Ready for School (13)

1 Name: Weeping Angel : 2014-08-29 03:31 ID:dIH7GzJm [Del]

I am not ready for the school year to start. My summer has been filled with so much stress and my school is filled with a bunch of mean idiots who I can't catch a break with. They don't hurt me physically or anything, they're just jerks and it makes me feel uncomfortable and bad about myself when they say mean things. I'm tired of living with this but I don't know what to do. My parents won't let me switch schools because they want me to have a good education at my fancy prep school, so that's not an option. :( Any advice for handling bullies who call you names and stuff? Any tips for stress control? Help me out dollars! Thanks. :)

2 Name: Rorrun : 2014-08-29 07:08 ID:SRt/NiJL [Del]

Do not lose yourself over those jerks. Just ignore them, don't waste your time with them. If you do that, they will know that it affects you and continue doing it.
For the stress control, take a deep breath before doing anything. Do not aimlessly jump into anything, organize your stuff. Know your limits too, do not overwork yourself, learn to stay calm in any situation. That's at least how I deal with my responsibilities.

Hope this helps.

3 Name: DatRasen : 2014-08-29 08:08 ID:SK8FqFY1 [Del]

To deal with the bullies first thing you want to do is avoid do not get close to them for them to say anything thing to you. If that doesn't work then ignore anything they say most bullies,at least in my experience, try to reach for stuff to use to make fun of you with.

For dealing with stress what I do is to try not to over think about anything that is causing the stress. It will also help to talk to someone about it and see if they can't help with it.

4 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-08-29 10:01 ID:3ZeBf/30 [Del]

It usually helps to either laugh along with them if you can, or just don't give them a reaction.

(Sorry I don't have much advice for stress, I'm not so good with it either)

5 Name: DatRasen : 2014-08-29 08:08 ID:SK8FqFY1 : 2014-08-29 10:12 ID:kyo5SJMq [Del]

or, you could find the toughest girl or guy if youre a guy and beat the heck out of them.

6 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 13:43 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I did the same thing like that dude said. Either straight face ignore, laugh or unlike me be a smart ass. If they touch you dude fight back. You tell the teachers they're trying to bully you and he went to strike you so you were trying to avoid it and no one was helping. (If you told the teacher.) You weren't trying to do anything but be left alone and do your work. You can also try listening to music when you're not in class. If they prank you well I pranked back me personally not giving a hell if it hurt their feelings since they were trying to embarrass me. So good luck passing along advices with my tough ass not letting ppl bothering me. I would just recommend you don't break anything or certain harm I almost got arrested 2 times for that.

7 Name: Neko : 2014-08-30 00:03 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

Okay, so I was feeling this way before my school started up, and the only thing I can tell you is that this is only 10 or so months out of your WHOLE LIFE. Oh yeah, also making friends that you can have fun with and be open with is VITAL for a good year. Good luck!

8 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-08-30 01:56 ID:05EGbWAq [Del]

Lemme just say, it gets better. Don't beat them up, that's what I did when I was younger, it got me into a lot of trouble. School is just a fucked up place, and sometimes people get lucky and enjoy their school life, but for the rest of us, it kinda sucks. But, it gets better. Just don't get into any trouble. And maybe, try finding something your passionate about and that might help with the stress. Btw. stress is okay, it really sucks and can cause health problems, but there is always gonna be some amount of stress in your life. And screw those bullies. Bullies can make you stronger, tougher, and better or they can make you weaker, sadder, and just depressed.
And, for a long time, I went to a fancy as shit school and let's just say, I'm never having kids.

9 Name: kanra : 2014-08-30 16:02 ID:+MWrTv+w [Del]

just stand up to bullies there bigger your better

10 Name: Sak : 2014-08-31 13:40 ID:2/JX0zXw [Del]

There will always have some weirdo kids. Don't give a f**k because they will enjoy that. Don't even look at them, they don't deserve the fact that you tilt your head at them.

11 Name: Enos : 2014-08-31 15:02 ID:ZdznVWYx [Del]

Yeah I go back to school soon too, it really sucks, other students are always either causing hassle for me and my friends by just trying to act cool and tough by trying to pick a fight or they're just always causing trouble by running around the school like kids. Bearing in mind that we're all in highschool, being in my last year too also means I have to be some kind of role model to younger students, that's just even more stress. Going into school again this year is gonna be tough but I'm sure we can all handle it, whenever you feel down or stressed just chat to some of the other Dollar members, we're all here for each other.

12 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-02 05:26 ID:x4/yxYJS [Del]

Well, for tips on handling stress, here's a few websites that I'm looking through at the moment to help my stress levels:
As for the bullying, everybody develops a different coping mechanism, even when they try prescribed coping mechanisms (if that makes sense). Some people can tune them out and they'll go away, and others are more comfortable carrying around little dismissive one-liners in their heads to give them the confidence boost to tell bullies to flip off.
I personally started putting on a really haughty, dismissive, hostile, and intimidating facade to get them to back off, and wasn't above doing a little bullying back. The way I got the better of my bullies isn't exactly one I'm overly proud of, but it got the job done; now that I know how to stand up for myself better, I can do it without being such an insufferable asshole.
Everybody is able to form their own coping experiences with a little bit of help. Meeting a counselor or a youth worker every once in a while might help get you back on track with your stress, as well as helping you cultivate those tactics.

13 Name: shadowless : 2014-09-02 21:57 ID:i8CXxx5U [Del]

I would love to help someone who used to have the same problem as I did. It's a little different but the same too. If what they had to say was true,(like in my case),confront them about it. Tell them, that may be true, and whatever sounds best after that. I know that's terrible advice but its all I got right now. I had a stressful summer too. I'm a little skeptical about school, but I learned a lot of things the hard way this summer. And I plan on using what I learned in the future.
When it comes to stress, do what you love the most in your free time. It makes you happy and you forget about all that weight on you shoulders.