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Otaku's Being Bullied (13)

1 Name: Neko : 2014-08-28 22:20 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

So, I'm pretty sure most of us are familiar with hate towards us because we are anime fans. I feel like we need to do something to stop this. First off, we need to figure out what exactly they are doing, so leave a comment with stories if you have some.

2 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 13:51 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I just have to tell you I did fight someone hating off anime before kicked his ass and made him watch it. I told him to pay attention and he'll understand why I like it b/c its not just fkin cartoons. In the end the person liked it or afraid but continue to watch it. ^_^

3 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2014-08-30 04:59 ID:3ANHBgGd [Del]

This happend to me a long time ago too. But what I did about it was simply said fuck you to them and continued with my otaku self. If they wanted a fight so be it, because they see our hobby as a weakness; if you fight back then they will see your not a pussy. Thankfuly though by being myself I earn the respect of a now very good friend who was popular and in my defenition cool. He showed me a lot of things and improved my social life a lot. It took me a long time to realize I was always beter off being myself openly rather than trying to hide it. I hope the same happens to you.

4 Name: Hyosung : 2014-08-30 07:19 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

Ive never really been bullied for liking anime. I mean some people think its weird and might laughed at me. but I think most people respected the fact that I didn't really care what others think like when I joined choir I might have sucked at singing but mofos respect that I did it and had fun being a bit stupid.

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6 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-30 17:38 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

It doesn't really matter if you fix the bullying towards otakus specifically (Which is impossible btw)

People will always find a way to bully you if they at heart are a bully. They'll find something about your appearance they don't like, an outfit you're wearing, a way you talk, a way you act, it doesn't matter.

There's absolutely nothing you can really do.

7 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-31 11:08 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

There are plenty of reasons people get bullied, and I think the best way to deal with it is to not give a shit. Hater will always hate. Especially with otakuism, since it's not mainstream. The only actual way to get rid of most haters is to make it mainstream and frankly I'm very against that. Being an otaku makes me kinda unique, and I like that.
I've never really been bullied for liking anime, I keep to myself. And I fangirl on Facebook and tumblr constantly so if anyone ever looked me up, they'd know right away that I'm an anime nerd, and that's fine by me. There will always be people out there to make fun of other things people like, it's our job to be mature about it.

8 Name: Jacky : 2014-08-31 14:33 ID:7KwBGZv8 [Del]

In my school, the most people in my class know that I'm Otaku. That's how I made friends. Lots of them are just like me. They are watching Animes all the time.
Just a few days ago, I was in a classroom, alone, I read a manga. Then someone, who was just one year older than me, take a seat next to me and asked me what I'm reading. Then he said, that he already watched the Anime and we were talking about it. I think he wasn't an Otaku and he probably didn't even know what an Otaku is, but then I realized, that a lot of people around us are just like us.
But I also know that lots of us are bullied by people, that don't understand. I was on the way to a convention a few months ago, and I sat in a bus and I cosplayed something. The bus was full of people like me. But someone took the seat next to me and talked something like "they are all crazy." I was a little scared, because he sat directly next to me... I think most people really think we were crazy, because they didnt know who we are. They think we were crazy people, who are watching series that are made for children and wearing strange and crazy clothes.
That's not fair! I've met a lot of Otakus out there and minna, you are the best personalities I've ever met!
I'm not interested in what the others are saying!
There are more and more Otakus in the world everday and some day, we will be everywehere and everyone would be Otaku. I hope so and I think, it would be the greates when my dream get real...

9 Name: God : 2014-09-01 00:13 ID:kkXAKvqj [Del]

One, stop calling yourself otaku. Second, Otaku watch anime and red manga they don't just watch anime. Third, there will never be more and more tacos everywhere cause there are not enough meat to go around. Last, the meaning of life is people are not wearing enough hats.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Kaisuke : 2014-09-01 06:10 ID:IQuw7bzw [Del]

People should really understand that the word otaku a negative term, and not call them self's one.

12 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-01 06:19 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>11 This.

13 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-09-01 12:19 ID:y4Tqz0aT [Del]

While the word Otaku is negative in Japan, it is one of those words that people in the USA have remade. It means nerd, but plenty of people call themselves nerds. It isn't a bad thing. And just because you categorize yourself doesn't mean people have the right to make fun of you. No, it will never be fixed and I really am getting sick of people saying, "OTAKUS LISTEN" and "HELP OTAKUS"... But the word Otaku means something different these days. Stop being the negative version of the word and stop posting shit about it now, please.