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I need help! (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-27 18:33 ID:anQ7QEwc [Del]

Ok, so I've been having trouble focusing lately and that's because of something I thought and just couldn't stop thinking about it. For some reason, I just think reality just, well, isn't all that "real". What I mean is, I keep asking myself if "life" is just one big dream. That all I've learned since I was little was just part of some big script. Even as I'm writing this post now, I think it's a waste of time. I keep thinking, "Why am I wasting half my life for school?" Now, I know for a fact I'm not planning on dropping out. But, I am just worried that I'm not going mental or insane or something. I haven't told anyone else. I trust the Dollars community enough so some of you guys can give some advice. Another question is "What lies in this so called "AfterLife"? Did this "script" just makes the concept of death a bad thing to keep me away from waking up?? I am definitely NOT suicidal, just, curious.

2 Name: Pandora!fzeo05ZalM : 2014-08-27 20:20 ID:05EGbWAq [Del]

I almost feel the same. One life is nothing, but collectively all the "scripts" of all the lives might just be something. So, in some way, all the time we waste going to school, meeting new people, and writing a post on an internet community could be for a purpose that is yet to be found out.

3 Name: Venundreb : 2014-08-27 21:02 ID:KnndNl/j [Del]

determinism vs free will
Is everything determined or can we choose what to do?
Personally I donĀ“t want to believe there is a script.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Sao : 2014-08-28 01:18 ID:oHWsFv91 [Del]

Well, first of all - you will have forever to be dead, but a limited time to be alive in. I think that's a good reson to live life to the fullest, knowing that an answer will come in it's own time.

As to "reality being a dream" - what diffrance does it make? If we are all a computer program, or someone's dream or whatever, this is not something you cane change or anything that will be in any relevance to your life in this reality. Life being real is mainly a good working premise.

Also, debating realitys realness would mean you have to give a definition of what true "real" is.

6 Name: foreversigh : 2014-08-28 04:32 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 Ooooh I'm really interested now. I'm probably wrong but there's theory of mine I'm looking for evidence for. You see I think that how things are is dependant on the individual and even though we all appear to be in the sameworld there are are factors different. In other words we each are in our own world of the individual, or some people are at least. The world that we all exist in is in a way that the differences in certain factors aren't noticable due to confusion and misunderstandings. So I'm wondering how different the world you exist in is to the normal world. How different do you feel in this aspect of things? If only a few people existed in their own world of the individual would you say that you're one of them? It's just a theory, or more of an idea I found interesting so I thought it would be worth a shot :D. What I said probably didn't even make sense anyway.

But on a different note, would you say that you're perception's changing because you're noticing the significance/insignificance of things? You sound like a deep thinker though. I like that you considered the option of life trying to make us live. It's hard to tell if we're being played/manipulated. I think that way too. Questioning normalities can be very interesting. I've always thought that by questioning everything I'd be able to be completely open-minded but that might not be how it works (see what I did there XD).

But yeah, keep thinking/questioning life. I love your idea though. In one of my stories I was going to use it. Life isn't a battle or test or even a punishment, it's a play. Or at least I think that theory's interesting^^
I guess I was in a weird mood replying to this. See ya ^^