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Fake smiles (6)

1 Name: Chini !MjE8yjSjJY : 2014-08-18 11:45 ID:jthpq9uB [Del]

Hey guys!

I'm feeling kind of awkward at the moment, and would like to have some input on my situation if possible. Would be a great help! :)

I'm working in a big bookstore, part-time, since the beginning of august. and I was told that I have to be friendly and so on. Of course, everybody wants the shoppers to come it's only natrual...

But since I'm a very friendly person by nature, and I'm also smiling a lot, I kind of have the feeling that my collegues are different. They aren't smiling very much. Not even to the customers, and when they do I've got the feeling that it's fake.

So, my question is actually, would you keep working in such an environment? It's kind of stressfull for me, I must say. Because my heart knows, they are not really friendly...or don't want to be....I dunno.

Do some of you have experience with this?
(Doesn't need to be a job, maybe friends?)

Thanks in advance :)

2 Name: Zkeptyk : 2014-08-18 12:00 ID:28y+Qv5T [Del]

My replies to most problems is: It depends.

In all fields, work will, at least at one point, be very stressful for varied reasons.

In my opinion, it might be a good experience. Also, everyone is different. I know people with 'resting b*tch faces' exist also they perhaps don't feel any reason to smile. Try get to know them better, from what you've stated, you haven't worked there for that long; I know people who frown a lot however they are very nice people.

Furthermore, it's very much like first attending school - students are usually excited and happy at first but when you get into the routine the process is monotonous and people are less enthusiastic.

If you believe that you are unsuited to work in this type of environment, consider how much you need the job. If you don't really need it, then there isn't much reason to keep going. If you do need the job, either try deal with your circumstances or see if you can find another one.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot ^-^

3 Name: Chini !MjE8yjSjJY : 2014-08-18 12:19 ID:jthpq9uB [Del]

>>2 Thanks! That helps a lot!
I guess, I will keep trying a bit longer! And just see how it will go...
I'm a bit worried about those guys with the fake smiles...though.
Do you have a tipp how to deal with such people?
mmh...I guess, I should just be as friendly as ever, and see what comes next, right? maybe I'm too sensitive...

4 Name: Zkeptyk : 2014-08-18 12:26 ID:28y+Qv5T [Del]

This is how I personally would deal with them, however I do not not if it is the 'right' or 'ideal' solution if there is such a thing.
Give it some time, every person is different like I said so I'd take the time to get to know them, see the reasons behind their actions and gradually ask about it accordingly to said persons.

And, I do believe you're already on the right track, sincere happiness and smiling is infectious so it may or may not affect them.

However, each to their own. For now, go along with it and see how things go, if something happens you can bump this thread back and update what's happened and ask for advice then.

5 Name: Chini !MjE8yjSjJY : 2014-08-18 12:33 ID:jthpq9uB [Del]

alright! thanks for your help! I'm feeling better now! :)

6 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-18 19:03 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Honestly, there isn't much you CAN do... If they are being forced to be happy while working, why would they be happy? I try my hardest to be friendly to people while I work, but if I'm having a bad day I'm either going to need to look like a bitch or fake it til I leave.