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My Friends Yell At Me (16)

1 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 19:46 ID:5+TCAFSu [Del]

okay, so my best friends yell at me a lot. And usually it's because they don't like something I did. And I didn't do anything wrong. The last time it happened was a few hours ago. We were outside with our other friends but my three best friends wanted to talk about some stuff privately so we split up from everyone else. I didn't want to do it, but I did want to know what it was about. After a while I started feeling guilty for splitting up. I told them that and they reacted by yelling at me, saying how stupid I am. That hurt me but I didn't want to fight so I started talking about something else. But after a while our other friends called and asked me where we are. I knew that my three best friends wanted to talk in private but the friend that called me is also my best friend and I didn't want to lie so I told them where we were. My friends started yelling at me telling me i should have lied. I still didn't want to fight so I just listened to them and then started a new conversation. After a while the friend called my friend to ask if we were still at that place. She told him yes and that we would wait for him there. But once the call ended she got up, told us to get up, and she and my other two best friends started running away cuz they wanted us four to be alone. I didn't because he was my best friend and I didn't want to do that to him. It would be really painful. So he came and I told him how they wanted to be alone so they went away. But then they came back and once again started yelling at me, saying how stupid I was. And saying that I was TOO nice like it was a bad thing I waited for a friend when we told him we would wait. And this is just the last time they did it. This has been happening all the time for the last year. They can't accept me for who I am and yell at me for everything. I've told them I think like this and they said they would try to change but they never did. I've had enough! But they are still my precious friends and I really don't want to lose them after everything we've gone through... what should I do???

2 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-17 20:05 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Excuse me, but...

Ditch them. They're a bunch of prissy little jerks and you would do better to be without them.

3 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 20:18 ID:5+TCAFSu [Del]

sadly, every time I think of doing that I start missing all the HAPPY times we've had and i never have the courage to give up all of that, after all I would mostly be left without friends I can really trust after that

4 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-17 20:41 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Make better friends. If you can't trust them then what the hell kind of people are you hanging around?
Either deal with their shit, because they outnumber you, or you leave them.

5 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 20:44 ID:5+TCAFSu [Del]

if those are the only choices... it's decided, I don't want to suffer anymore

6 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-17 20:47 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Look, I'm not just being a total jerk.
I've been in your place before. I was the "way too nice girl" and after a while it just got plain out irritating.
Deal with it now before it turns you into something you don't want to be.

7 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 21:02 ID:5+TCAFSu [Del]

I didn't think you were a jerk, something like this is actually what I needed :)

8 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-17 21:07 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 you should really stop being friends with them, I'm not going to tell you what to do because I'm going through something similar, but you should be aware that real friends don't treat other friends that way. They sound abusive and that's really unfair to you. You can tell them that they are very hurtful and that you can't be around people like that anymore. If it were me I'd slowly stop my relations with them until they are completely cut off, but that's because I too am really nice and I'm not good with conflict. Best of luck to you, I hope that you one day find real, good friends. :3 (And being a nice person isn't a bad thing! Just be careful to not be taken advantage of.)

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Natsuki : 2014-08-17 21:21 ID:Y+KWRimF [Del]

I agree with Slacker and Neko-Tama too.
I've also been in your place before, just in a slightly different situation and the best advice to give you is just leave them.

I know it's hard, especially when you start to think of happy times and how much you have gone through together. But NO friend should treat another friend like this.

Realize that you don't need this type of negativity in your life and you don't have the time to deal with this, because really, there are better things to worry about.

If you need more help talk to a counselor or a teacher.

Good luck :)

11 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 21:21 ID:5+TCAFSu [Del]

Thank you guys! Ive decided that im gonna slowly stop being friends with them, that way, we can all get used to not being best friends

12 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-17 22:39 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

We're always here if you need a hand or someone to talk to.

13 Name: Nemo : 2014-08-18 15:44 ID:pDlxflgO [Del]

Leave them, they don't act like true friends. You don't need friends like that.

14 Name: Raspan : 2014-08-19 23:49 ID:ZZilmNJf [Del]

They must not like your other friend if they went as far as to lie about everything when it came to that person. Honestly, they sound extremely immature, telling him where you guys were at then running. It reminded me of someone from preliminary school.
And from the way they're acting, it seems as if they want you to choose. So I think it's best that you go with the friends that don't stress you out. Speaking from personal experience, it's a lot less hair-pulling and arm-cutting.

15 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-20 10:52 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Raspan has a point. If you care though for your friends you have to talk to them privately and tell him you be right back because you're not just going to leave him alone. Lying is wrong so weren't stupid for doing that. They're being stupid because would they like someone to treat them that way? No because they're all equally good friends to you and if they are unable to understand and treat a person like that and treat you stupid you leave. They obviously have no respect for others and wouldn't mind leaving someone alone and hurting that person. You were right to not leave him flat like that.

16 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-20 18:52 ID:TXApLYAi [Del]

>>14 But the thing is, they DO like him, it's just that, yes, they are immature, I would have been the same, but weirdly it's anime and books that make me realize how important friendship is...
>>15 I keep on telling myself all that, and i tried slowly distancing myself from them, but it didn't exactly work out, and the days after I made this thread weren't so bad. But tonight they were back to yelling, and I decided to ask a friend to tell them that I don't want to hand around with them and that they shouldn't try discussing this with me because that just makes everything harder, but then before I did that i thought, what if they actually don't care enough to try fixing things??? And I got scared I was going to lose my closest (but stupid) friends and I couldn't do it... this same thing happened a while ago, and i used to cry every single night because of them, but then we talked about it and things got a little better, i stopped crying, and now it's back to the same... I'm crying every night, again, and I don't want to, i really want to leave them, but I can't make myself do it...