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Bestfriend (5)

1 Name: Kurayami : 2014-08-13 05:09 ID:pug3MoGJ [Del]

So I have a bestfriend, she's my only friend. She's an outgoing, bubbly person while im an shy and quiet person, We tell pur problems,secrets to each other.. We text each other alot, but lately she's been hanging out with some other people. She said she hates this one person because she's annoying and all yet she still hangs out with her. I dont know why but Im quite sad. I know that im not her only friend but i get lonely and sad whenever she hangs out with other people. An I too pessesive? I wanna hang out with her too but she rarely invites me. But whenever were at school she only hangs out with me and not with other people. What if she doesnt want to be my friend anymore? Im scared.. She's my only friend I don't want her to leave me. What should I do? Please help.

2 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-13 05:49 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

>>1 So would you say she mostly only hangs with you at school? If so I would say that's not actually a good sign. It kinda says something if she make little effort to spend time with you outside of school but is shown to be perfectly capable of going to hang out with other people.

I wouldn't say she doesn't wish to be your friend but it's entirely possible that she doesn't view you as a go to friend but possibly as just a side friend. Or maybe she's unsure if you want to hang out with her outside of school. Maybe she's worried about annoying you?

Maybe the best thing to do would be for you to try and invite her to do something.

3 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-13 12:17 ID:GZPNXkVq [Del]

First, how old are you?

I had similar problems in middle school, which happen to be the worst 3 years of my life. People tend to find new friends and cliques around this time. It happens. I know you must be upset and that you feel really lonely and betrayed, but you should try and make new friends.

If your friend says she hates that one person she's probably just saying it now, but later they act like they've known each other forever. I've been there. Girls always go on about how loyal they are but it's bull. Sure she still might talk to you and stuff, but then eventually she might be drawn into other people. If you two are really close she might even coming running back to you when she has personal problems. I'll admit when friends did that to me I was beyond pissed and refused to help them. But you shouldn't do that.

If you're friends always come back to you because they have problems then you should be a good friend and Shiite then just how important you are to them. If it continues then I'd say you just shouldn't be friends with them anymore.

For now you're friend might just be trying to find new people and I'm sure everyone has done this at least once whether they know it or not. But like I said try and find new friends that'll be there for you as you will for them. Don't be too sad people come and go.

4 Name: kanra lau : 2014-08-13 22:49 ID:DXXINxNK [Del]

I had the same problem, but she seems quiet popular too. But if she's really important to you confront her. You need to tell her your troubles so she will understand. Or you can try to hangout with her and her friends to pick up some new ones along the way and have her stay a valuable friend to you.

5 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-14 22:40 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Don't get the wrong idea or anything but I think she feels like you wouldn't feel comfortable being around a crowd of friends. If anything just ask if you can meet her friend and join in. Maybe you can even see the girl she doesn't like being around so much and keep her company. Quiet people usually don't like being around others because they're usually possessive of their friends. If anything it depends on how you feel but don't assume or push yourself onto people you can lose a friend like that. Just continue being attach to her as usual I don't think she's replacing you with that group.