Dollars BBS | Personal
















Personal, mature content, SUPER IMPORTANT (61)

1 Name: Person : 2014-08-12 17:03 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Ok dollars, *deep breath* here's a personal one. I'm kinda pouring my
heart out in this post so bare with me. (not sure I used the right
'bare' there.)

My mother and i have a HORRIBLE relationship. I'm not 18, but when I
am, I'm leaving. She's untrustworthy and unreliable. When I was little
I used to think she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I
trusted her with everything. But, unfortunately, things change. And
they sure did change with us. She's divorcing my STEP-father for some
jackass I hate with my entire being. She's smoking again, and drinking
excessively. I seriously think she's border-lining alcoholism. I also
think she's emotionally abusive. She's never been physically abusive,
unless you count grabbing my wrist and pulling as hard as she could in
the middle of the mall parking lot, or squeezing my hand super hard
when she got angry at me. Other than that, she's never hit or slapped
me. She certainly makes me hurt emotionally though. We fight every
day. Every single day. My step father lives about an hour away. At
least HE got to escape my mothers wrath... -_- not me though. i have 2
more years.

My mother is extremely paranoid. And I don't mean in a parental way.
No i mean in s seriously unhealthy way. She's soooo controlling and
ALWAYS has been. When i was only a few years younger, she used to make
me stick my head out of the shower so she could make sure i was
washing my hair. Up until I was ***15*** she would CHECK MY TEETH with
a FLASHLIGHT to make sure i had brushed them. She would fucking SMELL
MY FACE to make sure I'd washed it. When i let the dog outside to pee
she would make me send her a picture OF THE DOG PEEING. Then finally
she took away sending pics from my phones data plan altogether.
Whenever I'd go out she'd make me check in with her every half hour AT

Right now, I have an Iphone. Iphone 5c actually. My mother wont let me
have internet on it for a reason she REFUSES to give me. I've done
NOTHING wrong. one summer she simply said "I'm taking away your phones
internet. You cant have that anymore." Seriously. Nothing happened,
nothing prompted it. Recently she took away my therapist as well. The
only person I have to talk to, and she just took it away. I'm actually
getting teary-eyed typing this, because she was the only person I
could trust. My mother has yet to get me a new therapist. I don't have
anybody to trust, and nobody to help us through our arguments as a
MUCH NEEDED mediator. She claims she's "looking around for another
one" but there haven't been any results yet.

Sigh, here's where it gets super personal. I've got this grudge against my mother that I've never brought up with her before except once. It lasted a few minutes and then we never talked about it again. This was a couple of months ago. Growing up with my mother was and is of course SOOOO difficult. But something she did as a parent (and also failed to do) really set me....I dunno, apart? Behind? Adrift emotionally? Something like that. Anyway, growing up she ALWAYS lectured me on SEX. Yes, sex. I said the S-word on a public forum. She lectured me from age 9 about sex and the dangers of men and love. But never ONCE did she EVER tell me "Sex is Love. It's something mommy's and daddy's do. it's something people do when they care about each other." she only told me "It's dangerous and terrible and a man will screw you then leave you to die inside, then call you back for another screw." seriously! She told me that before I was even 13! I came to this realization a few months ago and I felt so betrayed! I asked her about it that ONE TIME and she only gave me denial and evasion. She wouldn't answer much for me and only accused me of attacking her. I haven't brought it up to her since then.

Now, I'm back on the topic for multiple reasons. An iphone is for internet, right? Well i'm not aloud to have mine. I sneak it sometimes though. I'll connect to Starbucks and then my phone will automatically connect to the house's internet when I get home. I have to disconnect ASAP though. Recently though my mother gave me back my internet for a week because we went on a trip and we needed the GPS on my phone. Now school is starting in one week and I don't want to go back to having an iphone with no internet. It's literally DEGRADING. It's making me feel inferior to have such an awesome device and not having the simplest feature. People ask me to look something up and I tell them "Oh my internet isn't on, my mom won't let me." They give me weird looks and say my mom is mean. I KNOW she's mean, and I agree, but I still don't like this feeling of inferiority. You just can't go through society today without internet! It's impossible! I live in California for fucks sake! California is a tech-capitol!

I also need internet for personal reasons. I'm a teenager, and teenagers have things they'd rather not discuss with their parents. This brings me back to the empty communication with my mother. I can't talk to her about sex or masturbation or relationships or love or trust or pretty much anything. If we were automatically mutes around each other, nothing would change. I think it would be better because we'd argue less! Unfortunately that kind of magic doesn't exist. SO I'm stuck with a really tough choice. I need my internet so I can masturbate. Yes I said the S-word AND the M-word on a public forum. i want to tell my mother WHY i need the internet, but that communication doesn't exist between us. I've tried telling her I feel degraded and inferior without internet, but she only tell's me she doesn't care. i don't have a laptop or computer in my room, because my mother doesn't trust me with that. I've tried explaining my reasons to her but she doesn't care, and she tells me that too. My last choice is to tell her I need it for 'personal reasons.' Well I've tried saying that but she doesn't take the hint. So my last option is to tell her "I need my internet to masturbate." I think theres a 90% chance that won't work. I KNOW my mother, and that's most likely not going to work. But I'm at my last straw!

So dollars, despite being unable to address these topics with my mother, despite the high improbability of success, despite the EMBARRASSMENT, do you think the risk is worth it. Do you think I should take this chance?

If you don't mind my asking, have any of you ever been in a situation where you HAD to talk to your parents about the M-word OR the S-word, good communication or not? Is anybody else dealing with an unhealthy controlling parent?

Please help me dollars. I'm a desperate teenager who's comfort, social status, and state of security are at risk. Thx guys and gals.

~A person

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-12 19:38 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

Draw your own porn?

But on a more serious note, your mom's a cunt, and many of your notes in there resonate with my own (though on a less serious basis). Don't risk the embarrassment of telling your mom you need porn or a therapist. Avoid her when you can, and try your hardest to survive until you're 18.

Do you intend to go to college? If not, you need to start saving up money now if you want to leave when you turn. Do you have a job? Are you of age to get one? Are you a good writer/artist and willing to do commissions? Save up as much as you can behind her back so you can leave whenever you need to.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Person : 2014-08-12 19:53 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Yeah I guess I could start saving up money to leave. I've been avoiding her as best I can for most of my life. especially since I became a teenager. i'll take you up on the save money idea and plan to get out when i turn 18, but I need help surviving until then. Anybody else got ideas or advice?

~Thx dollars, Person

5 Name: syndicatemember3 : 2014-08-13 00:09 ID:BZqBLh/h [Del]

Well my mom isn't nearly as bad, actually you make me feel like she's a saint or something.... BUT I think everyone has their quarrels with their mothers/parents and its all normal... except for when she goes full NAZI on you. Umm... my advice would be to GTFO as fast as possible and leave her high and dry, and I know that you're not 18 but its coming right? Is there anyone you can talk to like another family member? a teacher? or friends? I think that you should fight to get that therapist for sure though. The whole internet thing for porn is a different thing, but the therapist is something worth fighting for. With the internet, use free wifi to download things or whatever, you dont have to bring that stuff up with your mother.

I dont know if any of what I said helps, but I wish you luck Person. And I'm really sorry about your mom... I feel for you and good luck.

-Much luck, syndicatemember3 (Fellow Cali member)

6 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-13 01:32 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

Your mom is insane.
I bet someone hurt her real bad at one point in time.
Try not to blame her too much, but don't really let that stuff slide either.

7 Name: Person : 2014-08-13 14:42 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

I know I could just keep sneaking around with internet, but the longer I let it go the bigger the wrath is gonna be when my mother finds out. My step-father works for google, and he's some kind of fucking super-genius that knows EVERYTHING about phones and computers. He could check the data plan bill or something or, I dunno, he could do SOMETHING. If my mother asks him, he gives in so easily. It's probably cuz he still loves her even though he's dating somebody else and my mom is too AND their getting divorced. He always does what she says. -_-

Anyway, I want my mom to LET me have internet, not hide it from her. I can't take worrying about when she's gonna bring down her wrath again. That's why I posted this thread. I want her to trust me. ugh, but I know that's never gonna happen. I just need to try as hard as I can to change her mind.

And yes, she IS insane. And no, nothing traumatic happened to her when she was younger. She's just that fucked up.

Please keep the advice comin dollars. Thx, ~Person

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-13 14:50 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>7 He probably doesn't want to get on her bad side so she doesn't ask for money when they go to divorce court lol

9 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-13 20:15 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 I actually didn't have internet until I was I think 16-ish, my mom didn't want to get it prior to that because she wouldn't use it and didn't think that I needed it either. My sister and I had to buy the router and all the tech stuff ourselves but she agreed to pay the bill every month. I told her that my sister and I needed the internet for homework. Which of course was part of it but do you think that you could possibly use the same tactic? If you agreed to pay the internet portion of the bill by getting a job or doing extra chores, would she consider it? Get on her good side I guess, humor her, tell her that you are a very cautious person and would be nothing but safe on the internet and just pretend that you have taken everything she's "taught" you over the years to heart.
Actually I only just got a cellphone, for the first time, this month. I'm 18 btw. I didn't get internet because my mom wouldn't pay the bill if it was too pricey. But I did tell her that I needed a phone in order to check in with her when I move out.
My parents never gave me the sex talk or told me what masturbation was. The only thing that I ever got was "we don't want you being a slut and having sex with everyone.". I never brought it up after that. I've never dated anyone, that's partly because I live in a small town and I don't like any of the boys (or girls) romantically. The other portion of that is that my mom would probably say her excuses as usual "I don't want you with him/her because they're a bad influence." and such. She also tells me, "I don't want you hanging out with boys.", "Don't get friendly with boys.", etc and then has the gal to assume that I'm a lesbian (my dad especially is homophobic, I don't particularly judge him for it but it hurts knowing that they would treat me differently if I was with a girl), I'm bi but that's not the point, I'm just not allowed to date anyone or be gay. If it wasn't for the internet, I'd know nothing about healthy relationships or masturbating or any of the important knowledge that parents are supposed to give their children.
My mom is also controlling, not as bad as yours but she says I "attack" her or I'm "aggressive" whenever I stand up for myself. Frankly from what I've learned it's just better to get on their good sides and use that to try to get what you want, tough it out and focus on getting out successfully at 18.

I hope that this helps and best of luck to you~! :3

10 Name: Kirikomori : 2014-08-13 22:01 ID:xTlG3edC [Del]

My mom is not as bad as yours. But I do want to leave my family as fast as I can. Too bad it's hard to get a part time job here. When I have money, that's when I leave my house.

I was abused physycally and mentally until my second year on junior high school. But now not really. I wish for your luck.

11 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-13 22:36 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I'm going to hope to avoid the hate on this one, but...
So, from my perspective, it seems like her taking away your internet is not completely "unprompted." If your dad is this amazing with computers and such, there's a good chance that they know WHY you want the internet so bad, and that it is not pleasing to them. I'm not going to lie, if you were my kid I would do the same. I don't think porn is right. But this is no reason to treat you so bad otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's 100 percent correct in what she is doing at all. But I see where she is coming from. I would not let my kid look at porn. But being as you're eighteen, or I at least think you mentioned you were 18, then get out of the house. Don't be so upset with your mother when you could be getting out and living without her. Again, I'm not saying this to be mean in any way.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-13 22:40 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

**My bad, you're not eighteen. But this makes porn illegal anyways.

14 Name: kanra lau : 2014-08-13 22:40 ID:DXXINxNK [Del]

She sounds like shes overprotective, but in a ass kinda way. if you have the chance move out. Make your own life somehow. and if i may ask how is your father like?

15 Name: kanra lau : 2014-08-13 22:43 ID:DXXINxNK [Del]

I also live in cali LOL.

16 Name: TheGirlNooneKnows : 2014-08-14 01:07 ID:mzOE75x6 [Del]

Okay first...those conversations about the 'S-word'. It's not always about love sometimes it is about a guy/girl wanting to sleep with you. But it should be about love but it always isn't is already pretty clear your mom shows no signs of giving you back your sorry you might just have to live with that fact plain and simple. So don't I repeat don't use the 'M-word' all....
Third...the therapist thing. Fight for that. I'm not in therapy myself but people I know who are also believe that's the only person they can talk to. If your mom won't find you one go to a teacher or 'trusted' adult and word out your problems. One of three things will happen (only according to me) one-they will talk to you like you need to be talked to. Two- they'll help you. (In whatever way THEY think is best) three- you will be ignored. (But at least you have vented out.)
Forth...I personally love my mom and can talk to her....but yours is a total nut bag. Who I think has either been hurt, is way to protective (yes some people act like this because they think it will help you), or she has seen someone or know someone who has been hurt(this one much less likely...)
My fifth and final thing...I wish you the best of luck your final two yours with this horid woman. (Horid only from what you have said)

17 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-14 01:07 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>7 >nothing traumatic happened to her when she was younger
Whoa, you can't know that.
You don't think there are things your parents don't tell you?
That is some awful thinking.
Everyone, at one point or another, has had an incident that they consider traumatic.
There is no possible way to measure trauma.
It could have been something as simple as being approached by a stranger as a child.
Maybe your mom doesn't even remember her trauma.

Or, you know, maybe you're right and she is just a cunt.
If that's the case, try to live with your dad because her crazy is probably only going to get worse.

18 Name: Person : 2014-08-14 02:47 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

>>14 I understand why my mother is divorcing my step-father. He's a boring slightly selfish, mostly inconsiderate, impatient man. He's very distant and very quiet and automatically accuses people of stupidity. Seriously, he HATES "stupid people" but what he doesn't acknowledge is that because his annoyingly high IQ everybody is "stupid" compared to him. He cant stand people who don't keep up with his
"genius-ness." I'm in a special-education class for "slow learners" because i'm a VERY challenged learner. He's tried to help me with my homework in the past but we always fought because he'd get really mean when I didn't keep up or couldn't figure out something that was simple to him. Still, I never knew my father. i don't know his name. I don't know if he's alive. My mother told me he's in prison, but that she hasn't checked up on him in a long time. She won't tell me anything about him. Not even his name. Then again, I can't trust her, so whatever she tells me may or may no be true. She's fucking crazy after all. My step father has been my father figure since I was 5. Before him and my mother got married they lived separately of course, and whenever I'd go home after visiting I would tell him "Luv u daddy!" Ugh, I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about it. He taught me so much, even though he taught me so little of the knowledgeable things. He left his mark so many ways. Now he's living an hour away and before ya know it....Ugh. I hate this so much. Now my mother has a boyfriend she wants me to "HANG OUT WITH" and "GET TO KNOW" and my step dad is just being himself. Shut in and boring and so critical and just unpleasant to be around except for a measly 2 percent of the amount of time we spend together. And I only see him every 2 weeks or every week. I try to ask for his help when my mother is being abusive but he say's he doesn't want to get involved or I'm overreacting. Even when they were still together he never helped me. Ever. He would be emotionally abusive too, but only when my mother was because he needed to "be on her side." Like I said, he would do anything for her. Anything.

>>9 I understand. I'm a lesbian. I have girlfriend I've been with for two years. My mother told me straight up, after she looked through my emails and found out I was gay, that she thinks I'm going through a phase and she'll let it go, but that I need to "be a better influence" on my girlfriend and get through this phase. So fucking selfish of her. I can't trust her at all. I'm sorry your parents didn't treat you well. i know, it's so.....hurtful to know they'll put you in that kind of position. Good luck to you too.

>>10 and good luck to you too. I'm glad they're not so cruel to you anymore!

>>16 You're definitely right. I'm gonna keep fighting for that therapist. As hard as I can. I'm glad you can talk to your mom. Hopefully I get another therapist soon and hopefully I can trust her. I've had therapists who I can't trust. One's who didn't seem to understand me or who betrayed my trust and told my mother something confidential. And for no good reason too. She would share things I told her after each appointment and I found out and I was like "UGH you FUCKING BITCH."

>>17 I mean nothing traumatic that would automatically cause her to be a controlling trust-less bitch has happened. but yes you're right. Everybody goes through something they consider traumatic. Even me. I've been through some fucked up shit. I grew up in pure poverty being abused and neglected, then when my mother finally cares about it me it's unhealthy and abusive.

Thx dollars for all the advice! If anybody else can offer their help, please do!

~A person

19 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-14 03:53 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

My advice to you is to just keep your mouth shut, your head down, and deal with the next two years with a pinch of salt.
As soon as you are out from under her nose you can do whatever you want, but right now your focus should be on getting out of the situation.

20 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-14 21:06 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

do you have any close relatives

21 Name: YITMAS : 2014-08-14 21:33 ID:zjyxA2Md [Del]

Are you the same 'Person' who ran away the other month?

22 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-14 21:41 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

He's right. I had a similar situation but my mom still tries to attack me even if I'm 20. She believes since she's my mom I have no rights as an adult to be respect as nothing but a child to sit and be punished like one. You work hard in getting out b/c I got the same goal to just leave. I'm having a problem in getting a job but good luck. You'll get used to it. It's sad but you got no choice but be strong don't let it put you down. Smile and have fun as much as you can, really don't worry.

23 Name: Person : 2014-08-14 22:10 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

>>20 No we are originally from North Carolina. We live in California since 5 years ago when we moved here. Even then we didn't have any relatives. My family is very fucked up. I dont know my father, my step family is rich and snobby and abusive, i have a cousin in Massachusetts who no longer lives with his mother (my aunt) because she was too abusive and an alcoholic. about 2 years ago his father, her husband, killed himself on drugs. He was an addict. Now my cousin is doing drugs, and I haven't talked to him in about 6 years. My mother is on her 2nd marriage with my step father who she's divorcing. So yeah. Family doesn't exist around here. -_- Good idea though! If I could live somewhere else, I WOULD. I swear to god I would.

>>21 yes I am. I might do it again if worse comes to worse again. school starts in 4 days (Kill me now) and I feel like running away is my only option. We'll see. Hopefully things change.....

>>22 I'm sorry you're mother treats you like that. I totally understand what it feels like when they do the whole "You're MY child so you're still A child in MY EYES." I'm 16, but to her I'm a 6 year old teenager who thinks she's an adult and SOMEHOW manages to act like an adult AND a child at the same time. I'll get out as soon as I can. Hopefully.

~A person

P.S. Goddamit here we go...I think my mom is drunk. It's 8:00 here and she's drunk. I hate her so much when she's drunk. Fucking alcoholic bitch....

24 Name: Person : 2014-08-14 22:13 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

never-mind she's not drunk. She's just being really fucking obnoxious.

25 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-15 13:47 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Well I guess thats a dead end. You said you have a girlfriend though.

26 Name: kanra lau : 2014-08-15 13:48 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

If so have you meant her family before?

27 Name: Person : 2014-08-15 15:04 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

>>26 My moms family? She has a step family, but they're really snooty, rich, snobby, abusive, and just terrible people. My cousin used to hurt me physically and be really mean to me. He's a spoiled brat (my cousin) and his dad is a high-school douche-bag that never grew up and married a really spoiled teenager who's daddy gave her everything. And still does. Seriously, thats exactly what they are. My cousins grandfather gives my aunt ANYTHING. They're a family full of rich spoiled jackasses. And yes, I've met them. Too many times for comfort.

>>25 Yes, if the day comes, I might live with my girlfriend but she lives with her parents and is probably going to for a while. Her parents love me though, so that might be and option. XD

Today I'm gonna ask my mother about the therapist again. And tomorrow and the next day and the next day. I want my mediator. We need to talk, my mom and I, and we can't do that alone. It's impossible. School starts in 3 days (kill me now, I'm gonna be a highscool junior) and if my mother tries to take away my internet, I might just go back to sneaking it until I can convince her to give it to me freely. Ugh, if she would just give me more control, our relationship would be so much better.

~A person

28 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-15 18:37 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Thats what i thought to. Have you explained the situation to your girlfriend.

29 Name: Person : 2014-08-15 20:42 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Yeah. She knows all about it her parents are so nice to me, and their daughter. They seem to understand patenting more than my mother, but they can be real fucking jackasses to her sometimes. Still, they try.

30 Name: Tsutanoha : 2014-08-15 22:12 ID:rQqQxJ6S [Del]

@Person I don't know what to say, but i hope you'll be alright.

31 Name: Person : 2014-08-16 01:13 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Thank you. That means a lot! I love being able to come to the dollars for help.
Thx you guys and gals.

~A person

32 Name: Tsutanoha : 2014-08-16 18:58 ID:rQqQxJ6S [Del]


33 Name: Person : 2014-08-16 23:51 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

sigh, here we go. 1 day left before school starts. It begins -_-

Wish me luck dollars. I asked my mother today and she hasn't follow up on getting a therapist. I'll ask again tomorrow. We argued about the internet thing today in the car and I ended up crying. And i'm so depressed and scared, i dont want to go back to school. I don't want to be reminded every goddamned day i dont have any friends, that my grades suck, that my mother is disappointed in me and hates me, etc etc etc fucking etc. I wish I could change my life.

~A person

34 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-17 13:35 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Try to find people in common with you. Try to make some friends. I can tell your a good person, im positive there are people suffering common problems. So look for those people and try to help them too. Study hard :P

35 Name: kanra lau : 2014-08-17 13:36 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Good luck <3

36 Name: Person : 2014-08-17 14:58 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

thx you guys. Ill try.

~A person

37 Name: Fazeon : 2014-08-17 18:25 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>36 Good luck with the new school year man. Hope this year is a change for the better for you.

38 Name: Hakotaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-08-18 03:58 ID:C1H47bja [Del]

Good luck, you may not be a christian but i'll pray for you, Godspeed!

39 Name: Person : 2014-08-18 04:44 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

Thanks everybody! If I may add on, I'm super nervous for the school year for a lot of reasons. I'm in special education, I have very few friends, I'm a slow learner, I'm bullied a lot, etc etc, there's so many reasons. One if them being my mother of course. She has a habit of punishing me before my grades slip. She doesn't motivate me. She doesn't help me. She doesn't advise me. She only attacks me when I mess up, and punishes me BEFORE I mess up. That's my main problem right now. Every school year, for as long as I can remember, I would cry almost every day before school. Before the first day of each year, I would stay up all night having a panick attack or crying or laying on my bed depressed and shut down. It's 2:41 am in California, and in very depressed, crying, scared, and so so anxious in shaking. I can't believe summer is gone. I can't believe I have to go back to school.

I'm terrified, obviously. And that's why I'm going to come on the dollars every day! I feel I can confide in all of you. I feel comfortable talking publicly here, and I'm so glad. Thx for your help and wishes dollars. It means so much to me. I'll be back tomorrow, probably to talk about my shitty first day as a highschool junior. An 11th grader! Ttyl dollars.

~A person

40 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-19 00:33 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>39 I suggest finding a way to motivate yourself, that's what I do, work hard on your school work not for your mom but for yourself so that you can better your own life and use that to help yourself move out at 18. Good luck! And we Dollars are here for you :3

41 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-08-19 01:27 ID:X0jQcv4+ [Del]

I remember meeting a Jehovah's witness in a similar situation.

42 Name: Kanra lau : 2014-08-20 02:07 ID:ereVODaA [Del]

Does your school have a study group?

43 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-20 10:29 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Try staying outside as long as possible and study. I was just like that too. I'm a slow learner and used to be a special class too but then I got advance ones after awhile in high school. If you work very hard it'll be worth it to finish school. Don't go for your GED worst idea ever, its a lot easier trying to finish school. You can also see if you can get help in your school about your issue and tell them you are taking therapy. It's so that way they can understand and possible work a schedule to help you. I had that choice in my school so my mom couldn't interfere because I was working hard for me. A parent can't interrupt a student school progress because of their own will to sabotage. You're very similar to me so I'm very happy in trying to see if I can help. At least I'll like to so it can be easier for you to go about things.

44 Name: Person : 2014-08-20 11:37 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

Yes, I'm in an IEP program. It's a class for "Special students" and "slow learners." I've been in those kinds of programs since I was 8. My mother says in manipulating my teachers and not trying at all. IEP stands for "independent educational program."

45 Name: Person : 2014-08-20 11:41 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

>>43 thank you, I really appreciate it. Being in a special class is challenging, and I need all the advice I can get to get through this.

46 Name: Mitsari : 2014-08-20 18:02 ID:n6gHsS0+ [Del]

Perso, i understand completely what you are going through. I was in your position not too long ago, though there are slight differences in our lives. My advice to you is to bear with your mother for a little longer. You have two years, then you can get the hell out. Use the time to save as much money as you can, so when you hit the magical age of 18 you will have enough to afford being on your own. Or try talking with a friend irl and see if they would be willing to room with you to help with expenses.

47 Name: Person : 2014-08-21 22:21 ID:eu20Sa2Q [Del]

>>46 When I'm 18 I'm gonna live with my girlfriend because she'll almost be 20 by then. And I cant stand my mother. Can't wait o get out.

48 Name: Mitsari : 2014-08-21 23:14 ID:n6gHsS0+ [Del]


Just hang in there. Once you turn 18, you are free from her abusive and paranoid behavior. I managed to get out, and i am rooting for you to do the same =^^=

49 Name: Person : 2014-08-22 11:19 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

Hey dollars. Last night, my mother got really really drunk. She told me after we started fighting for the 3rd time that day something that has completely changed my world. AGAIN. I don't know how she keeps managing to hurt me in the most drastic ways but she does. She told me her boyfriend proposed to her 3 months ago, and that they're getting married. Apparently my step father, who I've slowly been coming to trust, KNEW about this. And he never fucking told me. I feel so betrayed. He's on a trip with his girlfriend right now, and we went to sushi like we do whenever he visits. While we were at sushi we started talking about my "friend" who is actually my girlfriend. I don't think my step dad knows that I'm lesbian but he probably suspects it. Especially with the amount I talk about my "friend" and the amount of times I hang out with her. I was thinking, while we were eating sushi, about telling him about me. I'm so fucking glad I didn't. I can't believe he never told me about mom. Despite how shitty he's treated me in the past, I've come to start trusting him. That is, once again, GONE. I'm definitely getting the fuck out when I'm 18.

~ just a person

50 Name: Person : 2014-08-22 11:21 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

Sorry I should've rephrased that middle part. He's on a trip with his girlfriend, and he visited us (mom and me) before he left for his weeklong trip. Whenever he visits we got to sushi.


51 Name: Epic Otaku Cherry : 2014-08-22 23:37 ID:DpnaflnN [Del]

This is the second time I'm writing this because apparently I pressed the wrong button to send this, but nevertheless, here's what I was trying to say:

If you can, as you probably know, it may be a good idea to do as well in school as you can. The better the grades, the better the university/college (whatever you use depending on your country) you can get into. And likely, the farther you can go, if you want to be very far from your mother. If you'd like, I'd recommend signing up on collegexpress (sp?) and It's a website that allows colleges and universities (in the US, at least) to view you grades and what you're like regardless of when you graduate. I signed up in 8th or 9th grade (I don't really remember), and I've gotten tons and tons of letters since (I'm a sophomore in high school now). It'll up your chances for a good school.

I don't really know if this is what I'd do, but I'd like to think, that if I were you, farther into the future, with a stable job and income, I might try and find my (your) mother some professional help. She definitely needs it. It in no way justifies her actions, but she can use it nonetheless. She's hurting herself, and even worse, you. If she got help, and it was successful, she could cease to stop being a danger to herself, as well as others around her.
It's an option, but if it's not what you want to do, don't. Especially if you can't afford it in the first place.
If you're willing to think about it in the future, doing this for her (despite all the things she's done to you), might offer some kind of closure or satisfaction. Maybe. You don't have to forgive her, and you don't even have to treat her the best, but you shouldn't let any hate, anger, or hatred or pain cloud you or get in the way of your chance of a better future. If you do something, hopefully make it something you wouldn't regret too much in the future. Please, be someone you can be proud to be, despite any faults or shortcomings. Still proud, and liking yourself.
She doesn't dictate (nor your step-father or your mother's boyfriend) who you are and who you will be. You do.
If you have good friends, treat them well. If you don't yet, keep in mind people can care about you, do care about you, and will care about you, and treat you better than one of the few people who should've treated you well and loved you didn't.
I for one care about you and your future, to some extent. Maybe not much as someone who personally knows you might, but I still do.

Let yourself be happy, and be someone you're proud of being, despite your past or what may happen in the future. Everyone deserves that chance. Including you.

With love that kinda sounds creepy from a complete stranger on the internet,
the eternally cheesy,
-Epic Otaku Cherry.

PS: If you want to talk to me or something, you can use this email: or if you have a account, PM me. My username is the same: Epic Otaku Cherry.

52 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-23 09:49 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Try finishing school and get a job, if you choose to live with your gf and her parents just make sure you follow their rules. Don't feel like a stranger to them, make yourself part of the family. You can always go to college anytime so worry about finishing high school and getting your life prepared. If you're not prepared you can be in real trouble so save up your cash as much as possible.

53 Name: DMonkey : 2014-08-25 06:34 ID:c83WSQZo [Del]

I think you should finish school and save money too, but, don't you have any other family member to stay with?
Maybe you grandparents, or an aunt, uncle...?
If not, maybe you can live with your girlfriend. Maybe not right know, but if you leave and you don't have a place to go...It would be better to stay with someone you love, right?
If you dont want to argue, you should evite your mom. By going out, or going to the library to study, don't talking to her....
I know it's a difficult situation, and i'm sorry i haven't got better advise for you.
But i think you are a wonderful person and you don't deserve it
I hope everything gets solved soon.
Maybe it takes time. But at the end you will be happy :)

54 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-25 14:22 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Well she already explain why she can't go to family help they're basically as bad as her mom so her lover is so far her best choice.

P.S Person, my lover broke up with me so I hope your side works out better. My lover got upset about my sleeping problem and been very harsh to me and felt the need to leave my life. Its part of my health condition so I was technically getting abused because I was crying about those problems that I couldn't control. I'm just letting you know anything can happen within stress even how much and long you been together. Make sure your lover treats you right and understands you well to not hurt you emotionally either if not physical. My lover was very close to wanting to hit me but stopped herself and told me it was done with. The reason she didn't hit me because I told her from the beginning if she ever puts a hand on me its over with because you don't do that to your love ones. I also told her I'll make her in charge of us breaking up too that if I'm hurting her and I don't notice just say it. I felt like that in her character she's a very respectful person and understand that's why I made lines like that. That was are deal to be together and promise. I'm actually happy enough that the agreement ended up working so we both don't feel hurt but more at eased by that deal.

55 Name: Sao : 2014-08-26 04:58 ID:oHWsFv91 [Del]

Hello dear.

first of all, I would suggest you to stand your ground. If you do your own things and start acting like an adoult, she would think of you the same way. My mom is no where near as bed, but it did work for me :/

further more - could you try get a job? If you have your own mony, she can't tell you what to do with it. If you need to go to work, you don't have to come back home imidiatly after.

If it gets to the point that you feel like she is actully hurting you (both emotionally!) you can ask your school staff for help.
- If you are getting to the point that you are so nervus you start hurting yourself, ASK FOR HELP. Your school stuff might be legaly obligated to tell your mother, but they will also be legaly obligated to help you.-

If you can't log on the internet from home, many coffe shops are good for that, and you can tell your mother you were out job hunting.If you actualy get a job, you can buy a second-hand laptop/tablet/smartphone and only use it for internet (you don't need a plan for that if you have wifi) also - your mother donsn't need to know you have one.

In school, I can't offer to much help. I personally spent my school years hiding away from people. One of the things that I found out was that if you are no fun bulling, they will leave you alone. Don't react,let the storm pass, and remamber that they are not worth it.

On studying - I'm willing to help with what I can. I don't know where you are from or what you need help with, but I graduated from school two years ago and I guess it's about the same everywhere. Maybe I can help. - email me if you need anything.

56 Name: Kirin : 2014-08-26 13:55 ID:PPgufIq3 [Del]

Have you ever heard of Job Corps.? if so, have you ever considered going there? cause they can get you your GED or your High School Diploma and they can get you your Driver's License and a Trade such as welding,security,carpentry,computer tech,culinary arts,or even office administration.

57 Name: Kirin : 2014-08-26 13:58 ID:PPgufIq3 [Del]

plus they also provide a place to eat and sleep while you stay on campus to get your education and its a free program and if you qualify they can pay for your collage schooling if you want to go there.

58 Name: Person : 2014-08-29 12:06 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

Im not sure what I'm gong to do when I get out of highschool, but a GED looks immanent. I might live with my girlfriend too.

I appreciate all the advice dollars. It means a lot being able to come here and talk to you guys and gals. I need people to talk to because school is already starting to crush me under so much pressure. Thx everybody :)


59 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 13:32 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I'm telling you GED gets harder every year and you have to study hard to pass it. Don't let high school get to you, all the ppl I asked that went for GED told my xgf you're seriously better off finishing school than taking that test. My family told me the same thing even if I wasn't planning to quit. Don't go for the GED go for your high school diploma. When you're studying you can ask for help in high school better than getting prepared for the GED. No one is going to help you teach what's going to be on the GED test like the high school test. I'm seriously telling you because of what ppl told me and I felt when they told me. Don't go for your GED its not known to be the easiest to get through life or every drop out would've had did that already.

60 Name: Person : 2014-08-29 15:39 ID:yCZor6+b [Del]

I don't think I'm gonna drop out of highschool, but I really feel like I'm gonna fail. I don't think I'm getting the diploma, so if that happens I'll get a GED.

61 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 18:22 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Ok then. I was actually worried b/c I wouldn't want people to go through a hard path to succeeding. At the same time have more confidence in yourself you seem like a person that can get through it. Its hard I know but keep trying anyways. I'm not the best at math but I did study a lot too get through it so good luck.