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I think my best friend is a lesbian!? (5)

1 Name: Nekochuwann : 2014-08-11 21:07 ID:tVlLZfXr [Del]

Hello minna~ ^_^ It's been a while since I've been here & I see we have new members,yayy >,< So anyway,I need a little help with a girl I am currently call my 'good friend'.However,I really don't know anything about her. . .It's weird because I don't know whether to trust her or not.U see,she seems a little unreliable & fake at times.And I just dunno what to do about that fact.Another thing I fear lately is that she might be a lesbian & in love with another good friend of mine.I'm not sure about that,though,so I wanna research a bit.U see,her name is Anna & I just met her this year,but we became good friends.She's nice & friendly,but she's also very weird at times.Plus she's got that obsession with my other good friend,Jane...I mean,she agrees with everything Jane says,does everything Jane does & even started watching anime (she wasn't originally an otaku) because of Jane.She's got an obsession about her,is talking about her all the time & always talks with Jane's other family members,especially Jane's older sister who is a lesbian,her gf. . .And I mean,they talk MUCH & about weird stuff.Like,they call each other 'baby' or stuff like that & she's also told me that Jane's sister had once pushed her against a wall & bitten her neck.Also,her tumblr is full of pics with lesbians & also has parts of "the L word" and some movies with lesbians she's watched.I mean,it's not something bad to have just a few lesbian pics on your tumblr (and mobile,actually)but it's like she's obsessing about it......Anyway,last week me,Jane and Mary (another friend of ours) went to her place and some really weird stuff happened......I mean,she licked my belly AND my neck.___. Oh wait,Jane did that too -_- & now that I mentioned Jane,let me add that she was all over Jane. . .Like,she had completely crossed the line of hugging -.-" she was actually touching her private parts & I dunno what else she did cuz I just did not feel like watching them touch each other's boobs -____- They also lured in Mary & when I tried to distance myself from them,I felt like I was different & weird.I mean,I once told them to stop,but Anna just laughed it off & told me I was being too serious and Jane looked kinda freaked out,but she did not do anything to stop Anna so I dunno what to think about HER either TT^TT I left her house at that instant,saying that my parents needed me home.In reality though,I was just very freaked out by all the things that had happened that day....I mean,am I the one who's weird here???What's going on!?Also,Anna has just started saying us stuff like 'you don't need a boyfriend to have a good time ;) or 'dicks are disgusting'/'I wanna become a guy T^T' but she says that all the time & to every single one of my friends,except for my best best BEST XD friend,that just stays away from her & doesn't really like her anyway....Plus all my friends at school like her......But I don't think I like her anymore,however,she's.....A useful source of info,let's say :3 So anyway,what would you guys do if u were at my place? :( Thanks for reading XD,btw~ ^^

2 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-11 22:02 ID:GZPNXkVq [Del]

I have lesbian friends that have hit on me, and I know it can be awkward at first, but it seems that your friends are a little too, what's the word, shameless. It really doesn't matter if their lesbian or straight at the end of the day they should have some decency around other people.

If you feel uncomfortable about it, don't go all homophobe on them, just politely let them know that you don't like it. Tell them that if they're going to do stuff like that then they should at least consider your feelings and thoughts about it too.

I have no problem with gay people, lesbians, trans, etc., but I kinda have a problem with anyone being all sexual and stuff around me. Doesn't matter who they are, it just makes me plain uncomfortable. So don't be afraid to tell them.

But try not to be to harsh with what you say because no matter who they are, people always get offended with the littlest things.

Hope it helps :)

3 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-08-13 20:36 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 okay, where do I even start? I'm bisexual. I am sexually attracted to women. How scary am I? I'm as harmless as the next straight girl. By best friend is a straight girl who fully supports me and encourages my sexuality and "awwws" whenever I talk about girls, which is the best, nicest thing that any bi/les girl could ever want in a best friend. That being said, could you please calm down and be supportive? If anything that's what Anna would love most from you.
Let's use a comparison shall we? Do you ever see those boys that are just playfully grabby? I've seen straight guys, best friends grope each other. It happens. It's for laughs and not for anything sexual. If it makes you uncomfortable, then just say so! "Please don't do that to me, I don't like it." or even "I'm really, really ticklish so don't". Simple. Don't treat Anna differently just because she might be gay. She's just another human being, treat her as such okay?
As for your friend Jane, if her sister is a lesbian then she's probably fine with other lesbians I'd assume, and it's her choice whether or not she wants to return Anna's possible feelings for her or not. And so what if Anna likes Jane, she sounds more like she's loved her for awhile. Now I can see how that could possibly create drama but feelings and emotions are just there and they can affect our personal relationships which is normal no matter the sexuality.
lol let me tell you something. My tumblr is 98% lesbian material. Please don't judge people's tumblrs. They're PERSONAL BLOGS. They don't have to be "normal". If you don't like it then unfollow her. I'm not a bad person for having a yuri themed blog, she probably isn't either.
Hopefully this helps you better understand things. Good luck :3

4 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-13 22:43 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Girls don't have to be lesbians to totally cross the line. There was this really... strange girl in my class for a few years that always got too huggy with people. I always hated hugs and being touched, and she feared me, so she would only speak to me. Eventually, one of my friends got extremely upset with the girl and had to notify the teacher that the girl had been grabbing her butt. The girl had a boyfriend and always seemed very interested in men. She was just really weird about touching people.

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-14 21:03 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I've been in your position before, OP. Just tell them flat out DO NOT TOUCH ME, DO NOT DO THIS SHIT AROUND ME. Be strict as hell. Remind them you're not comfortable with it any moment they try to pull that shit. If they don't respect that, then they're not worth your time no matter how close they seem to you.