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Food for thought (4)

1 Name: : 2014-08-10 09:49 ID:eNvnmE7f [Del]

So before I go on this little rant, I want everyone to know that I don't mean to offend anyone- and I quite honestly don't see how you can take offense to what I'm about to say. Anyway, don't feel bad or try to instigate something if you actually have this problem I'm about to address.

My parents think I have an eating disorder. Anorexia to be exact. But let me assure you, I do not.

I'm scrawny for my age and my body almost looks like one of a ten year old boy. Blame the asian genes and diet. My younger sister of two years is taller and unfortunately has better growing assets while my ribs can be seen at times and my height was predicted to stay at 4'll. And I admit, I have the appetite of a hamster. My relatives always pressure me to eat (curse the viets) and the fact that my hunger goes as soon as it comes can't seem to come to sense with them. I know they worry, but quite frankly, it annoys me to the point where I start putting the food back into the fridge. Call me scrawny and small, I don't care, but DO NOT pin as an anorexic. The doctor knows. Feed me less but more frequently. Don't shove crap down my throat and expect me to take it in like a plant photosynthesizing. I know I'm skinny. I know that one day I might get sick, but honestly- everyone knows I'm quite healthy- I haven't been ill as frequently as everyone else has (I somehow have a shield against sick people?). The only thing that may prove to endanger my health is the stress that they pile on me on top of struggling to support the family as the oldest and completing my schoolwork. And my nocturnal sleeping habits.

In fact I didn't even sleep last night :> thanks for lending an ear.

2 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-10 10:24 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

Have you tried additional exercise? It can help jump-start your metabolism if you are worried about your nutritional intake. If you aren't already, a more balanced diet, or even adding fruit/vegetables can help as well. I don't know much about sleep issues, but try setting a time where you sit down and relax before bed, maybe through reading a book. Just do your best, and look for new ways if you're worried about it.

Hope this helps!

3 Name: : 2014-08-10 10:49 ID:eNvnmE7f [Del]

Thanks for the advice ^_^; but my metabolism is way ahead of my body. I wish I had the time to exercise but the curse of taking AP classes does set some major times limits. I've been working my assignments throughout summer and I return to school in less than a week. My PE classes are taken online because I'm a busy body who wants extra classes =-=. But really, thank you for the advice C:

4 Name: :^) : 2014-08-11 12:02 ID:kQjs95S4 [Del]

Oooooh! Food for thought! I get it now! You're a genius OP.