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University, or not? (3)

1 Name: Glisett : 2014-08-06 09:54 ID:PDSVXDPa [Del]

University, or not? That is the question... ;)

Hey guys, I’m in a bit of a predicament here. My family and I move a lot. We’ve been living in Quebec (Canada) for 3 years now, and I just need 2 more years to finish high school.

That being said, we are thinking about moving back to the Anglophone (English speaking) parts of Canada. The problem is that here, in Quebec High school ends in “secondary 5” which is equivalent to grade 11. Instead of a Grade 12 there is something called “CEGEP” which covers the grade 12 material and prepares you for either University or the work-place, depending on your choice its either two or three years and it cuts off your first year of university.

So here is the thing: I want to be a 3D modeller and animator (like for video games and stuff) and I’m not too sure what to do. The educational expenses in Quebec are EXTREMELY LOW, I need to pay about 150$ per semester in the CEGEP I'm interested in, and It's a three year course that prepares you for the work-place. But I don’t know If I should go to University or not, or even if I should move back to the English speaking parts of Canada. Most of the gaming-companies I’ve read about say they don’t really care about where you’ve studied, just what you can do, they care more about your demo-reel and experience than anything else. But I’m still not sure, that’s why I’m here, asking for your help. Is going to University worth it? I’d appreciate your opinions! Thank you for reading my probably confusing question! :)

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-06 11:30 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>1 I say to give CEGEP a try first. It's basically a vocational program, correct? If you feel at the end that it hasn't prepared you enough, you can always go to a university anyway (and maybe even skip some credits? I'm not sure if that program offers it). If you feel it has prepared you enough, though, you can head into work without having spent more money than you needed to.

3 Name: Glisett : 2014-08-06 13:26 ID:PDSVXDPa [Del]

Yeah, it's basically a vocational college. And thank you! Your advice makes a lot of sense, plus I would be able to skip my first year of University if I take CEGEP and it would give me more time to work part-time and pay for my university fees :D