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Need help finding a girlfriend (16)

1 Name: Yamato (no im no japanese) : 2014-08-04 08:56 ID:fhN0jmkh [Del]

im trying to find a girlfriend but every girl i like always thinks im different or already has a boyfriend so im in a bad situation any advice or any girls that would be intristed

2 Name: Traffy : 2014-08-04 09:49 ID:1O7jbBmQ [Del]

The right person will come at the right time, just trust God. Don't focus on finding a girlfriend too much because if you rush things like love, it might not work out.Just focus on doing other things like studying, do your own thing, and I'm sure the right girl will come to you ;)

3 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 12:16 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>2 That's utter bullshit. UTTER. BULL. SHIT.

It's the worst way to think if you ever expect something. If you want something, you should never wait for it, but get it yourself.

And who ever said anything about the "right girl" ? Even her existence is probably bullshit. If he likes the girl it's fine, it's not because she isn't the one that she's not going out with him. I'll tell you, when a loser waits, only another loser will come to him, and not the woman he likes. He'll just resign to like her, because there are similar, because he can't get any better, because he needs love, or just because he falls in love with any nice girl.

If you want a girlfriend you have to get probably more charismatic and bold. You have to make her focus on you when you're with her, and not show too much interest. You're not a nice guy, you're an actor. You have to make her laugh and all the shit that comes with that. Also never be her friend, even on the first approach show interest on her, rather than acting like you want to be friend or something.

Also whether she has a boyfriend or not shouldn't matter. You're the alpha, the fucking leader, the one who's the center of the attention, not him. A lot of girls are ready to break up for that guy. A lot. If you get rejected, though, it may be a smart move to move on, depending on how she rejects you.

4 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-04 12:58 ID:xXBTuyaj [Del]

>>3 Okay, I agree with very small parts of that.... But as a girl, don't sit there and go all 'Alpha Mode', because I can tell you one thing: majority girls want to have an equal relationship, not a pissing contest (unless thats how the synergy works, but there usually is more than just that involved.)

But like >>2 said, don't rush things, sometimes the person who's right for you will come when you aren't paying attention. It gets frustrating, yes, but being patient and having to wait doesn't mean you will have to be that way forever.

As an example, my boyfriend isn't really outspoken or bold, he's more of the silent type, but he's friendly and has a quirky charm. He never figured he would end up dating me because my public personality is very harsh and unwelcoming, but after 3 or 4 months of talking in class and such, he started paying more attention to me because he noticed that harsh and unwelcoming personality wasn't always there when we spoke. He promised himself he wouldn't date for a long time (because his last few relationships ended bad, like they toyed with him, turned out to be gay, and the such) and he never had any intention of dating me at all because of my public personality and the fact that I can be apathetic and bitchy. But after a while he started to like me and I started to like him, sadly though, we almost ended up never dating because when it came down to it: both of us were really timid and nervous of the other rejecting us. But somehow we ended up sitting together on the bus ride home from a school trip and holding hands. We've been dating since then and he and I talk a lot about how it kinda was ironic how neither of us really had the intention of dating or liking the other, but now that we are together, we don't see how we couldn't have ended up dating.

Many people say that 'when you stop looking for something, it finds you,' and I agree, but you don't have to completely quit looking, because yes, you may miss out due to not making a move. So don't actively pursue, just be relaxed and consider possibilities with a girl you like. And if she is in a relationship, yes risk the friendzone because what I am about to suggest somehow ends in that, but occasionally speak with her about it, because not EVERY GIRL is ready to break up with their boyfriend when a guy who likes her comes around (we aren't in a fucking chick flick), don't be really pushy about it though, it does count as our personal life. People in general enjoy the fact that others put an interest in how their life is going with friends and relationships. But if she is serious about her relationship, you can tell if a girl has put a lot of faith in her relationship, don't get hung up on her, stay friends, but don't try to continue pursing her. No matter how much you think her boyfriend is a douche and you think things would be better if she was with you, because her boy may be a asshole in public, but he may actually have a heart of gold and is an asshole because he has pride or something.

I wish you luck with finding a girl!

5 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 13:11 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>we ended up almost never dating
You're implying you had luck which OP may never get.

"When you stop looking for something, it finds you" doesn't mean that once it finds you, it does all the job too. He has the girls he loves, so there's no problem finding someone. He just has to act, because the girls won't do it, obviously, unless they already like him too.

It's different from your case, he has someone he likes and it isn't an unexpected relationship.

I think it's normal to try to steal someone if you like her/him, though. Should someone really ever give up on his love ? I don't think so.

You're all trying to get him into a lesser love relationship. He has liked girls and you're just telling him to wait for one that might like him too, rather than trying to get the actual girl to like him. That's just the " loser finds loser " example I gave earlier. You're telling him to accept his social standing and not try to get any better.

6 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-04 13:32 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>3 This is probably some of the worst advice I've ever heard. Please tell me you're trolling. You're trying to get him into a shallow make-pretend relationship that's only purpose is to get sex and bragging rights of having a girlfriend. A waste of time relationship. Acting the part just to get a girlfriend is the stupidest shit you can do, speaking from the perspective of a girl having dated guys following similar advice. It creates an insanely high maintenance relationship on the guy's part since he has to keep on pretending to be some super alpha retard that the girl gets tried of soon enough.

As for going for girls with boyfriends, don't do it. A girl that's willing to break up with her current spouse for another is just as likely to cheat on and/or break up with you for another guy. Don't waste your time conditioning someone that'll do the same shit to you as she did to the last guy.

Also, don't be bold unless bold is your thing. Never pretend unless you want a short, shallow relationship with the goal of sex (in which case do whatever you want). There are just as many girls who don't like bold guys as there are those who do. It's pointlessly 50/50. You might as well save yourself the energy and go for girls who like guys like you instead of pretending for those on the other side of the coin. You're not going to have a long term relationship unless you can keep that mask on every. single. day. you're. with. her. You'll just get fed up with your own game after a while.

7 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 13:50 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

I'm not telling him to act alpha or bold but to become that. It won't be fake if he does.

Also a girl won't break up for another if her boyfriend is the right guy or good enough for her, right ?

Look, he's asking how to make girls interested, not how to find true love. I'm guessing he wants a relationship whose only purpose is to get sex and brag the rights of having a girlfriend.

And having experience, knowing how to flirt migth always be useful for "true love". I don't believe true love to come by itself, he'll need to be bold. By bold I mean having courage, not becoming a piss contest alpha.

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-04 14:05 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>7 You don't just "become" that. You also specifically said acting in your post. And there's no such thing as someone that's "the right guy" to a teenage girl that's dating casually enough to go out with a different guy just because he asks. If she's willing to break up with him, she'll most likely do the same thing to you when someone else comes along.

I'm not saying he needs to find true love, but if he wants anything that lasts more than a couple weeks, he shouldn't be pulling shit like that. Why wouldn't you want a stable relationship of a reasonable length? It's like guaranteed sex for a prolonged period of time.

And don't say alpha if you don't mean alpha. You're just contradicting your previous post. It's not helping him in the long term regardless.

9 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-04 14:07 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>1 As for my own suggestions. I don't know you well, but I assume you're pretty young, so this is just a loose list from a chick of what will help girls trust you a bit more.

To keep girls from being turned off by you:

1) Try to take care of yourself. I'm not telling you to gain or lose weight, but make sure your hair is well kept (preferably styled well if it's long) and your skin isn't oily, etc. Wear clothes that fit, maybe even try to match them well. Girls appreciate someone that can take care of themselves to a degree even if they're not super attractive.

2) Be confident when you can without being egotistical. This is a big to a lot of girls. They may be willing to help you with your problems, but most people (male or female) don't want to date someone that's not well off mentally. They don't want to be the 'mommy' of the relationship to make you feel less depressed (unless they have a thing for that which some girls do). Confidence also gives you a natural +10 attraction. When you walk like you know where you're going, talk like you know what you're saying, etc. it helps them feel more comfortable with you.

3) Don't be a dick to chicks just because your guy friends are around. This includes rating girls appearances, making fun of girls for their clothes / makeup / weight, picking on certain girls in the class, etc. Girls do it to other girls but often feel threatened by a guy that will do the same. Just because it's only you and your friends in the corner doesn't mean nobody will overhear it. Some ladies will put it to the side if you're exceptionally good looking, if you were close friends with her from the start, or if they liked you before they found out about you being an asshole, but don't rely on that being the case.

4) Don't publicly obsess over your interests. If the only thing you wear are t-shirts with animes / videogames on them, or if you always seem to talk about or do reports on the same things over and over again, etc., it turns most people away unless they're also really into those things. It's not always because they think you're weird for it, either; it makes you seem like the type to brush off other people's interests, and the last thing you want in a relationship is to be unable to talk about things that you're into. Try to keep it in check.

Now, to get girls to go out with you:

1) Figure out your type. What traits do you love? What traits do you hate? If you can't handle a girl that talks a lot, then don't go for a girl who talks a lot. That type of thing. You want to have standards.

2) Observe the girls that interest you (without stalking them). If they're a little more outgoing, you might want to try adding them on social media to get to know their interests better. That'll let you engage in casual conversation later on.

So now you know her, and she should have a vague idea of who you are.

3) Become friends. (This isn't always a step. If you find that she's really interesting and would make an amazing friend, then go ahead and try to be friends with her. Do NOT do this with the intention of going out with her. Do it because she's someone you'd want to be friends with. If you think she wouldn't be good as just a friend, then skip to 4.)

4. Ask her out. Seriously, just ask her out. If she says no, then move on to another girl (preferably someone she's not close to). Rinse and repeat. You'll find a girl who'll say yes eventually, and after you've dated some, you'll find someone worth staying with for a longer period of time.

Some guys like to put in the 3.5, which is an obscene amount of flirting. Please don't do it unless it's a girl that appreciates it. There are a lot of girls that get offended by flirting and will immediately remove you from their potential candidate list. However, if you're willing to take the risk, I'm sure there are others who will appreciate it, and it may increase your chance at someone saying yes at point 4.

Good luck o:

10 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 14:16 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>9 Your advice n°2 is basically the boldness I'm speaking of.

In your second list of advices, I think 3.5 is needed you. You don't want a confession out of the blue, and you need to get the girl to like you rather than see you as a friend. In my opinion the amount is what matters, not whether there should be a 3.5.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-04 14:40 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

>>10 You can be confident without being bold. Bold is that tightrope you walk between being confident and egotistical. You shouldn't walk it unless it's something natural to you.

When a guy flirts with me, he immediately gets categorized as an asshole and is denied entry. There are plenty of other girls who share this opinion, even if they are not the majority. Flirting, no matter how harmless, comes with a risk of completely turning the girl off.

And I never said to ask them out of the blue. Get to know them and vice-versa. If they're even vaguely interested, they'll give you a yes or a maybe (or a "I want to know you better first" type of thing). If they say no, they most likely wouldn't have been interested in you in the first place no matter how much you flirted. It keeps you from wasting your time.

13 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 15:29 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

>>12 If you know them it's still out of the blue if she thinks of you as a friend, isn't it ?

14 Name: Fazeon : 2014-08-04 15:59 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

>>1 To be honest OP, I haven't been in a relationship before. I've been longing to get into one. But that doesn't mean I don't know what to do.

Many times, everyone tells me that "the right one will come along sometime." Although this may be true to an extent, nothing is ever going to happen unless you start contributing to it as well. You can't just sit back, do nothing, and wait until a girl comes up to you and asks you out herself. (It can happen, but chances are, it isn't.) I simply suggest following what >>9 said.

As for my very own advice, just simply be nice to girls. Some of them want that, some may not (I haven't seen a girl who would want an abusive boyfriend, but whatever). Being nice to girls in general not only shows them that you're nice, but also allows them to think that they could be comfortable around you. As cliche as it sounds, but be yourself as well. When you pretend to be one person, but are actually hiding what you really are, I honestly don't think it will be beneficial at all on your part.

Anyways, good luck on finding one.

15 Name: ZAK : 2014-08-05 14:03 ID:6DLma1Xj [Del]

Not that i can help, but what you need is to be brave. imagine it like a dungeon, you the hero, her the princess, the monsters and traps are the obstacles, of course no potions called re-do. go move forward, and once she rejects accept it as a man, even defeats are considered as experience.

16 Name: McGurganatorZX : 2014-08-05 22:29 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

If you still need some advice, hopefully I can shed some previously unused light (I hope).

Do NOT look at a girl and simply think "I could date her". The best relationships I have seen are built on solid friendship.

At the same time, do not be afraid to take a step outside of the friend bubble. Go on a fun date. Have a fun lunch out in whatever city is nearest, go see a movie, or a play if she happens to be theatrically engaged.

Just remember, this person is someone who you want to share your life with and you want to be there for literally as much as you can. You'll pull through, trust me.