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Always being put on! (6)

1 Name: Roxanne : 2014-07-31 14:47 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I hate that my family don't want to freaking listen how to discipline a dog. She's young and I know for damn sure you're not suppose to yell at them, hit them or scared them. They're suppose to be treated as human. I know a dog can still get axiety and nervous conditions from this type of stupidity. When the dog was sick they just wanted me to leave her alone still in pain, I can't stand that it's heart breaking. My lover even got on me about it but its not my dog, and I'm trying. Why the hell do people think it's so easy to take action? I'm at risk to get thrown out of my own home for the sake of something, what about my benefits to live?

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-31 15:42 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I had the same problem with how my family was treating our puppies when we got them a few years back. They were yelling and screaming at the dogs as "discipline" and following the less scrupulous advice from the so-called "dog whisperer" to try to make the dogs submissive. I treat them as equals whenever possible and earned my dog's respect by training them at that level. Guess who's the only person in the family that they listen to? They just ignore my mom's discipline at this point.

I highly doubt your family is going to listen to you if you talk to them about the dog. The best you can do is comfort the dog after they yell at it and try to be on its side. Give it proper training when the others are away and try to keep it as relaxed as possible after it does something wrong. The last thing you want is a dog that's scared of all its owners; it'll snap one day and (if it's large enough) most likely hurt somebody in the household. It might even be best to keep the dog in your room whenever you can so long as it's allowed. You could also train it to go to your room when it gets yelled at or hit so you can calm it down.

The only other suggestion I have would be to get some books on (healthy) dog training and leave them around the house or pass them off to your parents as a suggestion. Maybe try out some of the training in the book while they're watching to slyly recommend it? Your parents will take a "professional" who's written a book more seriously than you.

3 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2014-07-31 19:59 ID:cLreRCSo [Del]

Yelling at a dog doesn't do anything, nor does rubbing their face in urine if they pee somewhere. Although smacking them on the rear if they do something bad isn't a bad thing, and that does work, but not excessive beating. Also, never tease your dog with food, it will make them aggressive about the food it gets. My dog loves and respects me, but even I get growled at if I get inbetween him and his food, because of the teasing my mom and sister put him through with food. He is overall a good dog, but he growls when he is in trouble... I think another thing that helped was when he got rowdy, and aggressive, I pinned him down in a dominant way, showing him he is not going to get away with that behavior. He usually licks me when I let him go, and is calmed down. I love that dog, but he is annoying sometimes lol

4 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-01 09:24 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

>>3 I do the exact same thing you do. Thanks for commenting though, I appreciate it.

>>2 Thanks BarabiSama for the helpful advice because I wasn't exactly sure what else I can do to help her and this seems helpful. I've been quiet training her b/c they literally don't want me doing anything but watching her. Like yesterday she been consitipathy b/c of her shots and I notice my mom was giving too much food and not enough water and that's why she screamed when she pooped. This time she didn't but she was in a lot of pain, I also gave her a bath since her poop was dry on her around her behind. Its a small dog too a 3 months Yorkie.

I'm very thankful to you both though b/c I didn't think anyone would reply and believe this is a serious situation but I felt maybe someone that have pet would likely understand. I just couldn't risk anything b/c I'm living with circumstances; as long I'm unemployed and couldn't get through college but still studying I don't think I should be going anywhere and putting myself into things when I shouldn't. Its out of respect and that I'm well aware of things would have to be done but not right way. So I thank you guys for it.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 20:16 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]
