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All of your flaws? (Or maybe just one) (43)

1 Name: Kattering : 2014-07-29 05:03 ID:AwBJKzY3 (Image: 600x600 jpg, 73 kb) [Del]

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What do you think your biggest physical flaw is? Write down your opinion, and why, and if you could, would you change it?

For me, my biggest flaw is my hair. Its very short and curly, and I wish I could have long, flowing hair down to my waist. I find it difficult to grow to a decent length and always end up getting the chop. Too be honest I've never liked wigs either.

Maybe its about time to just accept that and buy more cute hats

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-29 08:18 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

I have terrible skin. No matter what kind of treatment I try to use on it, my pores are always clogged with acne. It's also extremely delicate, which doesn't help a klutz like me; I have scars all over my legs from minuscule injuries that wouldn't have affected anyone else for more than a day. I have to shave constantly with it and almost always end up nicking myself all over because of how sensitive it is no matter what "no-cut" shower lotions or fancy razors I use. It doesn't even tan well because of the pigment ratio in it and gets super pale in winter.

There's nothing positive about my skin. I don't even need the smooth, fancy, perfect porcelain doll look, but I'd at least like the skin of a regular human .-. I'd change it in a heartbeat if I could.

Tbh, my skin might be bad because 2% milk was literally the only thing I drank up until I was around 13, and dairy is terrible for your complexion, especially when consumed like that at peak development. But on the upside I've never broken a bone no matter how bad of an accident I've been in ;o Go strong bones, boo weak skin!

3 Name: Lawli !kE7nekQeNY : 2014-07-29 12:16 ID:5Ks9wBJd [Del]

>>2 I... Actually, this entire post is exactly the sane for me, except for the weak scarring thing. :o However, I've started taking special antibiotics that have been helping with my acne. Woo.

I'm moody. Horribly, horribly moody, and it makes me snap at people I care about for no reason. It's very unfair, I know, but sometimes I just can't help it. I'm also very noncommittal and lazy...

4 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-29 12:33 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I got not one, but two genetic traits from my parents that are less than likeable. The funny thing is is they're related and make each other worse. I sweat a lot. And for reasons unknown, at random times my hands and feet turn either red or purple. Occasionally I'll be okay and normal but most the time I am not and it's really embarrassing. My hands and feet are always clammy if not worse and it sucks for reasons like, yes people do make fun of it sometimes, ask about it, are grossed out about it, I'll probably never be able to hold hands with a partner..., lab gloves are also terrible and occasionally it's disgusting which is you know... perfect because I love labs.
However I occasionally suspect that some of these symptoms are related to my anxiety which I have no clue as why but apparently clammy hands are a symptom of some psychological conditions.

I'm always wearing long sleeves to try and keep my hands out of sight. I have thought about seeing a doctor for it but I'm not sure, I've also considered getting my sweat glands removed but that's a really pricy surgery. Would I change it if I could? Probably not. I'm pretty confident and I know that there is a lot of compromise, I may have perpetually clammy hands but I have a nice body and brain, I have nice hair and skin too so I've made peace with this flaw of mine.

5 Name: Lawli !kE7nekQeNY : 2014-07-29 14:07 ID:rcHXAo0E [Del]

>>4 Well it's good that you're confident, Neko. c:

I feel like I have a lot of flaws, which I will list here when I feel like it, but I'm over all very happy with myself, too. I'll change what I can if I want to, which is important, and I'll accept the things I can't change. UwU

6 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-07-29 17:21 ID:5Cstl75S [Del]

I think I'm really flawful.

My eyes are either tired when I sleep a lot, or they hurt when I haven't slept enough and are red, making people think of me as a junkie or some other freak. I don't even see well even though I'm supposed to have 8/10 on each eye, I only see nicely ( also quickly ) with my peripheral vision. It also make me someone cold who doesn't react to people, BECAUSE I DON'T NOTICE THEM UNLESS THEY WAVE AT ME OR ARE LESS THAN FIVE METERS AWAY.

Another flaw is how my ears are sensible and can hear lot of things but most of it is unclear, mostly in conversations with other people. It has gotten a lot better though, I used to ask everyone to repeat things all day long.

I've been having a scoliosis ( humped back ) for a while too, and even though people don't say anything about it and I seem to walk normally, I'm still always nervous about not being cured.

Also I can't smile properly, because half of my mouth is weak, and I feel like I have some atrophied muscle on one side ( I can't feel a cheek muscle on my right side ). Basically when I smile it's crooked, unless I smile stronger on the weak side, but it's still not perfect because some muscles don't move at all/not like I want.

I also am often tired and light headed for no reason. My eyes just don't concentrate and I act subconsciously ( but I do it perfectly ). I've done it for so long I CAN'T SPEAK PROPERLY. Everytime my voice is unclear and extremely low, unless I get angry and start speaking properly. I can't be focused and full of energy unless I can't angry, actually.

It just so happens my nose always get stuffed. And my stomache hurts everytime I'm out.

I should really learn to focus to cover my flaws.

7 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-29 18:16 ID:YWnMB+Xq [Del]

My biggest physical flaw is also my hair, but not in the same way as OP. My big problem with it isn't that it won't grow long (although it won't do that either), or that its too thick or too curly (which it also is), but it's more that I have too much of it in all the wrong places. I won't get explicit, but let's say that I'm just shy of being Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.

Other than that, there's the fact I slouch a bit, but I've been working to improve that lately, and I don't really think it's a problem anymore.
I'm not particularly fat, but I have a bit of a double chin and it annoys me; think Zach Braff.
I have a habit of biting my nails, and when I'm out of those, the skin surrounding my nails. So my fingers are something awful to look at.
My nose is fucking huge, and I've almost always got a cold or hayfever. It's pretty disgusting.

Most of this stuff doesn't bother me that much, though.

8 Name: Equinox!mrNoxSnbOY : 2014-07-29 18:53 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]

I dont really concentrate on my physical flaws..(Not saying I dont have any. No ones perfect) My main flaws are mental.
1. I get anxiety when im alone.
2.I cant trust anyone no matter how hard I try.
3.Ive been known to have a temper
4.Im impulsive
5.Believe it or not, sometimes im too nice.
Those are just some things I dont like about myself.

9 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2014-07-29 19:07 ID:cLreRCSo (Image: 369x136 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

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Oddly enough I could say the exact same thing as the OP here, and yet I'm a guy :/ My hair is very curly, I can't do anything with it... I'd have to say, I don't see it as a flaw, but it's the lowest thing I like about myself... (I'm sorry if I sound full of myself, I promise I'm not) I don't really see myself of having any physical flaw, other than my colorblindness, and even that I don't really care to much about, most of my flaws are personality type things (again not trying to sound full of myself, I'm not...) but even those have a good side to them... My colorblindness is prob my worst flaw now that I think about it... I can't tell between a lot of greens and oranges, reds and browns, and blues and purples... it can be annoying at times, the way we discovered my colorblindness was when I was at school I colored all my grass orange, thinking it was completely fine, my teacher questioned why I did that, and I just told her it looks normal, like in real life. I can't tell between green and orange fruit loops unless I look at them side-by-side, nor with green and orange skittles... Other than like an actual disability, I don't see ANY physical thing a flaw... everything has a good side to it, even if it's something you don't want to hear, there is always a good side to it. Even my colorblindness, some military operations actually having colorblind people as scouts, because they can easily pick out camouflage from the actual terrain. And short curly hair is often seen as cute :3 Js ;) lol anyways I hope you guys can think of a good thing about your "flaw" ^ . ^ I'm off to other thread :p

10 Name: Neko : 2014-07-30 19:56 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del]

ONE main flaw of mine: the fact that I never stand up for myself

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13 Name: Joey : 2014-08-01 00:40 ID:T9GysRwU [Del]

I have a pretty big nose, and was frequently teased for it back when I was in school. I used to hate it, or rather the teasing that went with it.

14 Name: Sillo : 2014-08-01 05:31 ID:MARFNGL1 [Del]

The one thing I'd consider my biggest flaw would be my lack of coordination. I'm a too lanky and too clumsy.
Oh, I also have pretty bad skin. But that doesn't bother me as much.

15 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2014-08-01 06:42 ID:SDcUfpwJ [Del]

My weight, if I could loose 20 pounds I would be really happy, im not obease but I think im fat. I sound like a woman hu?

16 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2014-08-01 09:15 ID:cLreRCSo [Del]

well for guys it seems kinda easier to drop some pounds o.o just eat a bit healthier, not less, but healthier, and do some exercises in the morning, then your all set I think

17 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 19:49 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]


18 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 20:22 ID:z+7IUNzb [Del]


19 Name: kanra : 2014-08-11 13:23 ID:ci+MpDry (Image: 500x500 png, 86 kb) [Del]

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My one and only flaw is I dont know everything about humans

20 Name: AyeItzMumblez : 2014-08-11 23:04 ID:ZbydjDKX [Del]

some of my biggest flaws would be...:

sike, I'm very insecure, and I lack human connection to the real world... Also.. I have 'silly' fears. to ppl like you guys it may be silly ajaja but they terrorize me from day in to day out... ^.^"

21 Name: Kaye_pon : 2014-08-12 06:04 ID:GVgh4mC3 [Del]

My biggest flaw is that I don't like communicating with other humans.. In other words I hate socializing.. I really much more sociable whenever I 'm on the internet. It's very difficult to get along with other people so I'm striving to overcome this...

(Honestly I just feel like people aren't worth wasting my voice... I'm such a jerk...)

22 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-08-12 10:13 ID:7sxj8YPw [Del]

I'm selfish and usually insensitive to people's feelings and needs,although I don't really do it intentionally.
And I'm really scared of heights too D: I have to skip lots of activities because of it

23 Name: Kirbo !O4BVWmQIJM : 2014-08-12 15:39 ID:f6OvuoIK [Del]


I agree with your first flaw.. Same here

24 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-13 03:29 ID:o4T23zuW [Del]

Biggest physical flaw, if anyone actually read the description.

But you know. Whatever.

25 Name: Anon : 2014-08-13 04:06 ID:J1tWUbGB [Del]

My lungs (asthma) and my eyes haha (but I really like my eye colour)

26 Name: Kira : 2014-08-13 12:25 ID:xdOqzyVs [Del]

My biggest flaw would be that I'm not afraid to speak my mind and say my opinion even if it might hurt someone

27 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-14 23:09 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

1. My lack of understanding someone when they were offended and they're not telling me anything.

2. My hair. I wish it just stood straight and not wave and knot into each other at all. I love thpugh my hair being mixed blonde though.

28 Name: Sinnika : 2014-08-14 23:12 ID:jRi3ce/Q [Del]

My biggest flaw is my teeth, I am so embarassed about them. I wish I had braces when i was a child but my mother could not afford it. Everyone that is around me says my teeth are fine but i secretly hate them :(

29 Name: Ellara : 2014-08-15 00:05 ID:GC7uWGM9 [Del]

I am seriously emotional. If someone is upset I am as well. If someone is happy I get excited. And when people are angry I am pissed. I change em9tion fast and its scary sometimes. One second I am cheerful and the next I wanna rip out someone's throat.

30 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-15 08:51 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

Extremely violent outbursts. I've been held down because of them before. Change them..? I don't.. know. I always thought it was made me... me? How stupid, though. I'll be in jail and they'll be like, "What are you in for?" "Oh, you know, being me." Pfft.
I would like to be able to express my anger in a way that people understand that does not harm them.

31 Name: Ayaka : 2014-08-15 11:21 ID:ROgmqEgP [Del]

I am literally always bored. Of everyhting, and I get bored pretty fast even when I find something new. And that's sad because I don't even know what I want from life.

32 Name: Inuhakka !XminuhakkA : 2014-08-15 12:16 ID:tmxNO5L1 [Del]

My skin.
I've got some diseases and it's uuuugly.

But, it makes for a convenient way to scratch my face with something course and refreshing.
I make do with what I've got.

33 Name: Sakura!8cSQWJfJYQ : 2014-08-16 02:54 ID:H2dNRydu [Del]

My voice and attitude.
I'm a female, and well, if you put a bag over your head or closed your eyes and I spoke? You would think a man is in front of you. I've always hated it, and sometimes when my voice cracks, people say that only happens to males.
My attitude is terrible. I'm always rude and say the wrong thing, when I'm in a vocal fight with someone, which is often, I'll lash out and attempt to offend them in anyway possible. But I don't believe in putting people down, and I hate the fact that I can't control my actions or words.

34 Name: Gee : 2014-08-16 11:31 ID:bfwNN+MU [Del]

My flaw is that I say thing without thinking at all!!
my sister asked me if her wedding dress was nice and I answered her with my honest opinion without thinking it through and things got ugly (-_-;)

35 Name: Gee : 2014-08-16 11:37 ID:bfwNN+MU [Del]

My flaw is that I say things without thinking at all!!
my sister asked me if her wedding dress was nice and I answered her with my honest opinion without thinking it through and things got ugly (-_-;)

36 Name: [DOLLARS]Terrabyte !AzzGe6u3U6 : 2014-08-16 13:04 ID:1HmK7WPI [Del]

i think mine is when i don't realize what things i say, like being tactless, i think. (it always happens)

37 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-27 22:08 ID:SlcqHtex [Del]

I came back to this because I have a sudden intense hatred for one of my "flaws". I type it like that because a lot of people actually like this about me, or they think it has it's advantages.
I hate how small, girly, and childish I am/look. No matter what I do I SOUND LIKE A DAMN TWELVE YEAR OLD. I was walking home singing this freaking bad ass song when my iPod stopped playing for some reason, and I realized that I sang like Boo from Monsters Inc. did. You know, all freaking little and shit. I don't WANT to be short. But, you know, apparently it is all okay because going to the movies is cheap, I can go trick or treating until I'm ninety... No. It is so annoying. I hate it. And sometimes, my personality matches my looks so well I just want to rip my face off. I get frustrated and upset very easily. If I'm embarrassed I cry. If I'm sad I cry. If I'm angry I cry. If I'm let down I cry. Just... damn it, what the hell.

38 Name: Kida : 2014-08-28 00:52 ID:RRa4uDPG [Del]

My flaw is over thinking a situation, instead of doing something about it.

39 Name: 3005 : 2014-08-28 04:03 ID:Y8rVxIjA [Del]

I'm manipulative, and I only care about myself sometimes without noticing. I say things to have an emotional advantage sometimes. I hate it. Really trying to fix these things about myself because they aren't okay.

40 Name: WeepingAngel : 2014-08-29 03:10 ID:dIH7GzJm [Del]

I overthink everything and everyone. I want to take things at face value but just can't.

41 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-08-29 08:34 ID:Lfxij14y [Del]

Im far too loyal to those i trust

42 Name: Inuhakka !L2SpOOkyU. : 2014-08-29 12:16 ID:HRuSiren [Del]

"What do you think your biggest physical flaw is?"

Should we read the first sentence of the OP before replying?
Eh, fuck it.

43 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-29 18:30 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

I know I got plenty of flaws but not perfect. I'm clumsy as hell, I'm a brute also at times, I can think too much and long enough like I'm sleeping, like so bad I missed my train stop before doing that or won't notice someone is talking to me. I have no idea sometimes if I talk too much or too little or I just over explain things that sometimes I just don't talk at all and walk away or yell at them cursing too much here and there too. As long no one touches me I have no reason to hitting but maybe I get into fights too much. There's just so many I sometimes wouldn't care too much my excuse I'm human. I can do that I guess so over confident too. Sometimes people like it and it turns into a compliment so whatever someone describe it, is it really consider a flaw?