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Cheerleading or (6)

1 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2014-07-26 01:04 ID:PaHFeAz2 [Del]

Hi. I have a problem.
I'm made it into the cheer team at my school. (*sarcastic yay*) My first year, and everyone (including the coach for some reason) are really happy to have someone tiny like me to be a flier on the team. Honestly I'm not too proud of it, but I'm going to do it because I already paid to be in it and it'll let me tumble without looking like a showoff. It'll also probably make me a "happier person"(?)
Here's my current problem though, I have two weeks of camp. If I go to these two weeks of camp, I won't make the first game of the season. My mother paid for these two weeks of camp, and so she'll be expecting me to go. My sisters are also going and they will need me because they have issues. This is also the last year I'll be able to be a camper.
I know it seems silly, but this is really eating at me. My coach is pissed that I probably won't make it to the first game and then there's camp. The fact that my mother doesn't have much money and is sending my sister's and I to a really nice camp is killing me. What should I do? What should I choose?

2 Name: Sam : 2014-07-26 10:03 ID:S+YwECFz [Del]

Do the camp. If your mom already signed you up and it's something expensive for you guys, go to the camp. Good Luck!

3 Name: snot : 2014-07-27 12:53 ID:gX6/5xrb [Del]

It's not like the school team is going to go into a barbaric frenzy just because one person on the cheerleading squad had better things to do.
Go for the camp. c:

4 Name: ZAK : 2014-07-27 13:03 ID:6DLma1Xj [Del]

You got 3 choices.
1. Go to the camp, and finish it.
2. Go to the camp, then leave halfway before it's all done
3. Just go to your cheer squad, and have someone replace you for the camp, that way, the money your mom spent won't be for nothing.

5 Name: SilentlySinging : 2014-07-28 00:04 ID:o1ZdCbSr [Del]

I think you should go to the camp! Your mom already payed for you to go and it sounds like a lot of fun. The cheerleading squad will be fine. It's not like they're going to kick you out for it. Plus, it sounded to me like you were way more excited about the camp than cheerleading. Lastly on top of it all it's the last time you could ever go to this camp.

6 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2014-07-28 14:53 ID:2kApI5ff [Del]

I ended up choosing cheer. If I didn't, the coach would of kicked me off the team and my mother would start bitching at me for being a lazy fat ass that doesn't do shit.

To those of you who commented, thanks for your advice.