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Talking to yourself (26)

1 Name: Kaye_pon : 2014-07-14 06:55 ID:S+O3aSbY [Del]

Okay... I don't know how to explain this... But... I talk to myself.. And I know it isn't a good thing.. I don't know if I'm just lonely or I have issues but sometimes it's just freaking embarrassing... :(((
You see the other day, I was walking to class and then suddenly at the back of my mind I started having a conversation with myself... I didn't realize that I was already talking out loud...
The next thing I knew... One of my teachers asked if I needed help and my classmates were staring at me and they looked at me weirdly...
It was so embarrassing... But I can't help but constantly
do it. It's a bad habit and I might need some psychological help.. My parents think I'm crazy at times...
So guys... Have you ever had the experience of talking to yourself? I just want to know if I'm not alone in this... I really might need help... :(((

2 Name: Akira Chan : 2014-07-14 12:59 ID:AvUbz8VI [Del]

Don't worry! Talking to yourself isn't a bad thing at all. Most people do it, it helps to collect thoughts. I mean, I even refer to myself as "we" sometimes. And sometimes it is hard to tell whether or not you're talking aloud, so don't worry about it. :)

3 Name: Sid : 2014-07-14 13:08 ID:byJM/vyk [Del]

If its just you thinking to yourself out loud many people do it. It's if you aren't thinking but actually talking that you might need some help. Like if you are talking to a voice, or another, that isn't there. But it just sounds like your thinking out loud which is fine. You could always try to break the habit of doing so if you really want.

4 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-07-14 13:11 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 you are not crazy :3 talking to yourself is perfectly normal! It can mean a lot of things like you're a deep thinker, you may be a little lonely, it may even be a form of a coping mechanism, etc. There's nothing wrong with it and it may in fact be helping you deal with possible problems that you have in a healthy manner. My advice to you is to try internalizing that monologue, talk to yourself internally but just make sure it doesn't distract you, and make sure that you also converse with others and not just yourself. I hope that this helps!

5 Name: Omega : 2014-07-14 15:07 ID:EkQD/ZVE [Del]

I do this all the time. I think aloud and often have conversations with imaginary people when deep in thought. I am aware they are not real, but it is a habit or it is just subconscious. It may be because of my lack of socialization.

Don't worry, you are not alone.

6 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-14 15:11 ID:p0a9GtXB [Del]

I've actually been thinking about this for a while, and I'm not sure if this isn't true for anyone. Does anyone not talk to themselves on a regular basis? I concluded long ago many people talk to themselves and have conversations, but I wasn't sure if that wasn't common or not.

7 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-07-14 22:39 ID:vAgp71RR [Del]

Apparently talking to yourself runs strongly on my dad's side of the family. I didn't know it could be a genetic thing, but they all talk to themselves (and I do a lot too) probably far more than is possibly considered normal.

8 Name: Lawli !kE7nekQeNY : 2014-07-15 15:55 ID:AIgrwZAV [Del]

I constantly talk to myself when I need to vent. I sometimes imagine that there are characters from my fandoms around somewhere, listening in. But I've never had anyone talking /back/ to me in my head; it's always just been me rambling to myself.

All the same, I don't think you're crazy. As long as you don't start plotting world domination, haha. <3

9 Name: park hye jin : 2014-07-15 21:13 ID:mU2LfFvm [Del]

don't worry dear. your normal not everyone does it but sometimes words slip out and you look like a fool. It happens to me at work in front of the guys and girls I like.

10 Name: Roxanne : 2014-07-15 23:03 ID:LMF5T9uz [Del]

Don't worry, it's normal. Your brain is just more active with you so much it slips out and some people just don't understand but its the fact that you're a deep thinker and you get lost into it. It can be caused by loneliness too but it's not really a bad thing. Just say you got lost in thought. You might seem like an air head though to some people but you're ok.

11 Name: izano : 2014-07-16 00:11 ID:+j2Ey0Yv [Del]

don't worry about it, i always do it, speaking to myself to collect my thoughts correct myself or even if i'm just bored so don't worry it's normal.

12 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-07-16 03:25 ID:0XPva6qU [Del]

Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. My best friend and I both do it constantly- I'm more of a mutterer, she'll end up singing weird little tunes detailing all the steps she needs to do in maths or science. People who aren't close to us think we're having weird conversations, but a lot of others know we're both just completely oblivious to each other, and they're cool with it. It's just part of who we are, a little quirk we both share, and it seems like we share it with you, too (^-^) If you are feeling a little scattered or down, though, then I'd look for someone to talk to. Whether you ask for advice, or just rant and rave at them, school counselors and youth center workers are pretty cool people, and they can pass on tricks to help break negative thinking cycles and how to cope with stress, which is a causal root for a LOT of issues that crop up along people's lives. God knows how many times I've shamelessly used the counselor at my school to vent my frustrations, but I always walk out of the office feeling a little more centered and a little more proactive and in control of myself and my life. Sorry, this turned out longer than expected, but I hope you can get something out of it.

13 Name: NS : 2014-07-16 18:25 ID:no7Hez/I [Del]

Well, talking yourself out of loud may cause problems, but it isn't something you should get down for. Well, I don't know if it will help but you can try to take a personal time to talk yourself. Also you can write something to empty your mind, anything is fine. This problem may because of having many thoughts in mind, so emptying your mind sometimes would be helpful. And I would also suggest you to try meditation, it helps you to control the thought flow. best luck :)

14 Name: Slasher : 2014-07-16 21:24 ID:WEk1dAN5 [Del]

Don't worry. I talk to myself too, but then again, I have problems, sooo... yeah. Still, it doesn't really matter as long as you still talk to other people, or animals, or anything, or at least something that can reply to what you say.

15 Name: Kaye_pon : 2014-08-09 07:21 ID:GVgh4mC3 [Del]

Hahaha thanks for all that guys!!
This was a problem for me but I'm okay now..
^^ again thanks!!

Ps. I try to write whenever I think of a lot of things. That way they'll think I'm just brainstorming :))

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: Joude : 2014-08-09 08:48 ID:mqCHdUMc [Del]

nope ypur not alone....there are million of people who do that it's called "skyzophrenie" and for some's not a bad matter but a good one cause speaking with your self in an internel conversation proves your intelectuelle detachement ... shortly don't freak your not weird at all !

18 Name: Ogajo : 2014-08-09 09:11 ID:7mBJyvd2 [Del]

I do that when I'm alone , then I kinda explain the anime that i am watching to myself , is that weird ?

19 Name: Somniare : 2014-08-09 10:23 ID:GZPNXkVq [Del]

This is always my excuse:

People who talk to themselves are crazy. I'm not crazy because I talk to my imaginary friends.

20 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-09 22:15 ID:LMjnMXTz [Del]

Are you kidding me? That is how I think the best, when I bounce ideas off of myself out loud!

You're totally, undeniably, 100+ percent fine, methinks

21 Name: Inuhakka !SySTEMicAk : 2014-08-11 00:46 ID:ZiQYyQg7 [Del]

So, does anyone not talk to themselves?

22 Post deleted by user.

23 Name: Otoshi-gami !vBOFA0jTOg : 2014-08-11 01:30 ID:t9+enOsN [Del]

I talk out loud to no one in particular often and my friends think im weird.
p.s post 22 was me I made a spelling mistake and I couldn't accept it.

24 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-08-11 03:58 ID:g+FlyEaR [Del]

>>21 If they say they don't, they're probably lying.

25 Name: Shirai-san : 2014-08-11 07:12 ID:mah8/Vt2 [Del]

First of all, it's a part of human life. As long as you're not having a conversation WITH yourself about things like killing other people and other negative things like suicide or basically anything related to death... yeah, that's about it. It's also healthy to remind yourself.

26 Name: Eica : 2014-08-11 11:18 ID:H/GZiU1w [Del]

Don't worry so much about it :) It's totally normal!
My grandma always says talking to yourselves is the best way to get sensible answers xD
No, but seriously, I think it's good for you. I find that I always do better in tests and when studying if I talk to myself. Though I mostly have these discussions with myself it "in my head" when I'm in company with outers or need to be quite. If you really are worried and find it troubling you in your daily life, you might want to ask for some help. It won't hurt talking to someone professional about it :)